Who /still can't believe it/ here?
7 days later
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It's feeling more real the more he betrays his promises
I knew he was too good to be true :(
I believe that there is not such thing as victory, only continuing struggle.
I'll admit I was naive in thinking this board would be better after he won.
>falling for concern shilling and disinfo from the MSM
He's not draining the swamp.
His wall is a fence.
Open to keeping obamacare, admits to liking parts of it
All for fag marriage
Feel free to prove me wrong
This. One day the media is throwing a fit because he's shut them out then a few days later "BREAKING: TRUMP IS HITLER"
Um, It happened. It was predicted by anyone with a brain that wasn't rotted by Television, and maybe traveled the United States once or twice. Or maybe had friends on the right and new just how polarized and piss off they were after getting shit on.
He will drain the swamp, but draining a swamp is slow
His wall will be part fence, rest wall. It can't be ALL wall, for various reasons.
He's keeping two parts of Obamacare, scrapping the rest. He said he was going to do this during the primaries.
If you didn't know this, you're a retard.
No shit, didn't really expect it. Just wanted the message sent.
Voted. Message Sent.
It gets much worse if they ignore it completely.
Source: The MSM who got the entire election wrong
Trump has no Media following him. All this shit is from that kike Ryan or someone else.
>.> Yeah, I remember his market solution. It was getting rid of state lines and making the monopolies compete against each other.
Not a single liberal actually heard that though.
>He will drain the swamp, but draining a swamp is slow
He's actively putting them in his cabinet
Trump said his cabinet would be a mix of outsiders and experienced insiders. So far this is true.
I knew this board wouldn't "be better" and I expected massive amounts of butthurt, but I didn't expect retards recreated black lives matter riots because their candidate lost. These people don't actually give a shit about politics or the outcome but they are literally acting like right wing death squads are coming to kill them at any minute if they don't protest.
How is it not better now?
You don't actually think there was any other way do you?
He can't navigate Washington without those people on his side. If you had voted for a Washington insider, this wouldn't be the case. But as it stands, we all voted for someone with absolutely NO fucking political experience. He's going to need people on his side to help him figure all this shit out.
At least we can hope that they're on his side. And from what I've seen with Reince, Rudy, and Gingrich I'd be willing to say that if he uses those people at least he'll have people that have been with him the whole fucking way. This might not matter, but it probably will.
Washington insiders can want to drain the swamp too, you know.
I can't believe libtards are still super salty about it
Feels good man.
ok CTR
>he needs the swamp!
>only the swamp knows how to run the country!
Wtf, then his promise is dead and stupid to begin with
Best quote ever
Fuck off CTR cunt. He's been 100% True to his words during his campaign. If you have a problem with his policies now its because youre dumb underage ass didnt pay attention in the first place
Get raped CTR
He has not contradicted anything he said during the campaign.
Just wait till he becomes an actual president
This concern trolling CTR bullshit. Fuck off faggot whore
Trump literally never said his cabinet would be 100% composed of outsiders, in fact he said that it would be a mix of outsider and insiders.
This is true as he has Bannon and Priebus in his cabinet.
No it isn't, you just aren't capable of understanding it.
Sorry somebody had to be blunt with you for you to understand.
He's already said in the past that part of the wall would be a fence. Building a wall in the mountains isn't that easy.
He already said he would keep pre-existing conditions as part of his health plan.
He supported LGBT for months before the election.
Yes, some Neocons have been speculated to be on his cabinet, but not all of them are buddy buddy with Washington establishment. Trump most importantly wants to pick qualified people that he can control. This is most important.
>let's load the WH with people who have no experience in Washington
Really counterproductive.
>the wall will be part fence
It's not feasible otherwise, if you were old enough to be cognitive when the idea of the wall was floated previously you'd know this is old news.
>that horseshit about Obamacare
It's literally the same shit he's said something since the very beginning.
>fag marriage
I bought into the landslide meme over a year ago.
Even so, I'm still in disbelief that it actually fucking happened (and we're being blamed for it, kek)
man the fuck up and stand by our president.
MSM is just spreading disinfo
ironic bait/10
Life has felt like a dream ever since Nov 8th.
>tfw in some parallel universe Brexit failed and Trump lost to Clinton
>Lie being pushed by MSM and you fell for it like a bluepilled cuck
>Lie being pushed by MSM and you fell for it like a bluepilled cuck
>Lie being pushed by MSM and you fell for it like a bluepilled cuck
>He never said he was against Fag marriage and said states should desided but like the bulepilled cuck you fell for more MSM lies
In short You are a Bluepilled black dick smoking faggot who is trying to get Sup Forums to turn it's back on trump so they help you in making the electors not vote for trump.
go fuck yourself
I was just watching this because I feel a little down.
I'm behind on school and my health is in the shitter but I'm just damn happy that I don't have to worry about my country for the time being. I don't have to worry about a future for my kids, after years of all this anti-rights anti-whites jew controlled hyperliberal over-progressive politcally correct degenerate bullshit they didn't fucking win. Those dumb fucks almost elected god damn queen lizard supreme. But when I watch that video it gets me fucking pumped that not only did they lose that maybe we have a chance at improvement and that chance is now.
Don't let us down Donny boy. We don't need a crochety old republican an we don't need someone to "stir things up". We need first and foremost an enforcer of the constitution and a patriot.
Don't let me down big Don
that's what I'm doing. I'm a lifelong lib who voted Trump and I realize every day that passes that I indeed made the right choice.
I still can't believe Jeb! didn't run as an independant. He would have wiped the floor of Clinton and Trump.
>Parroting CNN talking points
Are you fucking retarded, or are you one of those "muh ideological purity" stormcucks?
>Open to keeping obamacare, admits to liking parts of it
He only said he wanted to keep the provisions for pre-existing conditions and allowing people under 26 (such as your NEET ass) from staying on their parents' plan.
Of course, according to CNN and you, *those* are the main part of Obamacare, not the economy-destroying "marketplace" system.
tl;dr: neck yourself you low-info cuck
There was a lot of talk about fighting globalism but really it was just like "lets elect trump lol". From the climate of Sup Forums two weeks ago I was expecting continued coverage of CTR/HRC/CF/Pedosta/MSM getting destroyed, motherfuckers learning french to help elect le pen, jews getting named left and right. Its gone back to average shitposting, which is fine, I just expected more fired up activism to continue, especially bolstered by the recent win.
>Stephen Bannon—recently named one of Donald Trump’s top White House advisers—may have gotten paid illegally during Trump’s campaign by pro-Trump billionaires.
That happens when the enthusiasm for the winner and loser were Romney level bad
who are the outsiders in this instance? Ben Carson doesn't count since he announced today he does not want a cabinet position
I'm still in fucking awe this has been the best news in fucking ever. Having those faggot ass sjws cry salty tears was so satisfying. And when he gets inaugurated believe me they will flow again LOL PRAISE KEK
This. 10x.
Daily reminder that Soros is having a meeting with Democrats to stop Trump. Ignore the false concern shilling.
They said he would lose the primaries, they said he would lose the generals, and now the same shills are saying he is going back on his promise before the man implements one fucking policy.
CTR youre done. Go back to starbucks, schlomo is going to cut off half your staff when he runs out of money.
I unironically wrote in Webb, so I'm not too upset by the result and all the salt.
Was just thinking this
Pinch me!
this election season has been an exhausting 18 month marathon and even autists need a break
If Trump doesn't succeed we have to start being honest, the only way to drain the swamp will be to destroy the swamp. We will have to kill literally every politician and start over. I'm not making a threat I am just speaking the truth, this post is satire FBI.
i put a bunch of the trump music from the generals dating bsck to last september or so on my phone
everytime i drive (long ass commute to work) i play the music via bluetooth
iget chills when the jason seales / right side music comes on, or rolling stones' "cant always get what you want"
l.a. fag here, sometimes my trump music shuffles on randomly as i drive through downtown and see the faggys with their FUCK RACISM signs in hand
surreal feels
>Got into debate with a black chick after she saw my MAGA
>For some reason turned into an idiot and didn't present numbers and facts
Fuck it, I've failed hard. I can do philosophical debates but political is just shit for me.
i think about it everyday at almost every moment. i'm still literally shaking
Kek approves this message!!!
We here senpai.
>I knew he was too good to be true :(
GUYS I AM FROM THE TIMELINE WHERE HILARY WON. I AM AN INTER DIMENSIONAL ILLEGAL ALIEN. Please don't deport me. I promise to aid this timeline and pay 80% taxes. I promise to be a good citizen of the (((Bernstein Bear))) timeline.
I love how he is appointing Bannon as his advisor and rustling the entire left.
i'm think that only a tiny portion of it will actually be a wall, and the rest will just be a fucking tennis fence where they're just gonna find a new main route through anyway.
be realistic with me. no one really believed he could build such a monstrosity under one administration
>He's not draining the swamp.
Getting rid of corruption non-violently will take time and effort, I just hope he gets the ball rolling and adds term limits to congress.
If you have a problem of less corruption then kys shill.
>His wall is a fence.
I don't care if Trump Wall is a legal metaphor as long as it keeps the Illegals out.
>Open to keeping obamacare, admits to liking parts of it
Cool, lets keep what works and trim the fat
>All for fag marriage
When has Trump ever been against fag marriage? Have you not been paying attention at all?
Damn CTR, Trump isn't even President yet and your damage control speaks volume on how damage the DNC is from this. I would say good luck for 2020 but at this rate, gee I don't know.
My sides have been in orbit for a week now, after Hillary and her SJW retarded minions have been BTFO.
I can never thank you enough, America.
SJWs argue feels, not stats
best to just drop a few stats and walk away. particularly, how the african anerican middle class and income fell under obama
during dinner the radio host said 'the new president of United States: Donald Trump ...'
and i just couldn't believe it
I still cannot believe it. I've been watching reaction videos of liberals for an entire week and it never gets old. It's fucking incredible.
i think having lobbyists or whatever is great. mind you, this is for his transition team. but they know all the dirty secrets and they have to fucking tell him because he is the president.
he is going to appoint the greatest, most qualified people in government to help him. people he can trust, using the knowledge of the untrustworthy.
israelis have perfect the art of walls
all trump has to do is text/tweet bibi for some wall infographics
>mfw I stayed up for two days straight watching election and the ensuing butthurt
>mfw popped champagne when he won
>mfw won't get drafted to fight against cr*ats and alb*nians because no WW3
>mfw wtf I like america now
life is good
You may have sucked 100 dicks before posting this.
Can anybody please post the meme image that says how are you going to explain to your friends why you voted for Trump, but with Literally Hitler. Literally at the end? I need it for uhh... research.
It's only been a week? It seems like it's been way longer.
>meme image
i see you
Loving Every Laugh
You're stupid if you think Trump will accept anything other than the best. He took the presidency from Hillarys NASTY old ass hands and threw the left to the side of the road.
I open my eyes in the morning, remember, and smile. What a time to be alive.
this last one
if he took the presidency from a crooked politician, then he most definitely spend taxpayer money on a goddamn construction project
>He can't navigate Washington without those people on his side.
As much as it fills me with dread that we elected someone with no political experience this. I acknowledge Trump is still learning some of the political ropes. I only pray he's serious about draining the swamp and not going to flop on it.
Next Tuesday night, I would like to relive it in its entirety by streaming the 9 hours of the ABC coverage to experience it again in realtime.
Im trying to hunt down the whole night of CNN coverage because their maps and math are unbeatable in telling the nightly story of how it all went from smug confidence to realization they lost.
I was watching CNN, Crowder, Metokur, and TYT on Election night, and want to partake in experiencing it from ALL outlets that reported it.
Strongly considering making the Tuesday stream a bi-weekly event until all coverage has been watched and rewatched and relived.
i feel ya
have been watching liberal salt for a week now, schadenfreude is only now beginning to drop
also, the left is eating itself, which is amazing to behold
Even if he does I am all for it. BUILD THAT GRACIOUS WALL!!!
Instagram, whatever. I thought this victory high would end after a week, but it hasn't. I have uppity facebook libcuck "friends" I need ass blast!
i love how all the libtard tears started flowing again after his bannon pick.
California who's fuckin vote didn't count reporting in, I don't care if I ever come down, the red states made this young man very happy.
Did you vote Trump?
If you didn't, thanks for all the "muh popular vote" riots, jackass
Stay mad jelly fag
I did vote Trump, I just had to do it after work, I had to support him.
You would think that by now everyone would know that the mainstream media is full of shit.
I've had an erection since early last Wednesday morning. My doctor is baffled.
> I don't care if I ever come down
still listening to this on repeat. The 3 hour version got taken down
Just look at the facts in this image. There's no way this guy should have won. Absolutely no way. The entire deck was stacked against him
>mfw my record has been corrected.
>The real source of sea level rise
good job MAGA bro.
let's rest another week and then continue the fight against Soros
It has been a comfy ride
can someone give me a /you/ i was about to patriotically cry when i wrote this post
That's right. He's not going to make America sort of OK - He's going to Make America Great Again! And he will hire great people to help him do it. Praise Kek!