So Sup Forums, what was your role in The Great Meme War of 2016?
21st Mobile Shitposting Division reporting in.
So Sup Forums, what was your role in The Great Meme War of 2016?
21st Mobile Shitposting Division reporting in.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump? Nobody?
7th legion of morale and conversion checking in
Sons of Dixie Meme Division reporting for the next conflict.
1st C.U.C.K. (Canadian Undercover Commando Knights) Division reporting
brit/pol/ reporting in, love you ameribros
377th Silent Majority Faggots
Cali 7th Legion
>Outer Heaven
"Who you find,behind enemy lines"
Let's win this Brothers...
144th NEET Division reporting for duty.
I served behind enemy lines training rebels on tumblr, reddit, and facebook in the meme berets.
51st, à fucking leaf, at your service
The Green Frog Boys militiamememan reporting.
Used post-and-scoot guerilla tactics at the front in degenerative apps such as Whisper to redpill kids and normies. Never doubt the power of a well-regulated militia.
quite a few of them, actually.
kek blaster checking in
88th Mountain Meme Brigadier.
Shadilay brothers, 2016 may be coming to a close, but the Great Meme War is far from over.
California Undercover agent here and Kek meme summoner pepe trooper here.
I make gets to help power Kek.
I verbally shitpost on The Young Hwytes podcast each week, so I guess the 21st mobile shitposting division.
I proudly served our Chaos God KEK in the 666th. I pray that he continues to visit his favor upon his earthly emissary Trump for the next eight years.
I served in a few ways....
1. Mid game, I was a bookkeeper. During the DNC email link I compiled a summary of about 15 e-mails with links.
The list I made was copy/pasted verbatim into an outsider story about the leaks which wound up being the banner headline story on the top of the Drudge report (which I was pretty tickled about at the time)
2. Near the end of the race, I played the part of the hockey player sent out to injure another player.
I did this during the heavy CTR days by paying for the ad you see here to appear at the top of Sup Forums for a while (just to piss them off)
3. Outside in the other world, I stirred up distrust in the Bernouts by saying how wrong it was for Hillary to have stolen the election, and talking a whole bunch of them into sitting out the election in protest.
109th Negro battalion, proud to serve.
Royal Australian shitposting regiment reporting in.
California shit posting talking Normie's into voting trump or third party dick here
51st Leaf Battalion
>I will never save those comrades who fell to the CTR attacks
7th Armored here, Rolling Thunder lads
1st R.A.S.R here
88th Mountain Meme Brigade, standing by for the next conflict. Shadilay, boys.
1488th Normie Redpill Branch Reporting.
>Come you madmen join in the sound till they put us underground
34th brit/pol/ regiment
Proud to have served
The Fightin' 1488th reporting. Managed to dose some truth on many coworkers and friends. Stayed up well past 4am one week ago with you gentleman. An honor and privilege. Still got a long road ahead of us. Stay vigilant.
>no /dpt/
Y'all motherfuckers don't even realize what us programmers did for you.
no cfg wtf
I disliked every video of jon oliver, trevor noah, and seth meyers bashing on trump on YouTube. What unit did i serve in?
Nth Dimensional Board Game and Memetic Propaganda Division reporting in.
51st Leafs Battalion Intel Officer
Served with the Redpill Elite Cavalry. Specialized in online Memetic Warfare -occassionally had missions where I redpilled civilians in everyday life.
55th Kommando grunt here. Basilisk turning the normies to stone with the redpill assault.
777 Christ Chan Crusaders(Deus Vult)
Although we regularly operate alongside the 21st Mobile Shitposting Division to get better gas mileage.
We have to remember the fallen. We do this for them, for their memory.
>No /sg/ regiment
We don't venture out often but definitely deserve a mention
California Legionairre reporting in
Brothers Behind Enemy Lines UNITE
Fd and checked
I would say I was 101st, since I redpilled so many cucks to the God Emperor Trump side. Been plenty of lengthy discussions how the media has just covered Trump.
Meme Foreign Legion checking in, it was an honour serving with you lads
>Countless men and women across the US bemoaned as their precious candidate Hillary Clinton was completely and utterly crushed by fucking memes. Repeat: A powerfully corrupt old woman who literally had all the money, power, allies, media influence and celebrity idol endorsements of countless useful idiots lost because a bunch of anonymous idiots posted goofy pictures and drawings on imageboards.
I worked between two units, focusing my daytime efforts with the 101st Airborne Meme Division, then at night, I went to war fighting alongside the 21st Mobile Shitposting Division. It was all I could do to cover as much ground as possible each day for the God Emperor and KEK, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if needed.
I BTFO out of Hillshills on popular forums
777th Christ-chan Crusaders("En Touto Nika")
And yes, proud member of the RASR
2003th ebaums regiment, ready for action
51st Leaf Battalion Reporting!
Fightin' 1488th's been an honour to shit post with you heros.
36th meme artillery batallion reporting in
I was a double agent, shilling for both sides and collecting possibly well over a thousand (You)s.
Pic related was my handiwork
Hahaha did the kid fucking cia fags type up this list?
Is this what pedophiles do in their spare time?
Clandestein service on r/politics.
Didnt do any damage, down voted to oblivion, and i am now retarded
thnx 4 your service user
six hundred sixty sixth here
Proud to have served the Royal Australian Shitposting Regiment
No one likes you. Literally the worst general on Sup Forums. Even /gsg/ is better
Thanks for your help on the secret OPs brothers.
Top secret Kek placement stuff.
144th NEET Division Reporting
Modify the image to include your unit famalam
777th Christ-Chan Crusader reporting in. Ruin to the sassadins Deus Vult!*
RASR cunts marching through
10th division Catalog corps/Shill watch and 5th division applied memetics
144th NEET Division
I did my part in the 1st Photoshop Division's Counterfeiting Unit
Hiddenkek reporting in.
You're all worthless degenerates who achieved nothing and just wasted their time on stupid useless crap that had zero impact irl
>tfw volunteered for the Sup Forums theatre
I dare you fucks to talk shit. I'll tickle your g-spot through your eye sockets
Fuck off shill.
2nd Memetics Research Division reporting in.
Can they be saved?
underrated - kek
666th memetic psyops.
I literally got paid by a Hillary Clinton super pac to do canvassing and I sat on my ass and shitposted with you all while on the enemies payroll. If that isn't psyops, idk what is.
Good work brother.
((Their)) subversion of modern values will not go uncorrected.
Social media shitposter, created propaganda, and disseminated propaganda. Red-pilled some normies too.
I am not shill, i am just being honest
I wish I could have done more in the Great Meme War, but all I could do was vote for the Emperor.
I didn't post memes, and I didn't try to redpill my family and friends. I lack the tongue for swaying people's hearts and minds.
What division would I even belong to?
Thanks bruhs
1st Photoshop and i actually canvased irl and made phone calls.
Are we just going to ignore the best video to come out of 2016
Also this reminds me: we may need to streamline our system so that we may be able to coordinate our forces more easily.
I was just lamenting the fact that this Wikipedia page didn't exist like two hours ago
276th reporting in
181st Stealth Meme Fusiliers here.
Do we have an IRC or a discord?
its was an honor
every time i try to tell about participating in meme wars and being veteran of russian memetic special ops i get
[зaceкpeчнo и зaщищeнo зaкoнoв poccийcкoй фeдepaции o гocyдapcтвeннoй ивoeннйo тaйнe]
*who will save the world start playin*
Sons of dixie patch plz
23rd Sup Forums Brigade
69th abhorrent post unit reporting in
499th reporting in. Praise Kek.
32nd Facebook Counterposting Squad here. It was rough fighting liberal degeneracy. But in the end, it was worth it.
Easily the most autistic thing I've ever seen
Well meme'd my friend
On my phone, who has the kek's fury shitposter battlegroup patch?