Post pics that really make you hmmm...
Post pics that really make you hmmm
Other urls found in this thread:
One assaults and kills others
Guess which one it is
The guy with scary tactical assault sign
Yeah actually.
BLM Protesters (land management) only had one of their own shot.
Stupid fucking bong
the creepy ass white trash redneck
not the gud boi gettin his lyfe bak on trak
>burns, loots, and assaults their own community
>stand around an empty building
Truth IS stranger than fiction.
Ironically the gun guys just sit peacefully, while the sign guys beat the shit out of people and burn down/ loot stores
Now do you understand why each is called that?
This made me hmmm...
In reality, they are looting and burning shit, the media can't show it because then they would lose credibility. There have been a much larger quantity of shootings at BLM protest than an NRA citizen.
On the back of every protest sign is a two-by-four with a nail stuck to it.
really makes you go hmmmmmm
wow...hhmmm..... so true.. blacks can't day dream in the streeets with real katana... hmmm.. so unfair
>American buses don't make you pay until you get off
is the guy on the left supposed to be our "community organizer" president?
Post the link for that mate? I wanna see the retardation this bitch has.
One cares about their country and the other doesn't.
That's called brandishing and it's illegal
hmmm, I make it better... hmmm
>t. Britbong
What the actual fucking fuck
There is another thread of political cartoons and they are almost all leftist and weak! This cartoon is so fucking thin - do you think this is good? insightful? eye opening? Thomas Sowell says leftists are all stage one thinkers. Look at this shit! BLM shoot cops, throw bricks off overpasses at cars, burn towns down, loot and carjack people. The Bundys shot no one. What is your point here?
The wannabe timothy mcveigh?
brandish my cock, faggot
rate my oc and learn what sarcasm is
another great one is when they say that there are natural born citizens here who also commit murder and rape, as if that's a fucking argument
I bet they have glock nailed to it
Not sure where they keep the clips so it's not visible tho
Media is just cucked by a long black pill
That fucker in the pic is a muslim that was present at Ferguson awhile back though he was unarmed
99% chance he's funded by soros
I was implying this wouldn't happen in an open-carry protest you cheesewit
Recall that when white people did that the fucking FBI burned 80 people alive (Waco), shot unarmed women (Ruby Ridge), and murdered Roy Finicus. You fail at life.
That white dude open carrying a rifle is muslim and funded by George Soros? You expect us to believe that without a picture of him at Ferguson?
Dude that's fucked up,, Got more?
> The group was suspected of weapons violations, causing a search and arrest warrant to be obtained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
Don't see anything wrong
god fucking dammit i hate canada
>simply happened to be an undocumented immigrant
An "undocumented immigrant" who would not have been here to commit murder if our country took border security seriously and enforced its immigration laws.
one can't afford proper weapons because their black and then they go riot without anything better than a piece of paper attached to a stick.
Somehow they still manage to trash fucking everything.
Rich people who can afford guns don't need to riot and throw tantrums to make themselves feel good. The poor do for some reason.
>cries about made up shit
>cries about actual shit
There's a guy dressed as link behind him. I think it's supposed to be a cosplay thing but I'm sitll not sure where the oppreshun is.
>not looting or rioting
kill yourself OP
this lol
>everyone references Trayvon as the poster child of black people getting shot for doing nothing.
there are so many better cases to champion but faggots always come back to Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Both were proven actual thugs. Trayvon started a fight because some busy body was following him, beat the man into the pavement until he was shot in self defense. Michael robbed a store, got spotted by the police then rushed the cab and tried to reach for the cops gun. The only notable thing about both cases is that the outrage they sparked despite the 'victims' being in the wrong both times.
>Indomie wanting Chinese
One can actually hold a firearm without trying to murder other people.
Should make it say domestic terrorist
McVeigh was a hardcore liberal democrat and Hillary Supporter.
One of them cause zero dollars in property damage. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't the nigger.
>can't run
>My wife's killer
One gets acquitted of all charges
the other blocks ambulances and assaults people
What the fuck is this?
What's the original? Her being "assaulted" by a white guy and the nigger saving her?
make it an ivory tower for added effect
They are attacking cheese burgers now!!!!!! Fuck this shit race war NOE
My sides
>Trying so hard to shy around the words illegal immigrant
Good lord
>black man setting (white) people on fire, damaging nearby property, ganging up on random (white) people with other blacks...
"A protester for activist group Black Lives Matter..."
>White man exercising his right to carry, peacefully protesting, does not harm anyone
"White rural domestic terrorist causing civil unrest..."
>my wifes killer
This is an entirely new dimension of being a fucking cuck
>be black
>can't shop
It's because they steal everything
Makes you think....