Why hasn't Disney made an animated movie for adults yet?
Why hasn't Disney made an animated movie for adults yet?
because there will always be more kids than adults and then kids force the adults to come to the movie with them
Adults dont really like animation.
Because it's headquartered in a country that has the wrongs opinions about animation.
Are you just pretending to be retarded or what?
It goes against their company image and its not profitable. Why would you even ask such a dumb thing
Because feature length animated films are expensive to make, and most American adults aren't going to spend money to see one in a theater if they can't bring their kids along too.
Why would they?
Why wouldn't they? It's Disney; they're going to keep making money.
>why hasn't Disney thrown away their good reputation and fuck over everyone affiliated with the company just to cater to some thirsty virgins?
they're not quite at that level where they can do anything and still come out on top. Give it a couple more decades after they've swallowed most of the media conglomerates and the american government.
Kids movie:
>Parent forced to buy two movie tickets minimum, one for them, one for the child
Adult movie:
>Main demographic is alienated, cutting ticket sales in half from a typical film at best
Then market the hell out of it. It worked with Deadpool and Logan.
>more kids than adults
Do you know how the population works?
So a Disney movie but with boobies and wieners? That would be sooo awsome! Then my friends wouldint make fun of me for watching cartoons! Their should be BLOOD too!
t. Totally an adult you guys
>Film deals with disillusionment, prejudice, the anger at trying to change an unfair system from the inside, the use of fear and propaganda to control the populace, and breaking the cycle of cruelty, all in a nuanced and balanced way that doesn't specifically demonize or lionize any one party
American animated film for children.
>Dude weed LMAO
>Dude atheism LMAO
>Dude food having sex LMAO
American animated film for "Adults".
We still have this.
Because Disney built their wealth and power off of being family inclusive. The hardest you'll ever see them go is Pirates of the Caribbean.
I just want the bun porn
>Why wouldn't they?
It costs money
And what toys would they sell? How many licenses for merchandise? How many will it make in an international box office? Will China buy it?
When are we getting a new Ralph Bakshi?
Only if they can do it from behind a couple of layers of shell and front companies, and then only to test the market. They'll only dive in under their own names if the movie is a monster hit and everyone else jumps in first.
Neither of which were amimated.
People might be starting to accept you can have adult animated tv but they aren't ready to accept adult animated films. Doesn't help that sausage party was so shit.
Shame it was shit.
You clearly don't.