If you are a white man you should be ashamed of yourself!

Appearing on NBC’s Today Donald Sutherland recalled being scolded by actress Helen Mirren on the set of one of his films: “Helen Mirren came up to me on the set and....she said, ‘You are the most privileged person on Earth’....I said, ‘How can you say that?’ And she said, ‘You are a white male.’”

When asked how he replied Sutherland said "There’s no reply. I was ashamed. I was stunned. And I have gotten more ashamed. It's interesting to realize that you are seen as an integral part of a group that many of whom are mendacious, misogynist, of bigots, racists, and it's appalling.”

You should be ashamed of yourself too Sup Forums

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Link for all you misogynists: newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2016/11/14/donald-sutherland-ashamed-being-white-male-who-are-all-misogynist

wow really makes me outraged and wanting to participate in a circle jerk with my white supremacist brethren who are above identity politics


>Pretty rich white lady says someone else is privileged

More at 11

Society was better when actors had the same social standing as whores.

Who gives a fuck what this old cretin thinks? He had earned his fortune, over his long life, by playing pretend.

>Who gives a fuck what this old cretin thinks?
Sup Forums evidently :^)


A true leaf

>MFW anyone thinks I care what a woman thinks.

No you shouldn't.

>Rich white upper class woman calls someone else privileged

Color me surprised.

Does anyone else love seeing their hyperleftist ideology fall apart?

White people should be ashamed for allowing shitskins to view them how they should view jews.

We LITERALLY sit back and allow Niggers to say white people owned slaves when in reality it was 1% of America. The Jewish percent.

Sieg heil

>Rich white bitch has gall to call someone else privileged for being white



I saw your grotesque white ass in "Animal House". Your opinion is irrelevant.

Do we see Muslims feeling guilty for being a part of a group that is...well you know.

>Durrr we have to protect the marginalized groups and end the generalization of groups of people

>>F-f-f-fuck white people! Privelege! They are ALL bad!


>Helen Mirren
She had great tits back in the day.


At this point I think that we've reached critical mass on the issue of Hollywood bozos demonstrating their lack of substance. Seriously.





>Someone took the time and effort to approach someone for the sole purpose of telling this statement to their face. Not even a rebuttal for an argument, but a flat out statement and conversation starter.

Wtf i hate the evil guy from hunger games now

proves you can be cucked at any age

> implying she didn't use her genitals to have a career


Es zittern die morschen Knochen

Dat bush. Unf.

I threw away a resume of a nigger today just because of this post, OP.

No job for you, jiggaboo!



>sutherland failed her shit test, no pussy for him

Nothing stopping him killing himself

Jewish Kikes says "If you are a white man you should be ashamed of yourself! Not wanting to be raped by Blacks is Racist"

Helen Mirren can be both brilliant in the Long Good Friday and solidly wrong about complex socio-economic issues.

Fucking a I do. I can't wait until they start cat fighting.

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Fuck em! That's all it took to break this pussy? Jesus Christ.

This cunt needs to be butt raped in a prison toilet block

Fucking idiot


He's Canadian. Who gives a fuck what leafs think.

That movie was awful, but machine-flesh body horror (akira, Soma, quake) freaks me the fuck out.

This movie would've been great if it wasn't for William Baldwin's shitty acting and that wacky nigger.

>scolded by actress ((((Helen Mirren))))

Get out of my country



and not a single fuck was given that day

What's even happened to America?


What a smug old cuck

Is his son a cuck too?

All these fags masquerading around as a bad asses on screen literally let their wives fuck other men in real life

Leafs gonna leaf

>Society was better when actors had the same social standing as whores
This honestly.

"I can only say one thing: I'm a Canadian"

>sjws when they see a straight white male

> be ashamed of your evil white skin
> be a good goy

forgot pic

They're already fighting, they're tearing eachothers guts out.

Your Democrats aren't like our parties here in Aus where you can bounce people out of the party though - the Clintons and their fiefdom will be there until they leave of their own choice.

Why Snow why ;__;

Fucking snowflakes browbeating an old man like that is disgusting especially coming from a whore like whatshermuff

the "today" logo serves as a jewstar itself

It's funny because I was just watching him in a movie on the horror channel the other night and was lamenting how 'real men' like him had disappeared. Turns out he's a cuck.

I mean full on blood fight where they completely balkanize.

>Jasenovac concentration camp

But seriously, this loses credibility when you look at Katyn and how any Pole would rat on the Russians after those fucks killed the intelligent ones and let Warsaw burn.

You're on the way there at least, their hatred of whites is getting even worse (even though last I saw whites voted about the same as they did for Obama).

You look at majority opinions and nobody seems to support these fuckheads, it's great.


top laugh

That's a pretty long stretch.

I heard this faggot parading the same speech on Jim Norton and Sam Roberts yesterday. He also mentioned that Hillary was "raped by the media" this election, and when Jim Norton mentioned that it was the opposite of that and how Hillary was actually fed questions, he quickly dodged it and turned it into how Dubya was wearing a headpiece during the first election.

I would like to take Sutherland to some parts of Kentucky and show him how "privileged" some of these working class white men that live paycheck-to-paycheck are. Typical Hollywood liberal elitist douchebag.

Naw, sorry. I'm not gonna be ashamed of myself because of other terrible people sharing physical traits with me. That's retarded. Anyone who hates themselves for being a white man is a loser with low self-esteem. Helen herself is a racist sexist moron who judges people because of their skin and gender, and women have more privileges than men in American society anyways so anything this sanctimonious cunt has to say is meaningless.

I'd also like to hear an apology from all women for giving birth to Hitler and black people for participating in the slave trade before white people ever did.

She was on her period.


(((Helen Mirren)))

Legit lol. Should have been the OP picture.

Yup. Got my bucket of popcorn and watching the show. If it devolves further, I'm ready to ventilate some bodies.

Until white people become immune to the disease and disability, white privilege is bullshit plain and simple. Anyone who has actually seen the Darkside of life will realize that. I am a quadriplegic and quite literally a prisoner in a 10 x 10 cell has more freedom than I do.

I'm curious as to if people know that countries exist where whites are the minority.

And said countries hate even seeing white people.

And even in the U.S. whites have the "privilege" of getting attacked by black guys more than the other way around.

If white men are the most privileged in the world than we must live in a small, deluded world.

this is just the good old fashioned Christian doctrine of original sin

they just update the characters to make it resonate with the hip youth of today

How do you type, user? Also what happened?

>I'm curious as to if people know that countries exist where whites are the minority.
Even if you told them that whites get raped and killed in africa, that they're literally second class citizens, then wouldn't care. Even when you tell them that whites are a global minority.

The last week has been delicious. They thought they were on the cusp of victory, now they are realizing all their "progress" is an illusion. It's all collapsing around them, their eating themselves, the same system they made has turned against them. Their vitriolic ranting which was once used to threaten and intimidate others now sounds like the ravings of a pitiful old homeless person.

Well that's exactly it, I've always wondered if the Liberals even think outside of their country. For example in China is there a Chinese privilege? Let's not forget well that's exactly it, I've always wondered if the Liberals even think outside of their country. For example in China is there a Chinese privilege? Let's not forget that the white race is dying. Literally i'm perplexed at the race could accomplish so much, and be taken out by low birth rate and literal self hatred, deluded self-hatred no less. Ones were gone of course the Asians will take over, they won't fuck around they'll learn from our mistake and they will segregate themselves. Fuck you could argue they have a one up on us because they basically already have, Japan handles immigration the right way. Then the rest of the world will just be a cesspool of blacks and Arabs fighting over a bedtime story and what unprovable idea is more true.



I just realized this same thing tonight. It has everything from religion. It has the original sin (things done before you were born like slavery) that you are guilty of simply for being white. That you must confess your sin (white privilege) and submit your will. It doesn't work on logic but rather appeals to feelings. It has fanatics spreading lies. If you speak out against it you are shamed and flayed as a heretic. The new religion is indenty politics. This illogical cult has to end

You are a quadriplegic if you're injured in any of the cervical spine C8-c1 lower cervical injuries can have good arm function in fact they can have decent hand function where as high cervical injuries have no arm arm function and actually can be so severe they can't breathe on their own. I am a C5 complete so I have shoulder movement, bicep function and a little overly useless wrist function. So I use voice dictation, and make corrections with my knuckle of the pinky finger. You can also be a complete injury which means no function motor or sensory below injury, or an incomplete injury less severe so you could be a quadriplegic but function almost on par with a paraplegic as long is your injury isn't that severe and you recover.

Do lefties realise their attack on white males lost them the election.

you nailed it guy. and its tragically ironic that the left being so densely populated by atheists does not see this.

I think its to do with my previous post, people don't like being called assholes for something they never did

>rich upper class actors who get paid millions of dollars for standing in front of a camera call other people privileged


>liberalism is based on shame
>actors still retarded

Glad to see that there still is a true north.

If you are ashamed them please kill yourself we do not need you, please do it now.
Ashamed for being successful and working hard, what kind of dumb fuck are you?


>Sutherland, not you

>this is just the good old fashioned Christian doctrine of original sin


-- Catholic.

how's it wrong?

read user's post he laid it all out

Why the fuck are white people starting to hate themselves?
Nobody will EVER make me ashamed for being a white male.

He should have told her to fuck off with the negative waves

>Why the fuck are white people starting to hate themselves?

Unironically the jews

I think I fully understand now. Before indenty politics it was bible thumping. Notice how in this election there was zero talk of a god. Previous elections there was always questions of religion. Classical christian dogma has faded away and identity politics dogma replaced it. I think this is why it spread so goddamn fast. I bet most of these cucks grew up christcucks. They were taught the self flagellating mindset early on. Growing up they lost faith in classical religon. They needed a new boogey man and original sin to adhere to and viola the cult of white sin was born.


Clearly, a woman with a net worth of 50 million from playing fucking pretend is the expert on privilege.
You guys should probably drop this bullshit if you want any hope of winning the next election. When Trump deports your Mexican voter base, your really gonna need that white vote.


405 Although it is proper to each individual,295 original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam's descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted: it is wounded in the natural powers proper to it, subject to ignorance, suffering and the dominion of death, and inclined to sin - an inclination to evil that is called concupiscence". Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ's grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle.

> does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam's descendants

Read the source I posted, but Original Sin is man's separation from God, which let's evil in. It is why we are at war with Evil. Through that separation, we are limited, and need God. It is not "I am so ashamed, feels bad man." That is not Original Sin.

But Jesus died to redeem mankind. That's part of the point of him.

Feminism doesn't really have that element because it's not exactly comparable. It's more like Islam in that your greatest sin is not bending the knee.