>USA is more important than UK
>Brazil is more important than Portugal
>fucking Mexico is more important than Spain
Was Colonization a mistake?
USA is more important than UK
Really fires my neurons cause increased levels of electro chemical activity in certain areas of my brain.
>British toilets are more important than Poland
I guess it was, now get back to work.
>fucking Mexico is more important than Spain
Except it isn't.
what has spain done in the last 20 years?
meanwhile mexicos so important we elected trump just because of them
Not at all.
Every parent hopes their children enjoy a greater life than they had for themselves.
México, usa and Brazil are fucking huge and basically free land, here in Europe we have had dozens of states competing for a fixed amount of land and resources
>t. retard
In that case the Islamic State must be the most important country in the world.
Ignore the moron, he thinks being a plague on earth is the same as being important.
>>Muslims and Marxists are more important than the English
Certainly more important than some sun bleached spaghetti nigger
and you niggers are important because?
No, no it is. The fuck does Spain manufacture?
Poland is very important
what went absolutely fucking right with america, lads
what's with this glorious continent that pushes its people to be the absolute best?
Lmao fuck off you third world shit brains
fuck off amerilard
it's the space and beautiful landscapes
Jobless people.
What am I looking at here, a faulty polish toilet brush?
Would you rather all those white colonies be speaking A-rab?
Outside America and Canada achievement has nothing to do with it - breeding like monkeys until your population dwarves your former masters doesn't make you good countries
>and you niggers are important because?
We are the literal food market of the world mate, if we stopped selling our food products from agriculture and pecuary the food prices around the world would skyrocket.
You on the other hand is literally meaningless in every sense of the world, you do not have a strong agriculture, pecuary, industrialization, all you have is a bit of coal and oil that your neighboors already own after ALCA.
You don't see how worthless you are?
>The fuck does Spain manufacture?
Ham, salami, wine, and other such stuff, not very important but still much better than mexico.
You do know this thread is about us right? It is obvious we are supposed to be here.
To most Polish girls in the UK, it seems crooked-tooth Anglos, inbred Muslims and braindead blacks are all considered preferable to Poles
>Was Colonization a mistake?
Yes. Except for Australia.
Climate, resources, euro colonisers - hard to go wrong really
Mass Tomato fights on the EU dole.
They are richer, you can't jump over structural problems. Just like the English can't jump over the fact that they are run by Muslims, Marxists and Liberals who hate their heritage and have effecitvely destroyed the country
it's someone overdosing on weed
>europeons literally can't get they are dicks up
>import african and muslim cock so they can have a chance of competing with the greatest continent there ever was or will be
continentlets blown the fuck out
>mfw brazil alone is almost as big as europe
Europe turned into a bureaucratic liberal nightmare. Colonists soon realized how great it was to be free and embraced it.
>tfw I'm cumming feathers
The real reason is simple: trains.
Everyone knows the best product of colonization was Australia. We will be a world superpower by 2030, don't even deny it.
So my love of trains isn't just autism?
What in the absolute fuck is happening in that gif
>muh population
Then why isn't china or India on it
*tips fairy bread with beer spread*
right-o m8
what the hell is that?
nice maymay
It's a cattail, grows in river areas. If you touch it, it explodes with seeds for more plants.
I was crossing an intermittent stream where you couldn't even see the stream because these things were growing so dense. This was the result of walking through that
Only because they did it wrong.
>Ham, salami, wine, and other such stuff, not very important but still much better than mexico.
Mexico economy is better than Spain.
Mexican army is more powerfull than spanish army.
The only thing Spain has better is standart of living.
looks like a cattail
>>Brazil is more cuck than Portugal
losing them as colonies was the mistake.
No Bully Oles!
Brazil and Mexico are only important because of proximity and interaction with the US. Plus Mexico is 4x the size of spain and that Brazil is 100x the size of portugal. Also consider that spanish wine, women, and food are possibly the best varieties in the world while Brazil and Mexico are trash tier in all three
Hey Krzysztof, you know nothing bout the world...
It's sad to think that the entire world will become a mixed race shithole like Brazil as whites dissapear.
Becoming more important than your colonizers because you breed like rabbits in favelas is nothing to be proud of.
There is no pride in that, no achievement.
More important? Sure...
I rather live here though.
>all that delicious anti-trump butthurt
Perfect timing desu
why the colonies that are more than 20 times the size of the metropolies and haven't had a huge war between them and has the oceans as borders have bigger economies?
Why indeed,
>walking through a forest of cattails
Mexico is important to you , europe doesnt care about mexico americlap
and we didn't have any colony what's up with that
but we're still better than poortugal so
>fucking Mexico is more important than Spain
Not in GPD neither global or per capita,maybe global in the next 5-10 years but who knows, they r like 3 or 4 times Spain.
>Argentina was in the 50's more important than Spain but the corruption sinked that country
What has Spain done in the last 400 years? Has there ever been a more JUST country?
>conquered by rome
>conquered and raped by muslims for hundreds of years
>finally become independent
>retake iberia
>get some lucky inheritances
>get massively rich off colonialism
>try to be relevant and flex on england
>massive fleet gets blown away by some wind
>never be relevant again except when mexico is mentioned
The difference is we have a very small population while Mexico has 110 million people. They are gonna be important regardless even if their GDP per capita is shit. Ours is decent but it was Switzerland-tier in the 1950s.
hey u burger we r a shithole for 200 years not 400 WTF we even have half of uf shit country till 1800
Brazil is shit so is portugal
See brazil is shit so i portugal for spain
They sent the most violent natives to Pinoyland, giving birth to the Strongest Race in the World..
I always loved that gif