Do you just have a window open you check on periodically or do you marathon it?
How many hours of Sup Forums a day?
Now thinking about it Im actually disturbed how much time a day i spend here.
I browse in the evening, about an hour.
I've been spending time here more and more lately.
every day
wew lad
I bet you jerk off alot
If I'm ever operating a device that can browse Sup Forums, I probably will.
If you're keeping track of the time you probably aren't satisfied and could have fun elsewhere.
they wew lad us but being here for ~8 years 12-16 hours a day has paid off in memes.
This board depresses me too much so I only go for a hour or 2 every couple of days
Used to be 5+. Now around 1-3.
How long have you been here?
all hours
>when you've been on Sup Forums over 10 years
A couple of months
Damn, and I thought 4 years was mentally corrosive.
>Open up pol
>Post BLACKED thread
>Check up on it an hour later
Top keks every time
>A couple of months
You had a window to leave and now you're here forever. It's not a joke.
Same. except school computers, cant have normies discover my secret club.
Best years I've seen on here were 2007 and 2011.
and whatever year the LHC became operational
12 years reporting in
It'll be 10 years for me whenever xmas holidays begin next month. Pic related was the first time I got into politics on here though, it was a Sup Forums general (I think) during the 2012 CSPAN SOPA streams.
Sleep is for the mentally deficient.
Usually have a window open the 4-5 hours between when I get home from work and when I go to bed. On the weekends it's about 6 hours a day. I spend most of the time on Sup Forums, but will go into /x/ for some time if there are good threads.
Been on Sup Forums as a whole since 2007.
I started in 2012 around Christmas or something.
I'm looking forward to this board slowing down now that the election is over. There's a certain speed that Sup Forums is comfiest at and right now it's too fast.
Try 8 years of Sup Forums and 4 years of Sup Forums first discovered this place when I was 11 after the first black out in 06 although I did make quite a bit a money selling nudes to pedos on here
There was a time when cheese pizza was actually posted here pretty frequently. Shit went too mainstream for the pedos I guess.
I never leave user.
i had the opposite effect years ago
now i come here daily even though its literally the same threads over and over
>I did make quite a bit a money selling nudes to pedos on here
yours, or??
Kek true I actually saw my pics posted in a cp dump on Sup Forums last year looks like I will never hold a public position or be famous for fear of leaks
I live and breathe Sup Forums.
Yeah me and my sister went on cam/ took nudes of each other off a moto razr and emailed em for about 50$ for me and 20$ for her a pic thru paypal
fucking rip dude
why were you posting nudes as a little kid
i probably would have done that as an 11 year old because ~100 bucks was like solid gold to me but holy shit that is fucked
It was a post a pic of yourself thread and half the posters screamed mods who were clearly asleep and asked for nudes so I was like ok then the thread exploded people dumped throwaway emails and offered me money so I was like fuck yeah I only got 20$ a month in allowance so it seemed like a good idea at the time for my 11 year old brain
When I wake up at 5am in the morning I come a and preach the bible, when I finish work I come back on and preach the bible more except on gym days where I go to the gym first then come on after gym to preach the bible. I would guess maybe 6 hours a day?
>tfw been here since late spring/early summer and already browsing daily for at least a hour.
For God's sake I thought this was a meme. What have you done to me Sup Forums
What the fuck
Too much. Sup Forums is the pinnacle of my existence. What's funny is I do have a lot going for me, but I find the most enjoyment being on here. Especially during the meme wars and such.
I am actually probably one of the most influential people in the world despite being a NEET wizard
Recently, I have been marathoning it.
wow, is she a huge slut now? how the fuck was she making $30 less than you kek
Nah I swear she's a closet lesbo 19 cute plays field hockey and doesn't even bring dudes over just "hangs" with her team mates gets drunk and makes out with them. And as one pedo said I'm paraphrasing here but "finding you is like a needle in a haystack its so easy to find girls on chatsites but not boys"
72 hours straight then never again
the wage gap!! its real!!!!
My sides are gone
I wish I was 10 again. With what I know now, I'd be a millionaire before I was 16.
Who the fuck browses Sup Forums
This is very sad
A lot as the election flared up, I will probably try to go back to normie life in a month. I could be watching anime right now. :(
ur a fagget
I don't even feel bad about it, or regret a single hour, because I am always way more up to date and know way more about what goes on all over the world than anyone else that I talk to.
Sup Forums was once Sup Forums before the edgy kids found it.
Classic Sup Forums tard
I bet you're a regular on
2 hours maybe, been cataloging historical memes for a thesis I'm writing
Marathon it til I pass out; get up, pee, eat a can of raviolis and go back at it.
all free time. every day. i'm not afraid of AI. after tay and chink tay i know they can be controlled. after the meme war nothing can rattle me. i will not stop until all youtube comment sections and kikebook threads look like pol
I'm 18 and In my senior year of high school, so far I've been browsing all day everyday because none of my classes are doing anything
I read until the stress gets too much for me and then I go to a friendlier board for a while
My wife's only contact with the outside world is shopping for groceries and Sup Forums. I've tried to pry her away from it but everytime I come home from work she's on here. I don't really know what to do, I mean she cleans and cooks but she would rather browse Sup Forums than spend time with me when I'm off work.
I check pol on my phone at least twice an hour at work.
At home if I'm not doing anything I'll browse nonstop.
I don't post here all day long but when I do, it's all I do, maybe with a podcast on the background. This isn't a side thing I check on from time to time, this is just what I do while waiting for Nostalrius to return.
abou6 hours a day
I originally started on Sup Forums 3 years ago, I'm really into world politics and history and slowly and periodically started coming to Sup Forums about 6 months after starting on Sup Forums. Eventually after a few months I exclusively only started browsing Sup Forums, I even deleted my other tab for Sup Forums. I got real tired of all the tranny, furry, fluffy, loli, shota, and other retard threads.
As far as amount of hours go I probably spend about a good 2-4 hours a day on here, half the time I end up just coming here (like a natural instinct) after a long day and browsing getting lost in the time. Other times I may just be working on some of my online courses or writing a paper and just come on here to get my mind off of it. I really have to say, despite all the shitposts and banter this site has gotten me through some seriously tough times and made life far more enjoyable sometimes. It eases the stress of school, work, and maintaining relationships.
I just wanted to say despite us all having our differences I love every single one of you disgusting fuckers not matter if you're a shitskin or not.
Maybe an hour and a half. More recently. I check in periodically when I'm bored in class.
Probably two hours, I'm liberal though. I voted for Clinton, but I like to troll here. Also be exposed to different points of views, and Sup Forums couldn't be more away from my views.
In all seriousness, are you actually a Clinton voter? There have to be at least a few liberal Sup Forumslacks.
Sup Forumstards.
and before the chanbrian explosion of niche boards, almost everyone
Thanks for making me feel better. Fuck it, most of humanity has spent their whole lives slaving over nothing then dying in the rice paddys, here we are able to access and send instantanious information from all over the world. And we have memes too.
All of them
Lol I named my cat Nevada after Nevada chan
Yes I voted for her. I looked at both candidates policies and determined who I wanted to be president. Not Trump is racist, Hillary's emails this, but their actual policies and what they want to do.
Why do you think a 550% increase in refugees is a good idea?
Same man. I have a lot going for me. But this gives me the most joy.
Been through many boards in 9 years on Sup Forums. Sup Forums has gone to complete shit but it used to be funny as hell when I was stoned and in high school, stopped going there 7 years ago.
Sup Forums got me back into programming and led me to my career today
/x/, Sup Forums, /vg/, /r9k/, Sup Forums have all been big for me too
But when I discovered Sup Forums I learned what it truly meant to shitpost. Being a part of Sup Forums for this election has truly, unironically, been one of the most enjoyable parts of my life.
I redpilled family members and turned them from skeptics into diehard Trump supporters.
Because of Sup Forums and my contributions to the meme wars, election night became the most triumphant night of my life. I am very informed in world politics and world leaders.
It's been a blast, brothers.
Which policies were most influential in your decision?
cp WAS the reason it was popular.
Easily 3 hours a day, probably more
waaay too many hours
Same, I'm top 10% of US society easily but I'd much rather spend my time here than, I don't know, whatever it is normies do (go to the club? Buy Apple products? Listen to whimsical indie music with claps and whistles?)
>work 7 hours
>browse 10 hours
>sleep 5 hours
>watch morning news and lurk before work
I usually spend time ripping on Finland being drunks or shitposting.
>top 10%
post bank account balance
...and jerk off how many times?
Looks legit
I take a few dumps at work and Sup Forums for 10 mins
Usually Sup Forums during my lunch too
Growing up sucks
I plan on participating in this board for the rest of my life
Been here since 2011
This. And I don't like it. I take breaks for weeks and interact with normies to wash of the warped view of reality here
Clinton didn't have policies or positions, just favors she owed to her backers. Are you freaking kidding me?
>rest of my life
>implying Sup Forums will be around until all its users are retirement age
The consolidation and normalizing of the internet will make this impossible, probably won't be around in 10 years and definitely not in 20. One day we won't be able to shitpost on Sup Forums anymore.
The memes will last forever, the people will still be on Earth, but we will no longer be able to connect in this form or fashion.
There will be other places to gather, but this board is not forever.
I will not forget you.
Hillary pays me to shitpost on Sup Forums, so it's pretty much my job to be on here all day.
10-15 depending on how long I sleep and video games in between.
This since Ron Paul went down 4 years ago. Look who's laughing now!