Guys I'm scared. If Trump gets killed, we'll be stuck with Mike "Suck a cock, get a shock!" Pence. That would be way worse for liberals, but do you really think they would think that through? Why the fuck did the Donald have to choose this guy...
Guys I'm scared. If Trump gets killed, we'll be stuck with Mike "Suck a cock, get a shock!" Pence...
Only faggots hate Mike.
This, he is a cool guy
He won't be killed jews are protecting him
Trump is a jew.
Discussion about Trump and Poland.
Pence is Trump's, Himmler
What's wrong with Mike Pence the Electric Fence?
>Suck a cock, get a shock!
Even Snopes knows that's bullshit.
he's 10x better than any Democrat and has a lot of experience
guess faggots do like him too
That's literally why he chose Pence. If they take him out they have to take Pence too, and if they do that it'll be too obvious.
Oh, they probably have to get rid of Bannon as well.
Anybody else think he looks like a contract killer? And I mean that in the highest respect possible.
Trump's insurance policy so he doesn't get assassinated. Let's be honest.
And don't forget Ryan and every cabinet member
I actually like him. Half the shit he would do would get denied anyways.
Are you really this retarded?
Pence is Trumps insurance policy against being jfk'd.
Of course liberals would hate him more. That's the point.
Trump makes grandiose statements but ends up falling back close to center. Almost like someone trying to
>make a deal
He literally supports every single Pre-Trump mainstream establishment Republican policy.
He's like, the most Washington person you could find outside of Washington.
He even contradicted Trump many times during the election.
And now he's in charge of picking 4000 executive branch staffers
This desu
Puff the Peter get the cleaver
Pence is a zionist shabbos goy that they shoved in Trumps team.
They would love to kill Trump and let him wild.
>but he hates faggots
Guess what, they don't really care about queers, getting him to start wars for israel is what they want.
And Trump wants to appoint a former Goldman Sachs banker as head of the treasury. He was never anti-establishment.
i kind of get this argument, but libs are retarded enough to want to kill trump without giving mind to pence
Think about it. Trump isn't your typical republican candidate, however Pence is your classic religious conservative. If he goes down Pence takes his place, and that should be these libtards real nightmare.
That is just media speculation.
Trump was always a zionist, so it doesn't make a difference.
Mike is a pretty good guy. I can imagine him coolly directing our RWDS through the remains of Soros's house over the radio once SHTF.
That's true.
>thinking ahead
>think at all
Trump not wanting to do a first holocaust or dismantling israel doesn't make him a zionist.
>people still believe this
Pence used to be gay. That's really all there was to it.
Who's that guy???
>used to be gay
so he's still gay but hiding it
Netanyahu started criticizing Trump's wall project when it first appeared saying it was unacceptable. Only started trying to be positive after they realized he could win.
>gender is fluid, a man can discover he's a woman in the middle of his life.
>there is no such thing as an ex-gay
hooray for Mike "believe in the Precambrian, get your skull bashed in" Pence
>He literally supports every single Pre-Trump mainstream establishment Republican policy.
You say this like it's a bad thing
>gender is fluid, a man can discover he's a woman in the middle of his life.
>there is no such thing as an ex-gay
how are these things equivalent?
first one is tumblr bullshit, second one is actually true.
Mike, "Suck a prick, get hit with a brick" Pence is Donald Trump's insurance policy. Everyone knows that Donald is the only person keeping Prence from being in charge of the Oval Office.
Homosexuality is a treatable mental condition.
And now Netanyahu is telling people not to criticize Trump because he's good for Israel.
Again: liberal would-be assassins probably don't think ahead.
Mike Pence is cool.
Love Mike Pence, I hope he helps outlaw abortion and make Gay marriage illegal again.
Anal sex is degenerate.
They would just assassinate both of them
if you outlaw abortion people will still do it
and if he gets gay marriage outlawed people will actually kill him. within a few days. or hours.
third it's not degenerate if it's with a gril
Only dangerous faggots.
He is anti-contraception. He literally supports millions of poor blacks to have even more babies and fuck everything up.
>if you outlaw abortion people will still do it
Same with any other murder then.
>and if he gets gay marriage outlawed people will actually kill him. within a few days. or hours.
Nobody likes fags that much.
>third it's not degenerate if it's with a gril
Yes it is. It causes cancer.
>In theory, legal abortion reduces murder by being, in effect, "prenatal capital punishment." But, first, it's not very efficient. Like Herod, we have to eradicate many to get the one we want. While genes and upbringing do affect criminality, there's so much randomness that predicting the destiny of individual fetuses is hard.
>Second, what if besides a contraceptive-using bourgeoisie and an abortion-using working class, there also exists an underclass to whom, in the words of Homer Simpson, "Life is just a bunch of things that happen"? What if in the '70s members of the underclass didn't effectively use either contraception or abortion, but, being too destitute or distracted or drunk or drugged, they just tended to let s*** happen all the way to the maternity ward? And what if the legalization of abortion gave them an excuse to be even less careful about avoiding pregnancy? In fact, in your paper you cite evidence that 60 percent to 75 percent of all fetuses aborted in the '70s would never have been conceived without legal abortion. If that's what happened across all classes, the increase in careless pregnancies specifically among the underclass might have been so big that it negated the eugenic or euculturalist effects of abortion.
>Thus, legalizing abortion would have thinned the ranks of the respectable black working class but not the black underclass. Its cultural influence would therefore have mounted. Just compare the working-class black music of the '60s (e.g., Motown) with the underclass gangsta rap of the late '80s, which spread the lethal bust-a-cap code of the East Coast and West Coast crack dealers across America.
>If you outlaw abortion people will still do it
This is bad because?
I'd laugh uncontrollably if liberals were retarded enough to take out Trump and suffer a scorned Pence denied his fag-bashing.
Pence is an actual hardcore conservative, not a neo-con, that'd be the biggest mistake liberals ever fucking made which is probably why Trump picked him, it's like a safety net because any would-be assassin, even inside sources would have to heavily consider the alternative.
1. ok but think of it this way abortion = less nigger babies
2. fags themselves will kill him
3. aids not cancer wear protection
Man, Pence manages to look so classy. I'm jelly as fuark desu.
I don't see anything wrong with Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
> less nigger babies
nope. See
>fags themselves will kill him
Normal people would kill the fags first.
>aids not cancer wear protection
HPV causes cancer
Are you talking about Mike "Slay away the gay" Pence?
>Normal people would kill the fags first.
Do you go outside? At least half of "normal people" are liberal. The other half may be conservative but most of them not extreme enough to kill fags
Do you honestly think the average American would have a problem with shooting bunch of uppity queers who want to kill the president?
To avoid getting assassinated. Duh.
> At least half of "normal people" are liberal.
White ones voted majority Trump, so no. The others aren't numerous or motivated enough to do anything about it. Gays lost the marriage vote in fucking California.
they wouldn't think they'd kill the president until it actually happens. most riots don't end with the president being killed.
It's Mike "Tim Kaine's Wife is a" Pence. I will never call him anything else.