Cia guy

need the cia guy thread screencap

I think you mean NSA

here u go

Ayyyyyyy its fuckin lit af in this thread

you're a big guy

AMA boys

mummy pls help what is the archive?

Self portrait of my dad

how do you explain spurdo?

You mean this memetic legend?

Tell me about Trump, why does he wear the hat?!

gondola with arms

How do you explain gondola?

Pedobear came first, then came Spurdo from the Finns, then came Gondola from the Finns as well.

How do you explain the Finns?

Estonians and Russians settled it, now at the present day they're depressed, slightly autistic, but make funny stuff. I like em'.

fair enough, you win this time CIA.

Hearty kek




I think this is when we first realized meme magic was real.