Your thoughts on anarchism?
Your thoughts on anarchism?
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Literally the most retarded political ideology, if it can even be considered one.
comm or cap?
Hey, I used to work at the nuclear power plant 'round the corner. I'm all for anarchy, don't get me wrong, but the thing is, if we don't keep cool water running over the spent plutonium rods, there's gonna be a meltdown, and that would pretty much end life.
Fun to watch.
Would literally end the world. Nobody here on Sup Forums would survive this.
I would support it if I had guns and a stock of ammunition just for the pure chaos
The go-to edgy teenager political outlook
Ancap/Ancom being for teenagers with rich/poor parents respectively
Ancom provides mostly valid and important critic of state and capitalism. Alas, they don't provide a better model.
To those who are curious I would advise Petr Kropotkin's "The Conquest of Bread" and probably Bob Black's "The abolishion of work". If you put your memes aside you might get sort of a redpill.
Works to a certain extent in smal mono-ethnic mono-cultural societies.
Spectacularly fails when exposed to (sand)niggers and other primitives through the "no borders" concept.
How does Sup Forums define anarchism?
I see the word used a lot in ways that are incorrect. Just wondering what Sup Forumss take is.
A theory about stateless society. In most cases it's a communist society, as well, which means that the means of production are socialized and "everything belongs to everyone"
Did you know that libertarians are virtually non-existent outside US?
It's the antithesis of human nature. We are social animals that crave social structure. And as soon as someone tells someone else to do something that if a form of governance. It just can't work.
marxism -scam created by freemasonic illuminist
anarchism -scam created by freemasonic illuminist
what if, like, there was no, like, government and shit?
>scam created by freemasonic illuminist reptilian gmo-cyborgs from Nibiru spread by chemtrails and ufos
>Used to be anarchist.
>Hated the Establishment
>Wanted to live free.
>Had anarchist friends.
>AntiFa came along.
>Suddenly they wanted to kill racists.
>Want open boarders.
>Then started speaking about rights.
>I mentioned rights are given by the establishment.
>Then friends start promoting BLM and Feminism.
>Tell my friends that BLM and feminism is leftest Ideals.
>They say there should be more LAWS on it.
>Get kicked out of friend group.
>Shunned for wanting less laws.
>Drifted about for a while.
>Settled in Sup Forums and continue to lurk.
>Considering Nationalism after a year of red pills.
It represents an interesting ideal.
Government and rule of law are undoubtedly necessary in every present conception of society currently in existence. But, what if they weren't? What if, at some point, we were all simply civil and honest, and well-educated enough that we could do what's necessary to maintain a peaceful, just and thriving community without relying on a higher authority to maintain the balance?
What would a society which doesn't need government look like? What would an individual in that society be like?
I think these are valuable questions to consider because the answer brings us a little closure to what we could consider a virtuous mode of living in our present society.
Honestly the ultimate red pill that is too bitter for most Sup Forumsacks
It is natural selection at it's finest and thus the ultimate form of life and struggle.
It didn't take much.
I'm expecting a bunch of polacks to now tell me that it failed, as if I didn't know that. (they lost a war, not got broke)
I guess it would be a good vessel for Fascism to rise.
Its faggier than the shit that happens at the bohemian grove.
This. Had a pretty much similar experience. Most people who call themselves "anarchists" today have been cucked into cultural marxism. The rest (like us) were alienated and drifted rightwards.
How's capitalism and/or state better for people taking responsibility for keeping that water running than anarchism? You could still skip you job (yeah, and be fired, but only after the meltdown)
>Natural selection
If that were true we wouldn't have society in the first place.
I thought at it's most simplest, it means a society with no leaders.
You could tack stuff onto this to get different flavors of anarchy like socialist anarchism but you can also have a commercial anarchism or democratic anarchism.
The concept of a leaderless society, is impossible in all but the most synthetic societies. The position of leader with nobody filling it is like a power vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum. True anarchism is not a stable form of government. This instability is why it's used as a synonym for chaos.
>The position of leader with nobody filling it is like a power vacuum.
What about Sup Forums itself?
Do you consider there to be a power vacuum in our lack of leadership?
Most anarchists won't agree with you on "leaderless" point. the leader can exist, but may only be elected by a direct voting (although I admit this whole "when does anarchy ends and state begins" is a holywar inside anarchism).
>The position of leader with nobody filling it is like a power vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum
This point is valid if nature demanded "power" to exist, which is not that obvious.
You might refer to that Spanish experience - they managed to go really far in that direction
>Do you consider there to be a power vacuum in our lack of leadership?
Sup Forums chosen their god king
I mean /storm/ has always been a thing and just recently we had CTR flooding us in an attempt to take over.
But we also have mods who act as the authority. They're just shit at what they do in terms of keeping the board on track.
I'm sorry for your painful lesson in life.
It's cool though, you're here
It's leads to faggotrt and communism
Real anarchist would hate niggers
>ctrl+f "roads"
>0 results
thanks ivan
Tolerable if taken philosophically, and with the idea that civilization could advance to a point of an anarchist model.
But taken seriously to the point of thinking it should in any way be implemented in modern society is fucking stupid. The average anarcho idiot is a tool of the elite business class, a shmuck wasting time wanting no borders in HIS country, despite that the rest of the world will continue and his nation, values, and everything else will be immediately consumed by a stronger centralized power.
So maybe it's ideal in the future, but for right now it is flat out fucking stupid.
Correct. Now you have to strenghen your tinfoil with 3 more layers brother, since the illuminati ayyy-type radiation waves have increased this month. Also stay tuned on the lmao short-waves on your receiver to know when (((they))) approach.
interestingly, moot was the previous god king Sup Forums. I wonder if moot retiring was what opened the door for Trump to gain popularity here
>This point is valid if nature demanded "power" to exist, which is not that obvious.
Sorry, it's more accurate to say "human" nature abhors a vacuum. Deep down humans are use to either leading, or being lead. We learn this from childhood when our parents raise us. It's part of human nature.
Does not work in practice but with some centralisation is theoretically encourages tradition human discourse/interaction and competition.
But those aren't leadership positions, they're just open conflicts of opinion confronted and resolved non-violently and without the occlusion or restrictions of rights and freedoms by either side. That's pretty much ideal anarchist conflict resolution as it requires no intervention by a higher judicial authority to mediate.
We do have moderators, which do serve as that higher judicial authority when needed, but a judicial authority and a leader are different things. I suppose the best way to distinguish them is that the former enacts consequences upon those who violate edicts limiting their actions while the latter commands the authority to mandate actions and demand consequences if those directives are not followed. We don't have the latter, and the power of our former is limited in their methods of enacting consequence (eg. bans which can be evaded).
In a sense, this website represents a sustainable model of pseudo-anarchy. Most of its standards and practices are upheld by some degree of user consensus and only the most basic of principles involve the effective judicial authority (eg. topics pertaining to the board, not posting CP, etc). I suppose it only really works because the digital medium prevents people from harming one another in fits of rage, but it kinda does work.
I guess a good question could be, what could we learn from the way that Sup Forums seems to work without direct leadership to help the real world be less reliant on its direct leadership models?
Biggest retards ever.
I always tell them the police is the only thing stopping me from murdering them. They go "b-but fuck the police and the state!" Dumb retards.
for teenagers that listen to sex pistols or other shit tier punk rock band, want to be in protests all the time throwing molotovs, vandalizing, dressing like idiots and who don't want to work. i know because i was like that
i was 15, you know
>We learn this from childhood when our parents raise us. It's part of human nature.
You contradict yourself. If it was in human nature, there would be no need to teach it to children.
Literally autism.
>I guess a good question could be, what could we learn from the way that Sup Forums seems to work without direct leadership to help the real world be less reliant on its direct leadership models?
anonymity. With no personal identity all good or harm you cause is to the group, which you are a part of, so it's done to you too. What's good/bad for the group, is also good/bad for you the individual. It's also why most channers fundamentally hate trip fags.
Good point.
I imagine some sort of anarchy being installed at the point when we all come together in some cyberpunk-style hyperintelligence or hivemind.
Once you have something worth protecting, you outgrow the phase.
>Asking lawful evil what do they think about anarchism
I thought we were chaotic good
it already is anarchy for the rich and violent boy design. monopoly on violence shows this.