I'm a libertarian, debate me, if you dare.
I'm a libertarian, debate me, if you dare
I don't debate Emu
toll roads are a thing
Dude borders lmao
OP unequivecally and irreversibly btfo
You have a small penis and are attempting to compensate by shoving what you perceive to be a 'unique' political identity in the face of everyone around you.
Your move, lolbertarian.
why is your logo trumps hair blowing in the wind
doesn't mean they should be
government spending on infrastructure creates jobs and increases tax revenue.
What's a leppo?
Sup Forums is a libertarian board, and is full of libertarians in name -- but the libertarian party is a complete joke and so is anyone who voted for A Leppo over Trump, who is arguably much more libertarian.
All the NATSOC guys are just angsty 14-year-olds, nevermind them.
doesn't count
I'm not angsty
not an argument
Since rolls are now a meme, then let's try something else :
IS Somalia the libertarian paradise?
>Sup Forums
we just memed a guy who wants to spend more on infrastructure, stop free trade, and build a wall into the presidency.
not an arguement
ayy lmao you would get cucked by rapefugees in a lolbertrian society
Saying "not an argument" is not an argument.
not an argument
not an argument
Leafposting > shitposting
does roads trigger you
>free trade
shit trump was right education reform is needed
Is this you?
>came here to post one word
>that word was going to be "roads"
>it's the first post
good job.
though, some food for thought in this thread.
>Polihale State Park has been closed since severe flooding destroyed an access road to the park and damaged facilities in December.
>And if the repairs weren't made, some business owners faced the possibility of having to shut down.
>Ivan Slack, co-owner of Napali Kayak, said his company relies solely on revenue from kayak tours and needs the state park to be open to operate. The company jumped in and donated resources because it knew that without the repairs, Napali Kayak would be in financial trouble.
>"We shouldn't have to do this, but when it gets to a state level, it just gets so bureaucratic, something that took us eight days would have taken them years," said Troy Martin of Martin Steel, who donated machinery and steel for the repairs. "So we got together -- the community -- and we got it done."
Do global powers have a responsibility to protect foreign regions strategically, in order to secure foreign assets, trade and domestic safety?
I say yes.
Are you 5?
Roads? Haha, checkmate faggot *sips on Starbucks® Venti™ Frappucino™"
not an argument
op a loser
fuck up cunt
not an argument
Still, he's more libertarian than the guy who was on the Libertarian Party ticket.
Sup Forums has Ron Paul in its heart and Trump in its fist.
Define "free trade." Most of the time, free trade agreements have more restrictions than liberties.
How can you believe in free trade when all players don't follow the same rules?
I like the idea of Libertarianism, but I feel that it cannot work in a culturally diverse society. There are just too many varying standards of what is deemed normal behavior, and it just seems too difficult to have a Libertarian paradise when ever one isn't on the same page. What do you think?
Not OP, but roads disproportionately benefit centralized consolidation / distribution models.
I think the future lie in decentralization. Of everything (food distribution, local markets, money, government, etc.). More freedom that way, less taxes and faraway disconnected overbearing state (like we have today), etc...
Bravo, you've said nothing of substance.
not an argument
What's the best kind of hotpocket?
>can't make one response without trolling
you are autistic as fuck and i like that. this thread is nothing but bait.
I am also a libertarian so I shall aid you. How do we fix our reputation after libertarianism has been so bastardized by cucks like Caplan and Tucker?
yo dude could you help me with the replies? this thread fucking blew up
Literally retarded, lmao.
Time was, it used to be your great grandmother.
Eeconomics - Roads
What is Aleppo?
Not argument friend.
not an argument
Privatized as a citizen cooperative.
Something that still exists in Russia.
Once libertarians or ancaps realize that Latinos blacks and arabs all vote for big government and have low ass iqs they relize that borders become the number 1 issue
How does Libertarianism deal with transhumanism?
You're Australian
All those roads in Somalia.
No: Singapore is.
not an amuloppity-doppity
I used to be a libertarian. Then I grew up and realized that libertarianism is for naive children.
Libertarianism assumes that everyone is a good person that, ultimately wants the best for people and society. It's easy to come to that conclusion when you are an intelligent,educated white person surrounded by other similar such people. But libertarianism doesn't take into account all of the truly sinister people out there who plot and scheme to destroy the world and enslave humanity. These otherwise bright people just can't fathom this kind of evil in the world. And that evil is always trying to control politics. A stable country needs a strong government that is committed to protecting its citizens from those that would exploit them.
When you grow up you'll see that the ideal state is one with a homogenous population, protectionist policies, and strong borders and national defense. You're libertarian paradise can never exist outside of a classroom.
Yup just look at how Steban Bolynoox changed
Who would win a fight between Johnny 5 and Wall-E?
Obviously Johnny 5 would as that mother fucker had military training and is alive.
Trump literally wants private roads, has said he is for free trade (done smartly), and building a wall is perfectly compatible with libertarianism.
not an argument. the government is not a middleman, it is the organization that plans and executes construction. Who would be deciding where, when and how to construct? who would even decide who makes the decision? I guess taxpayers would have to get together in some kind of group and select people who they thought were best at making that decision for them. that sounds way better than government.
free to be raped by ahmed
>borders created by the government
>compatible with libertarianism
Wrong: libertarian ethno-nationalism is a thing.
Can I just dump whatever I want in the ocean?
>not right
that's sounds very commie imo
Correct: Any reasonable and honest libertarian will tell you that libertarianism might work but only after we answer the jewish question and eliminate any other species of verbal primate outside of Humans....
How about those roads and open borders?
You need a little bit of govt, unfortunately. But that's it, just a little.
This is where nationalism and free association come in.
fpbp all libertarians absolutely btfo
I do believe that if we allow actual free market economics and where everyone is on their own to take care of their selves the incentive to take care and with less regulated job system a lot more people can be hired. The problem is that while their are limited gov't libertarians (miniarchists) I do believe that the state should be abolished all together due to the fact that the nature of government is to expand. Limited government stays only for a little bit until some politician beats his chest and promises promises.
I've been looking into buying land and doing sustainable homesteading. One of the things I learned in my research is that human waste is completely recyclable on site. You just have to separate the solids from the liquids. The ammonia in pee is great for growing duckweed, and sawdust toilets for solids work great and apparently don't smell, and then you can just add it to your compost pile with everything else.
It's actually much more sustainable than what we do now with all the miles of pipes, infrastructure, treatment, chemicals, and then there is still sludge and byproducts to be disposed of. The current way is actually quite ridiculous by comparison, once you get past the "tee hee potty" jokes and think about the problem logically.
Not an argument.
Surprised this Straya cunt got as many replies as he did.
I'm an ancap debate me
Not an argument.
You're not worth a nickel to even merit a hello.
Wow! libertariaism sounds super cool!
Sanic the Hedgeheg is on the libertarian symbol!
Can I do whatever I want? like, putting my dick inside anything?