>>>Sup Forums


Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Hero Academia/

umm. I'm sorry but, BnH is inspired by Sup Forums content therefore it's technically Sup Forums

So My Life and Me can be on Sup Forums since it was inspired by anime?
So Level Up can be on Sup Forums since it was inspired by video games?



By that regards, every anime should be talked about here as it was all inspired by original western cartoons.

They don’t start hiring Jannies until next month but it’s never too early to get your references ready

Well they do it on Toonami general. Why don't you stop on by later, and post your same argument there.


He was 100x stronger than he is after he got injured.

I'd love to see both of those threads.

>How strong was he
100x more


He wasnt any stronger he could just maintain his form forever and wasn't in severe pain

>YouTube villain
Man, wtf is going on in the manga right now.

What's this

Just a meme about the new "villain" that showed up MHA. Basically he does crimes and posts them on YouTube for the sole purpose of notoriety. He wants to be remembered like other notorious villains. Overall he's a pretty charming and harmless guy.

Wow, Sup Forums isn't even trying to make their threads even tangentially related to Sup Forums content now by relating it to a western comic or hero. Impressive.

you say that like other boards do that

Have you even watched BnH? Its action. Not moeshit. That means it's banned on Sup Forums since it gets in the way of discussing moeshit. Therefore action anime are allowed on Sup Forums, since its closer to action cartoons than Sup Forumsshit.

He could probably lift 5 tons ( this is impressive for japs and MCU fans)

Sup Forums hates cartoons.


Have you ever actually been on Sup Forums?

It's a Japanese Comic, dumbass.

Sup Forums is for Western stuff (and occasionally Chinese and North Korean stuff as well)

If every punch is more than 100% of his strength, should that not just be his new maximum

>It's another Sup Forums complains about anime on an anime image board run by a Japanese con man

I don't hate MHA, it's just not Sup Forums related



Sup Forums has constant BnHA threads.

did you just take a photo of your monitor?

Why is Sup Forumsedditor allowed to post offtopic threads?

Who is this insecure retard who keeps making BnHA threads on Sup Forums?

desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Hero Academia/
>literally 1700 results going back to 2014 when the manga first started
just be honest: you can't post on Sup Forums because you were perma banned from the board, right?

Sup Forums is just mad they haven't had a super hero moment this hype in decades.


Annihilation was from 2006 and shits all over MHA in hype


Bullshit he can do far more than that right now



Fuck you mods

Gee I wonder what it will take for mods to enforce their stupid fucking rules instead of being sarcastic, dismissive cuntflaps?

I guess nothing lol





this manga seems pretty gay guys


Imagine having this much gay porn on your computer but not enjoying anime.


good taste porn dumper.

Imagine posting non-Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums and then defending it on the basis of it being loosely based on superheroes


Moblefag arguing a friend on telegram



Post more

why does the hetero porn has lower quality than the gay porn

Keep up the good work

It's just the way life works. Gay porn will always be high quality.


Because kikes

>Lee has realized that he can't post pony porn without getting his assed banned for a couple of days, so he resorts to using porn related to the series the thread is about
That's almost an impressive plot, Lee. I'd congratulate you for it if it weren't so hopelessly petty and spiteful. Good taste in Deku porn though.

btw mod I have ad block and ublock origin going

Good luck getting that cocaine money you new yorker piece of shit

Barneyfag is a hero we haven't seen since RoastedBread. Show some fucking respect you cro-mag



>"Heroic" in any way shape or form
Sure. If you're into buttfucking your own dog that is, and fapping to horse dicks.

>when you try getting some nobody to be your board famous lolcow but he's so irrelevant nobody knows who he is

Cringe desu

>when you try getting some nobody to be your board famous lolcow but he's so irrelevant nobody knows who he is
Don't know who you're referring to here. Barneyfag is pretty well-known throughout all of the board's for his utter retardation and hilarious spergouts regarding anything even tangentially related to "Ponies" or "Off-topic" threads.

and they are all terrible

wew lad you just outed yourself as a newfag or a baiter either is just as pathetic as the other.


I really hate anglo dubbing

Only bronies like you try to spread untruths about Barneyfag.
It's the only thing they have to protect themselves against the constant allegations of pedophilia like what happened with ToonKriticY2K.

Fuck off Lee stop shitting up this board your degenerate

Nigger his punch leveled a city block

Superheroes are Sup Forumsmics and cartoons material

He changed the weather with a punch!
And while dying and after having passed his power on.
The shit he could get up to at full power must've been Hulk tier.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums

He knocked Noumu out of the atmosphere too AFTER Noumu was absorbing 300 full power punches

>do their job
Good one.

They're not Sup Forums because they're superheroes. They're Sup Forums because they're from cartoons and comics.