ITT: We sexually objectify over Ana Kasparian!

What do feminists hate the most?!

White men? Sure.
White straight men? Yeah.
Facts, numbers? Of course.

Sexual objectification? BINGO!

What if Sup Forums ran a thread about Ana every single day sexually objectifying her?

It would surely be picked up by 'outside' media and would somehow come to her attention.

Would she go mental? Is this experiment worth trying?!

Other urls found in this thread:

I like the way you think

You're onto something user

Boy oh boy does she get me goin!

>bag of meat
>having a name
pick one

is this the girl from the fatfuck meme?

Have a seat over there user, tell me more about it.

You're not going deep enough, user. You have to make her sexually objectify herself. After people started saying that all feminists are ugly there was a hashtag like a year ago where feminists were objectifying themselves and spamming narcissistic pictures of how hot they think they are.

If you can get Ana to start doing that you'll destroy her already poor credibility as a journalist. It'll be Megyn Kelly all over again and she just might shave her head.


>What do feminists hate the most?!
>Sexual objectification? BINGO!
yeah no they just pretend. of course she carves for male attention. just look at her

I want to fug she

I bet those legs taste sweeter than Turkish taffy.

If only she wasn't so fucking ugly

She said on the Joe Rogan podcast that she hates the "Anna sit on my face " comments

This will do more emotional damage. Most women secretly want to be objectified. They also want to be able to bitch about it. So hearing that they are ugly is what they hate the most.

you're not going shallow enough user
OP just wants kasparian wank material

That's not true. Women, especially heterosexual feminists, love being sexually objectified. Of course they don't openly say it, but they love it. They're small minded and vain.

how do you sexually objectify anyone

Every woman loves sexual objectification and attention.

I just noticed her skull is fucking huge


I'd like to make sex with my ding dong and her

she has body odor problems


my brain says NO
my dick says YES
so i'lll et my heart DECIDE

i wont take part
but i'll ENJOY

please post more lewd pics! :)

a waste of time and threads
fuck those tyt faggots

fucking burger

Other way around.
Women secretly love that shit, just like how feminists are into rough sex.

You gotta call that bitch ugly and really make her think you mean it

she has such a cute, well formed nose. It' just so petite and compliments her face really well!

dem legs

she reminds me of pornstar Ashley Adams

Shes a fat fuck

Not possible, we've seen her pre nose job.

Is it actually possible if the only thing she's good for in the first place is receiving hot loads?

this webm always gives me an instant boner

yeah, what the fuck?

Not gonna lie, if I didn't have a fiance that will have sex any time I ask I'd probably jerk it to her to support the cause. She looks better now that she's had a nose job.

LOL, everyone knows that feminists get off to that shit.

Being a feminist is nothing more than a massive shit test to weed out the betas.

Betas take her seriously and either buy into the shit, or get angry at her. Alphas don't give a shit, bend her over, spank her, blood choke her and her body goes into endless orgasm.

Just realise she is nothing more than a girl that is trying to court attention to attract the best possible mate. The more attention you give her, the more she wins in that regard.


>muh feminism
>muh objectifying
>proceeds to act like an object

That indicates to me that she is atrocious naked.

>used to look like this
>2016 arrives
>Ana hits the wall
>Trump builds the wall

Hi Ana

Old bitch

>Sexual objectification
You have to get crazy with it. Like the mummy poster. Take it to extremes that will suprise everyone.

Feminist might pretend they don't like being objectified but that's all bullshit all women like male attention because it gives them value and let's them feel special and beautiful

>dressing well and wearing make up is acting like an object

I want to see Ana Kasparian be sodomized by ladyattis while being stabbed through the dick by her sharp penis nail milking cum and blood in an orgy of wee smoke.

so wait, you objectify women by showing others publicly posted picture by herself no less, and they "hate" that?

She look gorgeous, but why film that in the first place? It literally does nothing but show her physical appearance off. Like, y'know, an object.

Chenk may deny your genocide but I will never deny your sweet booty

Oh man the passion in that face.

Time to fap.

I gotchu senpai




>If you can get Ana to start doing that you'll destroy her already poor credibility as a journalist.

She's 30 and childless. Should be easy.

I want to lick her feet!


i heard she has droopy boobs with pancake nipples

Sit on my face, Anna.

I can see that. but where did you hear it?

Oh my, her kneecaps look like trapped souls screaming in agony.
Also she looks like a member of the itty bitty titty commission, 0/10 would not bang

this meme is going to be a tough one to force. good like slovenia

more lige sexit amirite :DDDD

my father knows the guy that did her nosejob

I the rumors are true. When you go under anesthesia they look at you naked?

I've been waiting for this thread. I want to hatefuck her so bad.

Can someone edit Ana's retarded dance moves into the Trump music video or Dancing with Alex Jones or some such shit please.

>50 billion

of course

In case nobody has seen this already

I'd genocide her Armenian regions, if you get my drift

Me wanna do cummies on her face

It's not like she's gonna notice.

>What if Sup Forums ran a thread about Ana every single day sexually objectifying her?

Why don't we just tweet her the link to this thread?

>you will never be her caring husbando and kneel before her to eat that puss puss as she checks household income
why bother living

>her kneecaps look like trapped souls screaming in agony.
Reminded me of seeing Ron Paul trapped in Bruce Jenners knee

She is a fat shaming racist bigot.

I can't even... I'm literally shaking.

Oh man, one of my fantasies is to be dominated by Ana by being tied down and forced to breathe in her raunchy Armenian farts as she humiliates me with her flithy mouth all the while saying she's fucking better than me.

In all honesty, she would probably look and feel better if she put on about 30-40 pounds.

>What if Sup Forums ran a thread about Ana every single day sexually objectifying her?

Nice try.

Fukken saved

OP, you forgot one complication: ALL women, including feminists, love to be objectified.

How can one be so beautiful on the outside and so very ugly on the inside ;_;

I'd genocide her Armenian pussy any day.

You Swedes really are fags, aren't yer

Who is this Semen Armenian?

Not interested in that hag 2bh
She was a butterface even pre-wall but she's downright repulsive now she's on the wrong side of 30

you morons. Feminists may say they hate being objectified, but we all know they love the attention.

You know what they really hate? Being ignored.

Honestly, I just want shopped porn of her.

Please riddle me this:
Where is this from and when? Why is she modeling?
I thought she was a raging feminist, at least every time I watch the turds she is. Was that before TYT?

Those legs FUGGGG

Who cares about this Armenian cuckquean? It was funny to watch her freak out with the other Young Kebabs about Trump, but do we need a thread about how "hot" she is every day?

What the frog is this shit?

maybe she likes compliments and will join us

I guarantee you she has disappointing tits.

She actaully likes the male attention and is flatterd by even crude things. You would do her a favor. She talked several times about this. You can feel she likes being objectified.

Why wait?

Oh! I would totally rage fuck Ana Kasparian. She is a sexual object - nothing more. Okay, maybe she's a little annoying, but that doesn't diminish her position as a sex object. Object

every ME chick I have banged have had excellent tits. They tend to have looser/muskier vaginias tho...

praise kek to summon her nudes. fappening 2.0 electoral boogaloo

We need to get drawfags on this otherwise it's never gonna go anywhere.

Praising kek for Ana nudes

I do that basically everyday. I want her to tell me how much better she is than me while I jerk off on her face.