Trump protester hit by racist car

Apparently running out into traffic on the freeway is a bad idea at night.

At least she had a cuck there to hold her hand.

Other urls found in this thread:

The thumbnail looks like he's trying to shove a dildo down her throat


she's faking, isn't she?

The internet has ruined us in the best ways.

I wonder what that cuckboy in OPs pic is thinking...

>i will watch you fuck tyrone and then help you with the abortion babe

Kek I see it

Blah blah listen to us, let us fuck up your day
Oh fuck our actions have consequences

>Have some CPR bitch


"Hopefully everyone turns away for a minute so I can grab some titties, it sucks being a nerd virgin at 24. Maybe I can rub one out on her face before anyone notices...."

> hit by a car going at least 50-60 mph in the video
> still conscious
> no blood
> no visible broken bones
> able to have strength to grip another hand

yeah this is complete bullshit.




Trump is a jew.
Discussion about Trump and Poland.

>> no blood
I don't know lad, I have seen quite a few people getting hit by cars are very high speeds with no blood.


The minds of leftists have become so flooded with worthless propaganda that they've completely forgotten the dangers of standing in front of large rapidly moving objects.

Straight A's his semester.

Oh fuck I kek'd hard



Yeah shut down a highway. Lol well deserved.

That's why I came in the thread in the first place, kinda disappointing.


>racist car

from what i've seen between all the boards and websites, blood was pretty rare in collisions

the reaction seems pretty genuine from the crowd too.

as far as broken bones go she's kind of fat, padding and armor, her bones might have just shattered instead of broke

haha i thought the same

Doing God's work user

Initial D version

That poor car.

"stop touching me you fucking white male" she screamed.
"i'm helping you."
"just like you helped africa? just like you helped latinos?"
the nu-male, stunned, releases his grip on her hand.
she recoils in fear. coughs up a small amount of blood.
she locks eyes with the man and whispers "if you dont reply to this your mother will die in her sleep tonight"


Sounds like she got clipped, from watching the video, but yeah she's definitely faking


Keep em coming


Lol how long did the stupid fuck lay there with no injuries looking for sympathy?

so beautiful


You actually can't be racist against cars as they hold a position of power over pedestrians.

>"Education or deportation"

What did she mean by this?

Based driver.

Guarantee it was a black that hit her. They have zero road awareness and will just plow through anything on the road including driving into a swamp or off a cliff.


This. The laws of physics trumps their feelz.

Didn't hit enough of them desu

How can a car be racist?

They don't understand the concept of allocating margin of error.
Something happens, and they have no contingency.

>that arm hanging out the window all casually

Only one man is so based

These are great


>that file name

tip top kek

How could anyone think that is a good idea to do? Much less in the middle of the fucking night? Like if you're gonna protest on a fucking highway do it during the day at least or bring a fucking safety vest. Doesn't really surprise me they're fucking retarded though.

>Maybe she'll have sex with me

I can't fucking unsee it

>get hit by car
>get arrested for walking onto a highway



Not too hard in his gender studies degree.

Where i sign?

He can't keep getting away with it!

didn't the cops already say that you could legally cream them on the highway if they pull that shit?

First thing that hit me

>Didn't even first aid

Fucking tards


>Walk onto highway
>Get his by car

>Go into pool
>Get wet

Who'd a thought?

God damn it...

> people rush to stand in front of the car
Did they want to get hit?

wtf? cars can kill people?

how many protesters blocking roads must die before they stop blocking roads?


>hit by racist car
>racist car

did you know neural net AI can learn racism from humans?
I wonder what will happen when all cars drive themselves


fuller vid

Damn son

Ban assault cars.


Nah, she just got barely winged. It might've bruised or broken something but she didn't get hit full on or run over. You can tell the driver realized they clipped something because they start slowing down and pulling over.

I can't stop laughing.

>First thing that hit me

Fuckin kek


the impact was pretty darn loud.

Made this

>no eurobeat

holy shit, it gets funnier every time.

that bump was like asmr



>blocking a street
>at fucking night at that
wew lad who could have seen that coming?


proof that Sup Forums and /o/ are meant to be

I'm really looking forward to the winterball

Well, a car is hollow, so its pretty noisy when something hits one.


I really, really like this one

I wish I were watching this on bestgore instead of youtube

car should run over the people 100% of the time


Can somebody tell me where this idiotic idea to protest on freeways came from, also top kek, no wonder UCSD is ranked below us.

You know what to do.