Whats his name again, Sup Forums?
Whats his name again, Sup Forums?
Mike Pence.
Big Adolf
Michael "Get the itch, pull the switch" Pence.
Mike "Electroshock the gay away every day" Pence
Michael Richard "Mike" Pence (born June 7, 1959) is an American politician and the Vice President-elect of the United States. He is serving as the 50th Governor of Indiana. A Republican, Pence was first elected to the United States House of Representatives in 2000.
Mike "This is why you can't assassinate Trump, because I'm 10 times worse bitch, hows this for insurance policy SJW bitches?" Pence
Mike "Take the cock, get the shock" Pence
Mike "Electric spike in every dyke" Pence
Mike "enjoy the dong, get the prong" Pence
Mike "In the closet like a boss" Pence.
> sorry, Sup Forums, you know it's true.
Mike "Electric flow through every hoe" Pence
Mike "Homo Medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
Mike Fence
>Asassinate Trump who a a liberal baby boomer and doesn't care about gays
>Mike Pence comes in and gays get btfo
SJWs are on suicide watch.
Mike "Electric cure for the impure" Pence
Mike "turn your fruit into veggies" Pence
Fucking brilliant.
Mike "Electric chair for every queer" Pence
Now that's a good one.
Mike "RHCP for the LGBT" Pence
Mike "queer? Charging...clear" pence
Mike "defibrillate til they're straight" pence
Mike "using maxwell's against homosexual relations" pence
Mike "Hillary and Podesta, meet Nikola Tesla" Pence
Think I'm reaching with that one.
Mike "Like the bear? Get the chair" Pence
Mike "Don't have a bride, get fried" Pence
Mike "Watt Watt In The Butt" Pence
or, alternatively:
Mike "Gay pride? Get fried" Pence
Most (You)'s in the thread I feel special.
Mike " Dropping Fags and Loading Mags" Pence
Leafs are special
Mike "Like cock? Get the shock." Pence
Plural of leaf is leaves by the way.
race bannon
Mike " Suck a dick, hear the click" Pence
noun, plural: Leaves
one of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant.
noun, plural: Leafs
1. Canadian
Mike "Fry the faggots and feed em to maggots" Pence
Mike "suck the cock and take the shock" Pence
Mike "give the queers 1000 amperes" Pence
Underrated post
Mike "take it in the ass and get gassed" pence
Mike "the orlando shooting gave me a hooting" Pence
Mike "thunder crahes if you put it in men's asses" Pence
Mike "Clinton and Podesta meet Nikola Tesla" Pence
Mike "Homo desires get the wires" Pence
Mike "a shock a day keeps the gay away" Pence
Mike "enjoy sodomy? Have a lobotomy." Pence
Mike "Smoke pole, get holed" Pence
Mike "If you're an ass man, get in the gas van" Pence
Mike "Rectal rooting gets you a shooting" Pence
Mike "The power of Christ will shock you " Pence
Mike "Pikachu will keep the gays away from you" Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
Mike "do you like queers? take some amperes" Pence
Mike "Slay That Gay" Pence
Mike "the dapper zapper" Pence
Mike "believe in the Jurassic, your torture will be drastic" Pence
Mike "Let this fucking meme die already" Pence
Mike "sear the queer" Pence
Mike "Sparkplug to replace a buttplug" Pence
These threads will be the most fun thing to come out of the Trump presidency
Maybe kek will bless Mike Pence when Trump's term is over
Mike "A shock a day keeps the homosexuality away" Pence
Mike "gay marriage? high voltage" Pence
Mike "An electric plug in your hole can save your soul" Pence
Mike "A shock a day keeps your gayness at bay" Pence
Mike "Want Cock? Have Shock" Pence
Mike "ohms for homos" Pence
Mike "If their age is on the clock, they're ready for the shock" Pence
Mike "The only power we're giving queers is Volts times Amperes" Pence
Mike "Think your Mr. Sulu? No eat da poo poo!" Pence
Mike "eat a dick and the switch goes flick" Pence
Mike "stick your cock in a bum get shocked 'till you're dumb" Pence
Mike "put the fags in body bags" Pence
Mike "begin 4th reich to kill the dykes" Pence
Mike "bend the gender, time to end her" Pence
Mike "guzzle semen, meet the demons" Pence
Mike "scissor twats, eat megawatts" Pence
Mike "give gays a frightening using lightning" Pence
Mike "clam-on-clam vs. hydroelectric dam" Pence
Mike "if inside butts your sperm is hid, I'll hook your nuts to the electric grid" Pence
Mike "pay the gays their daily rays" Pence
Mike "kill the queens with laser beams" Pence
Mike "queer retribution with near electrocution" Pence
Mike "zaps for traps" Pence
Mike "fuck a bear, get the chair" Pence
Mike "if he still wants men, hit the juice once again" Pence
Mike "if he likes guys, the current will rise"
Mike "eat a rod and you'll meet god" Pence
Mike "if cock you desire you'll die in a fire" Pence
Is getting fucked in the ass enjoyable?
Mike "Electric Eels to Combat Gay Feels" Pence
Mike "The trapper zapper" Pence
Mike "putting fags in body bags" Pence
Nice stolen meme kid
Mike Pence with the bants
Mike "Use the Grindr app get an electric zap" Pence
Mike "If you think gay sex is divine, you can dine on my nine" Pence