>mfw trumpfags are this salty and butthurt over joe and obama memes they try to replicate them and miserably fail
this is just sad family
>mfw trumpfags are this salty and butthurt over joe and obama memes they try to replicate them and miserably fail
this is just sad family
Pence is too creepy to be funny
Hillary superpac detected
Why trying to copy a shit meme to begin with?
Time to delete my account
No one cared before they lost so why would anyone care after they lost?
No one cares about half-baked lib memes except lame libs.
ike "If men to men you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence
Mike "Amperes for the Queers" Pence
Mike "Blast the Gays with Tesla Rays" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for LGBT" Pence
Mike "Enemy of the Enema" Pence
Mike "If you like cock then you're in for a shock" Pence
Mike "A million joules if you stroke his jewels" Pence
Mike "Make America Straight Again" Pence
Mike "Don't give a hoot, got gays to shoot" Pence
Mike "No more sodomy after your lobotomy" Pence
Mike "Bitter Tears for the Queers" Pence
Mike "if you pack fudge I'll bear a grudge" Pence
Mike "hit this dyke with a lightning strike" Pence
Mike "A Million Watts for Impure Thoughts" Pence
Mike "taze the gays" Pence
Mike "Throws Frag Grenades at Fag Parades" Pence
Mike "firing a .223 in every LGBT" Pence
Mike "body bags for fags" Pence
Mike "I have a bomb for your two moms" Pence
Mike "Does not like a single Dyke" Pence
Mike "Adam and Steve? It's time to fucking leave" Pence
Mike "Dynamite the sodomite" Pence
Mike "Use the right restroom or meet your doom" Pence
Mike "homos caught get a gigawatt" pence
Mike "the best gay deterrent is a direct current" Pence
Mike "Cock + Cock = Electroshock" Pence
Mike "Like men? The dial goes to 10" Pence
Mike "Faggot Medcine From Thomas Edison" Pence
>Joe and obama memes
Obama: Pls don't be silly Biden
Biden: I keep being silly!
Yeah it's forced.
However, I like the image of Pence running around the White House with a pair of jumper cables chasing down anybody with a lisp.
Pence is a gentleman and a scholar
20 zaps for you
Normie memes at their finest
>caring about normie memes
Leave a coat hanger on the stove for like five minutes, then stick it up your ass slow like SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
You know what the funny thing about this is? I've been hooked up to the Trump Meme-machine for over a year now, I'd know if a meme like that actually existed and was being pushed. I haven't seen anything that retarded before.
Why shouldn't I assume this meme was made by a democrat?
>trumpfags are this salty and butthurt
A mere 8 days ago our pipe dream came true. Against all expert estimations we ended Hillary Clinton's career, obliterated every SJW (OP included) on the planet and left the Democratic party in ruins. I may never be salty again.
They've given up and have resorted to memes instead of protesting or organizing. It's how they cope.
Mike "the san fransico shocker" pence
Trump is still your President.
Sorry, I don't think he's half as bad as Joe 'Statutory Slip Slidin' Biden.
>They've given up and have resorted to memes instead of protesting or organizing. It's how they cope.
You've... you've just described Sup Forums.
None of these memes are funny. They are normie trash created by meme novices.
>implying hillshits didn't repackage every single one of them pol's memes in a laughably pathetic manner.
Isn't that how we put Trump in the White House? We shouldn't misunderestimate the power of memes.