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Trump used laws.
Citizens can use or find similar laws.
Fox example, I'm writing off hundreds in taxes by saying Sup Forums/internet is for therapeutic purposes.
Hillary would have plugged the loopholes though.
I'm making more than $1/yr friendo
hmmm realy maeks my grey matter fire
Exactly, Obama said it 8 years ago and then 4 years ago. They just needed a women in charge to peg those stinky loopholes closed
They should follow in Trump's footsteps. Take a 0 dollar and 0 cent salary.
Nope. Not even when Trump challenged her to say that she wouldnt. She couldnt say it, cause her controllers depend on them.
I hear she is all about pegging
cant wait til putin hands him over and we hang him for treason
It's a good thing Trump pays his taxes
Hahaha there goes your pardon you edgy libertarian
Trump paid millions in taxes. Not quite sure what this idiot is on about.
wtf i wish everyone listened to Edward Snowden right now.
See this is why Snowden is a little faggot cunt.
Trump followed the Law-- a law that was passed by Bill fucking Clinton. He literally did nothing wrong, but here's the little SJW shit Snowden running his mouth.
Maybe he was Libertarian once upon a time, but hes insufferable now.
let me help you with that
Nobody knows because he won't release. But surely he has nothing to hide according to the altards.
What a fucking retard, Trump should find and hang him just for fun.
he's actually a really based dude, he had a good interview around election time in which he assblasted SJWs and said
>don't wait for the govt to fix all these things you're so butthurt about, go do something yourself
Robert David Steele, ex-CIA, said that "all signs point to" Snowden's leaks being directly authorized by Obama to "keep the NSA in check." Now, Snowden drops a diarrhea on Trump.
Hillary helped make a lot of those laws that trump abused.....
Apparently it's also "legal" to murder innocent US citizens, that doesn't make it right.
>Trump already wants to eliminate tax on the lowest bracket
he really isnt a smart cookie, he would rather have publicity and fame over security, which is why he is in the mess he is
he should think more about what his future will hold if trump and putin really do become friendly
but he would rather appease his liberal faggot friends, when obama never pardoned him
>but it would be ok if hillary didn't pay tho
When the President won't accept a salary, should the citizen?
he is right, taxes are only for idiots, the smart ones like trump doesn't pay any taxes at all.
are you americans not smart?
He's cutting my taxes, who am I to complain? Now if a guy who didn't pay taxes started telling me to pay higher taxes, then I'd get pissed.
She couldn't even plug her own dilapidated ass hole, never mind a tax loophole laddo.
>closing a bunch of leaking holes
not bloody likely m8
Whats this faggots problem?
Although I would personally hesitate to automatically trust a current or former member of the CIA... My initial intuitive thought was that Snowden intentionally appeared to help make the government seem a little more transparent (aka, to lessen the weight of future prosecution on the matter of illegal spying that the government has been collectively participating in). This was supposed to be the "most transparent administration ever", right?
Trump does pay taxes, nerd virgin. Trump and his companies pay more in a single year than you will pay in your life.
>Whats this faggots problem?
he lives in russia
>Trump paid no taxes meme
Holy shit Edward Snowden you fucking faggot cocksucker when did you start shilling for Hill?
take a 0 salary too.
>The president is working for $1/year
>should the citizen?
Snowden eternally BTFO. Advocating for people literally working for fractions of a penny a day.
>Snowden saying dumb shit for attention
he shouldn't push his luck
>are you americans not smart?
Just the Americans who think putting a negative number in an income field of a 1040 = not paying any taxes at all.
>when the president works for free, should the citizens?
Snowden needs to STFU, he did thing and now tries to cling to relevance but no one cares.
Trump pays more annually in taxes on his businesses than the 99% does in their entire lives and he used a legal loophole to get an exemption to personal income tax.
Record Corrected.
>Hillary would have
Stopped reading there
He doenst want to die yet
Quit using big words. You're confusing the liberals.
Is it even a loophole, though? If he lost money, why would he have his income taxed? The point of taxes isn't to punish the rich for having money.
Obviously what is meant is his taxation as a private citizen you moron
People like Trump don't get paid per week/month like us. Their whole income is their stakes at different companies. The companies pay taxes on the income on behalf of the owners. So technically Trump does pay millions of taxes by running companies that each pay taxes.
snowden's always been an overrated traitorous snake in the grass
If you lose a billion or so on a bad real estate deal, you can carry that forward for a very long time and avoid paying taxes.
Can't American just execute this traitorous nigger already?
The IRS handles taxes and investigating tax fraud. They constantly audit rich people like Trump. They have found no laws broken. The left is not interested in him following the law. They are interested in him paying what they deem "his fair shair in taxes", which will never be satisfied, so he's not gonna release them for those retards to gawk at and misinterpret.
He's right and this is why Trump's plans to simplify tax codes and close loopholes are great for America
Does this nerd really want Trump to deny his pardoning? At this point, Assange seems more worthy of a pardon than him. Fuck's sake ,Hillary would've nuked his ass.
Bye bye pardon
why would trump pardon snowden?
Are you literally retarded? There are a million "private citizen" taxes. The topic is income tax - the 1040. If you earn no money or take a loss, you obviously don't pay income tax. A lot of business owners don't earn a standard salary, instead they make money from their investments and pay a capital gains tax. A ten year old with down syndrome should know this.
The point is, Trump still pays the countless other "private citizen" taxes, like capital gains tax, sales tax, property tax etc. If Trump and his businesses stopped paying taxes, it would have a measurable impact. That's why he's audited every single year by the IRS and they never find any evidence of tax evasion.
I'd say exposing the NSA back then. But, he's a nu male.
Hillary wanted to kill him in a drone strike. Trump just stated that it is treason.
He had a better chance getting a pardon from Trump assuming he may have had a change of heart after whistleblowers kept his campaign moving forward. Not likely but it was a better chance than Hillary Clinton.
Is this guy a shill/red herring or what, Sup Forums? Lay it to me straight.
>article by the New York Times
>the news company that has been dodging taxes for years
hes a traitorous nigger that sold your country out for fame/(((morals))). he should be hung, drawn, quartered, and raped to death by dogs
Trump should engage in some twitter banter
>Little Ugly Ed was gonna get a pardon under my administration. Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning--Many such cases. Not anymore for 4 eyes. SAD
That is not how you get pardoned Snowden!
Would not talk shit about Trump if I were Snowden living in Russia considering Putin and Trump are gonna be pretty close.
will he at least be appreciatively humble when he gets pardoned and allowed to come home by the president he's shit talking?
>Hillary would have
>would have
It's "Hillary would of", stupid American.
you just earned a drone. goodbye!
its 'woulda' you stupid fucking leaf
Yeah haha thats cool, he stuck it to thise SJWs! Guess that makes up for the troops he got killed by leaking confidential documents, right?
Google "limited hangout" to see Ed Snowden for what he really is
Does no one understand that he did this through legal means?
that really hit me hard
this how can people be so stupid sometimes it really makes me mad
that's how we ended up here
bad grammar
he's a petty lying coward masquerading around as a hero.
Most of what he leaked had nothing to do with spying and was only of value to geopolitical rivals. This was intentional treason, and you know why he did it? because he got butthurt they discovered he lied on his Resume and was not eligible to be promoted.
Dude is a petty little traitor faggot, deserves to hang, and Trump has already said he thinks the same.
oooh such an overly-general statement - must be deep and profound and everything
We all take deductions
i take deductions for charitable giving, being married, owning a house. in fact I can pretty much run my business on cash flow and pay no income tax.
so this stuff is available to anyone smart enough to do it.
should one take deductions is a different question and most have good economic reasoning. promoting business, home ownership - not murdering companies that had a bad year etc.
limited hangout
bill clinton is the one who passed the laws to allow you to write business losses off on your taxes. not to mention it is perfectly legal now and you'd be retarded to pay taxes that you legally don't need to pay for no reason.
really gave my synapses a workout.
So what's the full hangout? Were the leaks really not enough?
>he troops he got killed by leaking confidential documents
Name one, and provide a source.
I was ambivalent on the snowden problem, but now I hope they polonium the faggot
Bullshit, not when the people who pull her strings do the same thing.
>>Sucking up to Obama for a pardon
Nu-male cuck!
fake & gay
Snowden just earned himself the fucking chair.
Half the country doesn't pay taxes, retard. This Snowden guy is a bigger faggot than anyone realized.
Is this cuck advocating the bankruptcy of this country?
Also, he did say he wouldn't receive a salary as President.
Can you really?
When President employs 40 thousand employees, shouldn't the citizen?
>Also, he did say he wouldn't receive a salary as President.
Why can't he just donate the shekels to Israel like a good guy?