Rand Paul criticises Trump for appointing neocons to his cabinet

Is he right? or should we just trust Trump. ? I though Trump was against the neocons and lobbyists but he seems to be filling his cabinet with neocons and lobbyists.

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desu the only people who really understand what's going on globally (not in the liberal sense of 'understand' which is basically just 'listen and believe') are the hardcore neocons who got us involved in the ME anyway. If he didn't have any advising him then he'd have cut himself off from access to valuable information. He may disregard their perspectives entirely after a datamining operation once they've been on his staff for a while.
He also may have been merely jesting all along about being anti-establishment. Only time will tell.

Randlet is still salty that's all.

But Trump’s transition team, which includes corporate lobbyists and consultants, suggests the president-elect is backpedaling on his promise before he even enters the White House.

“It doesn’t look like they’re draining the swamp, it looks like they’re pouring the swamp into the transition,” Whitehouse said. “And if nothing changes, they’ll be pouring the swamp into the Oval Office as well.”

Why is Randlet so divisive? I thought this was a time of unity.

>Implying Trump had a choice in the manner.
>Implying they're not going to turn him into a neocon puppet like every other president.

>understanding anything

Have you seen the state of the middle east after decades of neocon intervention?

I mean in terms of the actual plans that the US has been implementing since 9/11. I don't mean in terms of ability to implement them well. My point was that Trump can't clean up the mess if he doesn't know where it is.

Let's see what DJT does with his cabinet first. If it's same-old shit, then we have better grounds for criticism.

Rand is right. I want to pretend Trump knows who he is picking, but half of my confidence for Trump was thinking he had some good taste in people. (Even if Pence was kind of a shot off)

This is my biggest fear desu. We fought so hard, and if we choke up here, then we go back to LE LIBERAL MACHINE, but with an added "we told you goyim so!" spin on it.


I was hoping Trump would be smart and put Ron Paul as Treasurer.

Trump like any good manager knows that hiring good people is impossible. You hire those that interview well or come highly recommended.

some of those will not be the right fit, as soon as you realize this, you have to fire them.

Good firing is more important than good hiring, because good hiring is impossible, no one is clairvoyant. Trump has shown in his campaign that he is the best at firing. If these initial people aren't up to snuff he will dump them and find a replacement. but he has to fill holes to start with.

it's because Sup Forums are a bunch of brainwashed cuck faggots who think Trump was genuine and not just a hillary plant who got out of fucking control

Gun lobby is ourguy senpai



He has appointed two people so far, one is a evangelical and the other apparentally is a white nationalist

Rand Paul is friends with fucking Mitch McConnell. He;s concern trolling.

Randlet is such a dumbass

Why do people criticize Trump for appointments he hasn't made?

Priebus and Bannon, that's it so far

Reince is a good choice to make the uppity republicans fall in line. No way Reince would like to be fired. And Trump is good at motivating the people to hold companies to the fire. Look at Pepsi's stock. Right now he needs to look moderate to quell the rioting dumbass plebs. Once he is sworn in then begin to judge.

I never for a moment during the campaign thought that his cabinet would be completely devoid of neocons and shit. I mean, when you're dealing with an organization as corrupt as Washington, everybody from the bottom to the very top is corrupt to the core.

That's the hand you're dealt and you have to play with it. It doesn't mean he won't pursue his plans of term limits, bans on lobbying for former politicians, etc.

Thinking that as soon as he got into office he'd instantly appoint a bunch of non-politicians to his cabinet is quite delusional desu

I guess we will have to wait and see. I was hoping this would be a Paleoconservative comeback.

(((They))) are always starting games of broken telephone.

Get absolutely fucked you miserable cunt.

That's why I was afraid that he would win. He was better as a figurehead for a movement than he'll be as a President.
He'll change nothing and after that, Democrats will take over until the end of time.

I hope European countries will get a boost out of his election before he disappoints, though.

In Trump's defense, he thought he'd be losing anyway and he's apparently really overwhelmed getting enough people together at all in the short time. And maybe it's just impossible to avoid getting sucked up in the establishment. Still wish he'd do better.

Every president is sat down for the JFK video, and then asked if they have any objections while being given a sheet of instructions.

>Vote for Trump! He'll stop WWIII for happening unlike Shillary!
>Trump short list includes a neo con who not only wants to bomb Iran, he wanted to bomb them yesterday.
Considering these are the fags who want to revive the evil empire of the Soviet Union and then provoke them into a war. I can't see how this will EVER go wrong.

Lobbyists, not really, loyalists definitely

The most important part of the transition is getting the gears cranking on the new administration, he can't get anything done if a bunch of outsiders are sitting on their hands with their thumbs up their asses "what do I do now?"

I suspect heads will roll routinely in the trump administration, I don't expect half of his cabinet to last more than 2 years, either by their choice or his.

Yeah, Trump clearly wants to get involved in Iran now that he has said he wants to keep the nuclear agreement going.

Fuck off.

Like father, like son.
Get absolutely fucking buttblasted you stupid motherfuckers

You spun it the wrong way. At first Hillary wanted Trump as a possible candidate to fight against because of how absurd his ideas and policies were, but then they caught on like wildfire and Hillary regrets not taking it seriously from the get-go.

3D chess master.

>Promise Neocon shits some cabinet positions after the primary so they don't Jew you on election day
>Win the election. Appoint them. Then pivot and say "oy vey the public is outraged by your appointments, sorry but I'm going to have to let you go!"

Never forgot this man made his billions out maneuvering the Manhattan Real Estate Jews with a goy handicap.

Neocons managed to do all that

>pence decided to kick them out
well then. Pence might make me like him.

>Implying Pence isn't Trump's lightning rod.

To quote the alpha negroid Denzel Washington in Training Day, "This shits chess it ain't checkers!"

>Trump says something pol likes
>oh yes nummy nummy let me suck your dick trump
>does the opposite

>he still doubts Trump

Based Mike Pence will save the day


neocons? I thought the PNAC cunts hated his guts and vice versa

You better when the Republican impeach Trump and put him in charge to rubberstamp the oligarchy.

I said "Rand, I've had you up to here, I've had you."

>Never forgot this man made his billions out maneuvering the Manhattan Real Estate Jews with a goy handicap.

incredible really

>nominate a bunch of neocons
>make them do shit like solve world hunger and world peace
>Make them prosecute their corrupt colleges
>If they refuse they get fired on national tv and not reelected
>Within 6 years we could have the most conservative government since founding era (minus the slaves)

code on a website related to pizzagate spits out in gematria "MISSING BRITISH GIRL MADELEINE MCCANN PORTUGAL TWO ZERO ZERO SEVEN" Place and year of the dissappearence.

The neocons haven't learned a fucking thing. They want to repeat their mistakes with absolutely no hindsight.

>Implying the deal won't be thrown out the window and our invasion force won't be setting up in Iraq under the guise of securing that country.

Silly drone who uses a Jewish puppet state proxie.

>just trust Trump
let's see... he's probably going to appoint steven mnuchin to secretary of treasury

Steven Mnuchin
>Steven Mnuchin was born to a Jewish family, circa 1963. He is the son of Elaine Terner Cooper, of New York, and Robert E. Mnuchin of Washington, Connecticut. His father was a banker, a partner at Goldman Sachs, in charge of equity trading and a member of the management committee, and the founder of the Mnuchin Gallery at 45 East 78th Street, New York

>Mnuchin amassed a fortune estimated at over $40 million while working for Goldman Sachs, where his father had worked for three decades and had also made a fortune.

>In 2002, Mnuchin left Goldman and worked briefly for his Yale roommate Edward Lampert, chief executive of Sears. He also briefly worked for Soros Fund Management in their private equity division during the "Goldman" period with Jacob Goldfield and Mark Schwartz.

pic related

Lord Kek wills it!
Gas the kikes race war now!

Well if anything trump is consistant, no niggers handling his money only jews.