Why are Republicans so opposed to government-subsidized healthcare? I really don't understand this. It seems like something everybody should support. Trump said that he wants to keep two parts of Obamacare, but get rid of the rest. Why? It makes more sense to expand Obamacare rather than repeal parts of it.
Why are Republicans so opposed to government-subsidized healthcare? I really don't understand this...
Cause why should I have to pay for fat fucks like pic related's health care
Because you'd also get help paying for treatment when you need it. He would also be helping you pay for your healthcare. Also, lack of access to affordable healthcare is part of the reason why there are so many fat people to begin with.
I would have no problem with universal health care if not for all the niggers, spics, Jews, muzzies and chinks in America.
sweet quads
>Also, lack of access to affordable healthcare is part of the reason why there are so many fat people to begin with.
more like a lack of effort and will power on their part to buy actual food and prepare it themselves rather than relying on fast food
Because doctors aren't your slaves.
How about this. Notice people from countries with socialized medicine all fly in to the USA for treatment.
Why are you deserving of health care for free?
Pathological selfishness.
>Notice people from countries with socialized medicine all fly in to the USA for treatment.
Other way around.
This. Boogie has been saying he'll loose weight forever now. He's had insurance for a few years now and he's got fatter. Pretty sure he's wheelchair bound now.
When the government controls healthcare, they control your means of survival.
- Gov can say you are too old for a life-saving surgery
- Gov can tell you when and how to birth children. Remove your choice in how you take care of your childrens health. Enforce rules with raising children you disagree with.
- It gives the state a monopoly on healthcare - like obamacare - it raises prices, destroys quality, decreases incentive, so many terrible things come out of state control.
- Also, every nation that has state healthcare - have death panels, and treat your life like a line item.
- You pay more in taxes than the cost of the healthcare - so why not save money and get infinitely better service.
- Free healthcare is too good to be true.
Because I'd rather every last nigger die than get help on my dime.
>Because doctors aren't your slaves.
Never said they were.
>Notice people from countries with socialized medicine all fly in to the USA for treatment.
[Citation Needed]
>Why are you deserving of health care for free?
It wouldn't just be me benefiting. Everybody would benefit. Also, it doesn't necessarily have to be free. Just affordable. Obamacare subsidizes based on income level. The lower your income, the more help you get.
I don't think it's the government's job to maintain the health of idiots who make poor life choices.
If I smoke enough cigarettes to get cancer, I shouldn't demand your tax money for my treatment.
If I eat garbage and get fat and diseased, I deserve to die without the help of your tax dollars to postpone my inevitable death.
If I'm born with crippling ailments, that's just too fucking bad for me. Sometimes life just isn't fair.
>Only people who make "poor choices" get sick
Spotted the normie
Everyone gets sick, and if you can't afford the price to heal yourself, oh well. That's life.
Life expectancy is a bell curve. Some people just happen to die at 40, and others just happen to live to 110. If you fall at the shorter end because you couldn't afford treatment otherwise, oh well.
>Obamacare is government subsidised healthcare
People still belive this 8 years later. If your going to argue for something at least know what the fuck you're talking about.
>Everybody would benefit.
why would someone who already pays for and has good health insurance benefit from having to pay more for worse insurance for other people
You have a limited supply of healthcare.
What's the best way to ensure that those that need it (esp. need it most) get it?
A free market.
> inb4 people need healthcare too badly - the tiniest fraction of healthcare consumed is 'catastrophic' or 'lifesaving'
>at least know what the fuck you are talking about
I stand by my original comment.
>Oh crap I've been found out that i know nothing about obamaccare except what the daily show told me
>But its ok he used a contraction that i disapprove of so his entire arguement can be discarded
Liberals. You're (your-if you prefer) in for a rough 8 years.
Because it discourages Americans from taking care of themselves
>What's the best way to ensure that those that need it (esp. need it most) get it?
Government-run healthcare is best.
The free market model doesn't work for healthcare at all.
>Cause why should I have to pay for fat fucks like pic related's health care
Because it would lower your cost.
As European I say is nice to have healtcare for all but be prepared for a lots and lots of debt and taxes, like 24 percent or more in almost all non food products, nothing is free, nothing someone must always pay and you are a fool if you think this will be only payed by the rich
>- It gives the state a monopoly on healthcare - like obamacare - it raises prices, destroys quality, decreases incentive, so many terrible things come out of state control.
All data shows that it lowers costs, keep quality and incentives are for cost effective care not profit taking.
>- You pay more in taxes than the cost of the healthcare - so why not save money and get infinitely better service.
The USA pays just under double what Canada does as a function of GDP for healthcare. Outcomes and life expectancy are more or less identical.
I think it's a scam.
You can basically ask any Indian with a laptop to do a big website for $10 USD
There is no fundamental difference between healthcare and any other good.
Thank the government that our insurance industry is so fucked. Employer provided healthcare model is the root cause of about 90% of the problems.
Before you ask such retarded questions think about whether or not it's been tried before and if it works
>inb4 socialist leafs
Because I haven't been to a doctor in 3 years.
Also the fine for not having health care would run me about $1200 around tax time. The amount I am currently paying for benefits will come to $1000 annually.
Would rather save that money.
>all data shows that it lowers costs
What fucking data? All 50 states are reporting higher premiums.
What about it?
>There is no fundamental difference between healthcare and any other good.
Healthcare is a public good, not a consumer good. Nobody goes out and buys healthcare for fun like it is a new video game or something.
>Thank the government that our insurance industry is so fucked.
A curious statement.
>Employer provided healthcare model is the root cause of about 90% of the problems.
That's why Obamacare originally included a public option but it was killed to appease Republicans. If Trump REALLY wants to help out his voters he'll bring it back. I don't expect this to happen, but that would be the CORRECT thing.
Why do you think you're entitled to the hard work that intelligent people spend 6 years of their adult life studying to be able to do for free?
Nobody has ever said that doctors should not be paid.
We are paying health care for about 30-40 million illegal immigrants, and the Dems
won't stop pushing for more freebies for them
We are $20 trillion in the hole
>CTRL-F mandate
>Phrase not found
Because I'm a starving college student, and I don't like situations where I can either pay $amount a month for a service, or $smaller a year for the privilege of not having that service.
Everything the government throws money at implodes; agriculture, education, housing, transportation.
It is not the government's job to redistribute wealth.
Take a look at Europe: Plenty of varieties of healthcare.
It works neatly, but it tells you something else too: It can be done well and it can be done poorly.
Obamacare is of the second category, and now that the repubs aren't principally opposed to the president he may actually be able to create a pretty good non-politically-mangled healthcare system.
But for that to happen Obamacare needs to die first, at least in name or the rest of the repubs won't buy it.
Because a public option would literally bankrupt the health insurance industry and eliminate tens of thousands of jobs.
Because it's really TAXPAYER subsidized healthcare and I'm tired of paying for fat sick pieces of shit that can't take care of themselves.
Fat sacks of diabetic shit are destroying the entire system and I'm supposed to pay when I'm fit and take care of myself? Fuck off.
i pay $32/month for insurance through work because i'm relatively healthy
that would be impossible with govt healthcare
Government data...
>Because I'm a starving college student
The provision of Obamacare that lets people stay on their parent's plans until age 26 was included specifically to help college students. Keep in mind, this is an aspect of Obamacare that Trump has said he supports.
>Why are Republicans so opposed to government
because it is always corrupted
>force people to pay for other people's expenses
no thanks
not interested in paying for cletus mcdonalds insulin shots
>I'm tired of paying for fat sick pieces of shit that can't take care of themselves
Those people are also helping you. It's a two-way street.
My father isn't insured either.
No more gibs for you, you're going to have to work to earn your keep in the future. You could just suicide now, since I have the feeling that life will be just too difficult for you to cope with soon.
That's why they support cancerous public private partnerships like charter schools right?
like everything the government runs it becomes inefficient, and with healthcare that means people die
t. someone who's dad almost died because he was told to wait a month to change the medication he needs for his heart to keep beating
Free healthcare is a huge scam though if you are healthy.
The only thing you really use is dental and it's not covered.
Protip: this is not r/The_Donald. Stop posting like it is.
Healthcare is not a public good.
It is both excludable and rivalrous - in other words, it is possible to restrict access to only those who pay, and - super obvious - there is a limited supply of it.
> That's why Obamacare originally included a public option
Providing a public option has literally nothing to do with ending the employer-provided healthcare paradigm.
The employer provided healthcare paradigm exits because of tax breaks given to corporate expenditure on compensation like heathcare, a vestige of (objectively retarded) price controls on labor instituted in WWII.
The 'correct thing' to do would be to get the government out of the business of (fucking up) healthcare.
I don't want him to pay for my care, we have unequal incomes and health, also anything that goes through the government is picked away at by corruption to some degree. Also we have yet to get secure borders so fuck the spic parasites.
I can't wait for robot doctors to be honest.
Robot doctors have no need for money or vacations after all.
Shame the future is still so far away.
Do you even know the effects obese people have on our healthcare systems?
The public option would rape the shit out of private healthcare. That's why it shouldn't be allowed.
>Healthcare is not a public good.
Yes it is.
>It is both excludable and rivalrous - in other words, it is possible to restrict access to only those who pay, and - super obvious - there is a limited supply of it.
That literally has nothing to do with whether or not something is a public good.
The hospital that owns the doctor still needs to make a profit.
Literally the fucking definition you moron
no it wouldn't because the conditions of the public option would be set by law and unresponsive to changes in the needs of consumers.
Stop being stupid, the republican party itself is just as corrupt as the democratic party. Intelligent people who want a real free and prosperous nation side with a lot of republican ideals. Just because trickle down economics was thwarted with croney-capitalism doesn't mean it doesn't work. We need to ditch the shit and bring free capitalist society for all legal americans. No government should control anything. They should HELP the public make laws and then help uphold the laws, not declare whatever they want and expect people to go along with it.
>I don't want him to pay for my care
Why not?
>we have unequal incomes and health
Obamacare accounts for that.
>also anything that goes through the government is picked away at by corruption to some degree
Because no privately-run enterprise is ever corrupt.
>Also we have yet to get secure borders so fuck the spic parasites.
How can you say that now that Trump is president? He's going to build a wall and make America great again.
Private industry literally cannot be corrupted.
If they're fat, sick, pieces of shit, chances are they're already on govt bennies.
>Private industry literally cannot be corrupted.
How do explain the Clinton Foundation then?
Well if the all-too-powerful government doesn't step in. When people do things wrong, people usually know, and if they aren't in on it/profiting off of it, they will not stop law enforcement from doing their jobs. All of our problems stem directly from the government having too much power. Money, greed, stupidity, whatever is all secondary to the gov having too much power and control.
>private industry
>sec of state former potus "do-good" public foundation is really corrupt
>how do you explain private industry corruption?
fuck off idiot
Obese people cost the healthcare system less because they die sooner.
The USA would be crazy to have socialised healthcare when you allow huge amounts of Mexican illegals to live there.
>inb4 trump
The illegals will take over as soon as Trump leaves. He is an anomaly.
Also I can confirm that my access is shit. I have to wait 10 days for a GP appointment if I want one.
Bull shit I'm going to be helped in any way by that FAT FUCK
He pays taxes like everybody else.
Clearly you aren't successful enough in life to have been affected by Obamacare.
>Why are Republicans so opposed to government-subsidized healthcare?
What you have now really isn't government subsidized healthcare.
It's government subsidized health insurance companies.
subtle difference.
Because it's crap, especially combined with mass immigration
Almost all medical advancement within the last ~50 years came from the USA, because the health insurance companies had a profit margin through investing into research.
Also, it's not free, at least not in Austria, this meme has to die. My mother makes 2.5k€ euros a month and pays about 400€ a month for healthcare. You're only getting it for free if you don't work and are broke & living off the state or if you're a "refugee".
Also the hospitals in Vienna are bad and overrun. My brother once had an emergency and we still had to wait 4 hours in the emergency room until we got very poor treatment for not more than 10 minutes.
Waiting times for operations are often months.
Also the USA has the highest cancer survival rates of any form.
>Also, lack of access to affordable healthcare is part of the reason why there are so many fat people to begin with.
How the fuck do you figure?
I'm fairly certain the fact that they buy 15 2 liter sodas at Walmart and stop buy the in-store McDonald's to eat 3 big macs every time they go has something to do with it. YOU FAT FUCKING FAGGOT.
Let fatasses, smokers, and alcoholics die when they succumb to their self-inflicted diseases. I am not here as some kind of Jesus figure to save your retarded asses from yourselves when you wouldn't listen your entire life.
>gives tons of money to the tobacco jew so that he can poison him
>gets lung cancer at 40 and I have to pay for his expensive treatment
FUCK no die off you piece of shit.
>Let fatasses, smokers, and alcoholics die when they succumb to their self-inflicted diseases.
This is again feeding on the false premise that people only get sick if they did something wrong. Fact is, you can do almost everything right and still end up with cancer. There is no way to know who will get it or when they'll get it. And that's why EVERYBODY should have health insurance.
Successful people are very affected by it. Like a fucking doctor dumbass.
Read my post you faggot:
I have doctor friends who work in the ER. They say because of obama care theres a massive increase in people using the ER like a family clinic so they don't have to pay. They even ask for perscriptions for tylnol so they have to pay less than like 4$ at the store.
Do you understand that 33% of this country is obese and 17% are regular smokers according to the CDC? That's tens of millions of ignorant motherfuckers (whom I interact with on a daily basis and come up with a plethora of excuses for their behavior) begging to die, yet turning around and wanting me to pay for their asses when they start to wither away.
Ban free healthcare to regular smokers, heavy drinkers, fatasses, illegals, and immigrants' non-citizen families. Then and only then will I agree with Universal health care. If this was a homogenous society of fit individuals I would have absolutely no quarrel with it.
>Why are Republicans so opposed to government-subsidized healthcare?
I am NOT subsidizing this.
Those people also pay taxes and your healthcare is also subsidized. It's not a one-way street as you imagine.
Death implies they don't use the healthcare system that they don't use anyway because they are fat fucking fucks and those that do use it. Use it at their own dollar for their far fucking fat decisions you fucking retard
No way in hell do these fat fucks put in more than they take out. Worthless fat fuck women should be left to die.
You fail to understand the system. They are the ones at the highest risk, they will be getting the most use out of this setup by far. And it's entirely their own doing.
Think of everyone chipping in the same amount for a pizza. Then everyone gets one slice except for the fat fuck who goes back and gets slice after slice, ends up eating almost the entire pizza all by himself. Your argument is "But he chipped in the same amount as you!" It does not hold up.
That is universal health care with degenerates included.
Also forgot to mention homosexuals with AIDS who deliberately receive it. No sympathy for them, let them die.
>diet coke
Wha a fucking joke.
>Because you'd also get help paying for treatment when you need it.
I just want to pay an affordable price for services rendered, the insurance bit is a scam, I don't need expensive medical care nor will I ever
I'd rather just die than be a burden to my family
turns out this method has helped elder generations of my family to live well into their 90s with no expensive medical treatment needed
>forgot to mention homosexuals with AIDS who deliberately receive it.
aids meds should be offered at zero cost, or finish the Bush plan, free aids meds only available in Africa, if you have aids, move to Africa where treatment for aids is freely available, but drinking water is scarce and expensive
>literally on disability
>paying taxes
I guess that sales tax on big macs might count for something.
If you are in favour of socialized healthcare you should want to expand Medicaid, not Obamacare or even Medicare.
Learn how your own welfare system works burger ...
Because its socialism dumbfuck
For one, my mom is chronically ill, and she can't get the treatments that she needs because of Obamacare. Her insurance covered them before, but now they don't. The stated idea behind Obamacare is a lie.
Secondly, where do you think subsidiaries come from? As an entrepreneuer, I've elected to not have health insurance for my entire adult life until Obamacare basically forced me to get it for a reason. Not only should I have the option to elect to not pay for something that I don't want or need (I've happily paid for any medical attention that I've needed out of my own pocket), but I shouldn't be forced to pay for others as well.
>Also, lack of access to affordable healthcare is part of the reason why there are so many fat people to begin with.
You mean that pill you can take to make you stop eating 2 large pizzas and a 24 pack of soda every night?
Why specifically does it make sense to expand Obama care?
She can't get coverage because your insurance company is being Jewish. Profit prevents adequate distribution of care.
Well, if you want an expanded government-subsidized healthcare system, you can fly to Cuba. I think this guy can take you there for free.
Healthcare is a for-profit industry. They had to make changes to continue making a profit because of Obamacare. These changes have insured that she doesn't get the help that she needs despite paying into the system for over a decade.
If Obamacare was truly about making sure everybody can get the help that they need and making it affordable, she wouldn't be in this position.
>Expand Obamacare
You don't understand our national debt, or basic economics in general. Government intervention is costly and inefficient. The free market does a better job. Mandated insurance gives the companies providing that product monopolies or oligopolies or at best a ton of pricing power.
When you say "everyone has to be insured" you make insurance a much more inelastic good, making insurance suppliers able to raise the price while seeing very little drop in the number of consumers buying the product.