Well, how privileged ARE you mothing fucker faggots?
Other urls found in this thread:
are you expecting genuine replies to a buzzfeed emotional manipulation checklist?
> I am always comfortable with P.D.A. with my partner in public.
I've never done it but i'd imagine it's awkward
> I have never been called a “fairy,” or any other derogatory slur for homosexuals.
I've been called a foot-fairy for playing soccer
> I have never been called “fag.”
I went to Middle School in America
> I never had to “come out.”
I've had to come out as conservative
these are broad statements. You throw around the word cunt all the time. Ive been called a cunt
> I am a man.
> I have never been denied an opportunity because of my gender.
> I am white.
>I am a man.
What is affirmative action
I have been discriminated against because I'm white. It's even a built in "feature" of society and the government. I'm literally excluded by the state from certain benefits.
I'm mocked for my accent, by other Swedes. Where does this idea of universal heritage come from?
Does anyone believe media mocks black slang anywhere near just having a southern sounding accent in the US?
Whites are more often victims of race based crime. It's just not counted the same way because that doesn't qualify as hate crime. See systematic governmental discrimination again.
I've heard more slurs against swedes than I ever have the opposite. It seems their default noun for swedish woman is Swede-whore.
What kind of person writes this shit?
appealing to emotion is a logical fallacy
> I make more money than my professional counterparts of a different gender.
> I have never been denied an opportunity because of my gender.
Yes, due to affirmative action
No that's a myth
Holy shit I only got 3. Do I win guys?
When I went to New Zealand (on the list) people made fun of my accent. Also I broke a bone so the my disability prevented me from traveling to Australia. One could say airline rules and my muscles and the law of gravity discriminated against me and prevented me from makign the journey
I have never been to prison
I have never murdered anyone
I have never robbed anyone
I have never called anyone a nigger 100 times a day in causal conversation
I have never claimed welfare
I have never beat my wife
I have never abandoned my children
>only got 3
What are you, some sort of faggot?
White and hetero.
Live in the hell that is central Florida.
All black women in school would stroke my long blonde hair only after asking to touch it.
Been told I sound white in three states.
Most nigs thought I was from France.
Been called every white slur. Right down to wigger because everyone else was black or spanish.
Was hit in the face and beat to ground because I was "white" and it's "my fault".
So fuck you op.
Several of these would not apply in a foreign country where whites are not majority.
SJWs need to fuck off thinking white privilege is a global phenomenon.
The only one of these that applies to me is I'm white, heterosexual, and I've never been a victim of violence because of my race, although a black guy did strangle me once DURING a high school basketball game because I set a clean pick on him and he got his ass knocked the fuck down, but I guess we won't know if that was racist or not (I tend to think it was). I have really nice thick hair for a white person and it's pretty long, looks like a wig, so people are always asking if I'm wearing a wig or if it's real.
I've been told I sound white and that I'm attractive for a white person before by black people. In Chicago I was the only white person on the train and bus multiple times. This is such a bullshit white shaming questionare, whoever made it is stupid. I've been called a squarehead before and also during basketball was called a "cracker" by black people like every game. I've been mocked for my accent when I was in Europe.
Aside from all of this being absolute nonsense, what will always annoy me is that there's no reasoning behind what makes certain things mean you're privileged. It's a list of things that -might- happen to people that are a minority and only proves that they rely on appeal to emotion in order to get ahead in life as opposed to personal experience and/or talent.
Uh...Apparently I've had issues with my identity.
Nope. Always been a CIS white male. :3
that list is pretty racist against whites imo.
why doesn't it say "I have never been told I sound liike another race" instead of "sound white"??
Now please stop posting cuckfeed to Sup Forums you sad cunt
>Inb4 I'm sad because I did it. I'm drunk and bored you cunt
Hehehe even though I am straight white male
Check first box and last box.
You fucking cucks have never lived in an inner city, go fuck yourself you privileged bigots
here's your participation trophy
I am white
x I have been discriminated against on the basketball court
x I'm the only non-Indian/Paki in the damn place - software job at major bank
x When I worked in London, I walked in on my boss doing his best American idiot impression (not of me.. I hope)
x I have been told I've got a big dick for a white guy
x Niggers always want to pick fights with whites
x Cracker, honkey, casper, hick, hillbilly, etc
I've never been told I sound white
x I'm bald, people want to rub my head
I'm heterosexual, cis white and male
>tfw lower middle class white fag
ITT the POC complain about their shitty culture.
Fuck off femicunts
t.cis white male
white washed latino here
73 out of 100
I'm white in Philadelphia and have been harassed and/or assaulted by black people ever since I came here
Im straight white and got 13 because i went to a school full of racist niggers
Pretty sure I've done this before
i am white and i have been discriminated against because of my skin colour in school by the only nigger of the class
I literally can only check off the first and last ones.
Kinda would trade all sorts of privilege to not have had that gun pointed at my head with me and my gf on the ground having our wallets stolen
Inb4 concealed carry, those are illegal here
If you check every box except "I am White". You will come up as not privileged.
Academic discussion of white privilege is really truly just a codified way of acknowledging that people aren't equal and that one race has an edge. They might try to argue about money or culture, and that certainly does play a role, but its clear that its really about genetics and race. They want a handicap for the inferior.
What the fuck is the end goal with this priveledge bullshit?
Do they want everyone on the same level playing field?
>If everyone is special, no one is
>Never discriminated against skin color
"Fucking german nazi" t. shitskin
>never been the only person of my race in a room
>Never mocked for accent
My friends make fun of it from time to time because it's very rural
>Never been told i am attractive for my race
Did happen, but I don't find POCs attractive
>Never been a victim of violence because of race
See no. 2 - words wasn't enough for them
>Never been called a racial slur
Nazi, Shit German, Sauerkraut
>Never been told i sound white
Check - I am white so nobody would ever point that out
>Stranger has never asked to touch my hair
People want to touch my beard all the time
So now i learned again that SJWs are biased idiots... i guess that's my privelege
Heterosexual is the only one that applies to me so I guess I'm not privileged
>I have never been cyber-bullied for any of my identities.
>I was not bullied as a child for any of my identities.
>I have never tried to distance myself from any of my identities.
>I have never been self-conscious about any of my identities.
>I have never questioned any of my identities.
>I feel privileged because of the identities I was born with.
Shit really went off the rails at the end there.
Hilarious. I'm brown, bisexual, formerly a muslim and a child of immigrants. This provilege stuff is bullshit
around half of the boxed could be checked by not being a miserable piece of shit and self loathing.
I'm an American of posole descent in Commiefornia, I was expecting that shit to be at 100%
Fite me, plebs
I had 2 more points than you and it said i was privileged
I have natural rights of life, liberty and property
A privilege is something that is given to you by a person or group of people and can be taken away
Which of those listed are a privilege?
I am living in a shithole country yet I have more privilege than you white males living in the first world countries. Shame, what a shame
I got "you're not privileged". Straight white man too. Ha!
Everyone who is white can say they've been discriminated because of their skin colour because it's illegal for them to become a citizen of LIberia. (they have it in their constitution that only blacks/negroes are legal citizens)
You're not allowed to move to Liberia and make an honest living simply because of the colour of your skin, it's RACISMS! BULLSHIT! #OpenTheBorders #EndHate
>mfw I hang out with black people so I can easily check off more than half of these
If this is true can't we start some shit to convince all those BLM folks to move there?
Repressing tranny here (that means I want to be a girl but know I can't dare try to)
straight white male reporting in
should spending like half an hour in canada one time count for travelling internationally
For fucks sake!
>I have never been called a faggot
>I have never been called a dyke
Supposedly I'm not privileged despite being "the 1%" and everything they rally against.
Their checklist which is supposed to target me, fails due to how out of touch they are with reality.
>Molested by older sister as a kid
>Born into a shitty single mother household
>Bullied constantly as a kid
>Currently dealing with borderline ED
>Still considered privilege because I'm not a retarded Muslim tranny with a gimp leg
Kek, this is stupid.
What the fuck is checking my privilege, or being aware of my privilege suppose to accomplish anyway?
I know other people have had a harder life than me, but so what? Do they want me to be ashamed because my parents were productive members of society and could provide me with a stable up bringing?
Forgot my score.
>borderline ED
can't you just take some knob hardeners for that? I mean it's not really borderline if your little man isn't doing his job he's not doing your job just get the pills bud
What'd you expect? It was made by guilty white people in their 20's
LOL im not going to click through 400 shitty fucking questions to get some faggot answer that means nothing.
i hope everyone involved in making that quiz dies tomorrow.
question: does having a roof over your head, clean drinking water, an active military not outside your house about to knock it down, not in danger of dying to plague or famine and being able to choose what you want to do with your life privilege?
because the authors of that article probably fit that critera. as do most of us
Where are my gibsmedats?
>You live with 45 out of 100 points of privilege.
>You’re not privileged at all. You grew up with an intersectional, complicated identity, and life never let you forget it. You’ve had your fair share of struggles, and you’ve worked hard to overcome them. We do not live in an ideal world and you had to learn that the hard way. It is not your responsibility to educate those with more advantages than you, but if you decide you want to, go ahead and send them this quiz. Hopefully it will help.
And yet, life is still on easy mode.
>You don't have student debt
Yea because I got scholarships and Federal Aid not because my parents pay for it.
I honestly don't want to have to resort to pills.
Not that it matters, I'm pretty averse to sex anyways, and even jerking off is a waste for the most part.
Literally the fuck is wrong with nearly all of you.
I only lost points for having a unique accent
Damn it feels good to be a straight white male. I was called fag a lot in high school, but who hasn't?
>cis white male
>grew up in middle class
>not privileged
Such is life in Toronto.
>You live with 45 out of 100 points of privilege.
I bet they didn't account for wite bois growing up in shitty black schools.
>I am white
>I am heteorsexual
Then again, that's the two they LOVE to jump on, so I guess i'm UberPrivilaged
I guess I never realized how privileged blacks were compared to neets and pedophiles.
I feel like this test is discriminating against me because of the color of my skin.
lmao I am homo and got a 28
Straight white male, 16 points.
Fuck you, affirmative action
>Molested by older sister as a kid
In what way, user? Is she in prison now?
>I work in a salaried job
salary fucking SUCKS lol, only cucks work salary
Suck it low privilage faggots
Yeah, privileged for THAT.
It's like points. It's not that difficult to understand.
Assume being white gives you +50 points. Assume being a man gives you +25. Assume being disabled is -30 points or something. Assuming being black is -50 points. Assuming being a woman is -25 points. It's like that.
You also have privilege for being born in America. You have privilege for having both of your eyes, both of your arms, and both of your legs work. You have privilege for not having a mental disorder.
Everyone has privileges. Some people just have way more.
69 out of a hundred
hell yea
feels good to be a middle class mestiz
>I have never pretended to be "just friends" with my significant other
I do that all the time, I'm so good at pretending that even my significant other thinks we're just friends!
straight white male
21 points
guess a perk of growing up in the south is that i can get that sweet sweet victim status
wow, lost to an aa hire? maybe should have read more shit at school, you ditch digging piece of shit.
i also got 48.
>In what way, user?
Usually in the "violently beating/groping a 10 year old" way.
She also introduced me to Sup Forums.
>Is she in prison now?
Yes, but that's unrelated.
Doesn't really matter to be honest, she's a worthless drug addict who got thrown in prison for starting shit at some shitty BLM riot.
Personally I hope she gets shanked.
So basically it's all bullshit?
I'm a white male tho....
Took this awhile ago, saved it to BTFO anyone who called me privileged.
>White cis christan male who works for for a living
>Not being crucified by buzzfeed
Forgot to cap, but I think I just broke the matrix.
I don't get free shit from the government like women, faggots, non-whites, foreigners so I guess I'm not privileged at all.
I am proud I'm not a dirty smelly shitskin.
Most of these have happened to me and I'm gonna break it down (I'm whiter than Casper)
>I am white
>I have never been discriminated against because of my skin color
I've been told several times that I dance like a white guy, and I've been excluded from participating in shit because I'm "too white for that". It happens surprisingly often in social settings.
>I have never been the only person of my race in a room
I was born in Scarborough, which is basically a cesspool full of niggers/various mudslimes and I have definitely been the only white guy in several rooms. Hell, one time walking in downtown Toronto I found myself walking through some sort of Paki festival. I was the only white guy in sight, I'm talking about thousands of Pakis including shithead young sand niggers.
>I have never been mocked for my accent
There were a few times where a black/Asian group made fun of me for saying things with my straight-up white Canadian accent.
>I have never been told I am attractive "for my race"
I'm sure other anons have had experience with this. Can't recall of this has happened to me.
>I have never been a victim of violence because of my race
We can talk about crime statistics here, but I'd rather cite the fact that three niggers mugged me and called me white boy over and over again. Obviously I was targeted because I'm a white dude (easy target usually)
>I have never been called a racial slur
I have been called honkey, Wonder bread, white boy, cracker, several others
>I have never been told I "sound white"
Again, I've had Asian groups and black guys make fun of my accent. I'm pretty sure somebody has literally told me I sound white before
>A stranger has never asked to touch my hair, or asked if it was real
I've got long as fuck hair and I've been lifting since High School. I remember three chicks in high school who asked to touch my soul patch/check out my amazing curly-as-fuck white guy locks. I let them and shit was so cash
>I am heterosexual
You got me
>You live with 37 out of 100 points of privilege.
White national socialist living in "multicultural" Sweden. Guess this proves whites are oppressed after all.