You have 2 minutes to create a bending discipline that can beat Lavabending

You have 2 minutes to create a bending discipline whose master could easily beat a Lavabending master.
>Hard mode: Nothing we've already seen in-show
Good luck

Other urls found in this thread:

Truth bending. I won.

Vacuum bending.

Waterbending, bloodbending, airbending, firebending, energybending, non-bending.

Sound Bending as an offset to Air. It's hard to focus on bending when your equilibrium is all fucked from sonic wails.

>failing hard mode
how in the fuck

Cold bending
as in being able to rapidly decrease the temperature of any chosen object in your surrounding

explosive decompressionbending

Vacuum bending, as in bending the vacuum of outer space would be impossible, BUT if this is meant as an extension of airbending, to create vacuums in normal atmospheric conditions, that could be really powerful and interesting and I suppose it kind of what Zaheer did when he airbended the breath from people.

Gun Bending

Gravity bending. Time bending. MIND BENDING.

Mind Bending
Dick Bending



you mean like turning water into ice?
or using ice powers to freeze things like metal so it's easier to destroy?


Brian Michael Bending


Soundbending ala Kung Fu Hustle as an airbender speciality since sound is nothing but vibrations of the medium air.
Craking on being able to bend such vibrations can be a just as deadly an attack as lava bending. The lava you will at least see.

>freeze things like metal so it's easier to destroy

>no mentions of anti-lavabending bending
are you guys even trying?

Obvious jokes are obvious, user. That's why nobody said negationbending either.

flesh bending

Time Bending

Reality bending

Solar Flare Bending

is the Iceman situation
making ice or creating fire isn't manipulating a form of matter, it's manipulating energy itself

therefore if you can do that then you could theoretically manipulate anything as at base level everything is energy

so a true Bender who realized they are moving energy itself and can reshape and alter anything and everything would probably do ok

Let's see you try to bend shit with your noodle all tied up into your ass.

a true Bender who realized they are moving energy itself and can reshape and alter anything and everything would beat the avatar in a bend-off, bend impossible things, break the balance of the world, and become god.

>female benders giggle in the distance

High orbital linear gun bending


You make lava? I raise every skeleton that died on that hill. Lava can't melt bone.

Lie bending. You're not gay.

Considering how heat works, coldbending and firebending is the same thing.

Like a firenation refrigerator bending.


>what is high school physics

Lightbending. Using airbending to create lenses in the atmosphere and focus the sun's energy into a ray. Frikkin lasers.

No, fire is an exothermic chemical reaction. Cold bending just implies that energy is moved out of whatever is being bent.


Can't fight if you're dancing.

while lavabending is in no way different than the other "strange" multi element bendings displayed in both series (plant, sand, ect) i feel like, at the point it was introduced in korra, when the brothers being as far apart as they had been until that point, they should have "fusion danced" lavabending together, both being required to do it, but being vastly superior together than other characters that knew it

We saw Sozin doing that vs. the Volcano.


That's just firebending you mong.

Roku negated an entire volcano with airbending in TLA. Just channeled the heat out and turned it into rocks.


Shit flinging. I don't even need to bend it, just throw it right.

The comic writer? That Brian Michael Bending?

And lavabending is just earthbending

Then it wasn't fire bending.

Now that I think about it. There are plenty of instances of fire benders just raising temperature of something. I still don't think making anything colder would be part of fire bending. That's left to water benders in the story.

Ethreal Bending

Gender bending

Could you imagine an air bender using sound bending to subtly fuck with people like what happened in Cuba. Or he could do it on a wide scale and fuck with an entire city.

Sozin drains heat from the volcano during The Avatar and the Fire Lord. Temperature control is part of firebending, but they have to transfer the heat somewhere else.

I don't get why you're such an idiot, we see firebenders redirect heat a dozen times an episode when they disperse other fire attacks.

Atom bending

Then where does the fire come from?

Reality bending

Bending Bending. It's bending that cancels out other bending!

Gravity-bending, lava can't do shit if I can send that guy to fucking space

Everybending of everything everywhere ever and more than everything lalalalala can't hear you


>Not even attempting hard mode


Give a good hard stamp on the right ley line or fault line or whatever, start an earthquake on the other side of the country, and feel the destruction killing lavaburn mclavapants.

Came here to say this. How did it take so long for literal Omnipotance to be mentioned? Fucking avartards are legit autists I guess.

read nigger.
nobody but you considers "omg try omnipotence lol" funny or clever.

Bending the trigger on my .45 till the hammer hits the primer

>bending bending was already in the series

A mechanically assisted airbender using super compressed air might work.
Or a waterbender using some coolant water mixture.

fear bending

It's magic, you can make up whatever shit you want.

Bending Bending

fart bending
braap posters are the world's most powerful race

Nigga bending

Gender bending

Bendingbending. The ability to control what can and cannot be bent, and by whom.

Trumped by Bendingbendingbending; the ability to control who controls what can and cannot be bent, and by whom.

And it keeps going.


Bonebending, the ability to break bones without touching your opponent.

Lavabending. Also waterbending.

>hard mode

>Meditate on the nature of the universe until you understand that we're all made up of simple energy vibrating at different frequencies
>bend the energy and fundamentally alter reality

physics bending so I can just telekinetically grab a fire hose and use it to cool the lava.

This is the only answer. No bender can best the Molecule Man!

An advanced form of blood bending where you can basically freeze your opponent's blood from the inside

>Hard Mode
Bug bending: Sure, you can burn shit but I can give you a deadly incurable disease.

Cloth-bending, which I guess would be a discipline of Earth bending, especially given the nature of the show's time period.

Tighten their clothes, choke them, cut off circulation, pull them by the clothes into the lava, tear the clothes off to create embarrassment, etc.

Could ozone bending actually be a thing?

Plotbending. I win.

>freeze some guy's metal sword
>punch it to make it shatter in a badass way
>sword doesn't shatter because of course you don't have enough leverage to do that
>skin on your fingers degloves on contact with the freezing-cold metal

Make your opponent sexually attracted to anyone or anything

The answer to that is easy. Speed Bending.

Semen bending.


Read what? Reality bending makes you as strong as if not stronger than hydro Christian god. The fuck do I need to read that'll change that?

>tear bending
>0 results

Oxygenbending. Can't fight when you can't breathe.


Spine bending



not hard mode.
