CNN is watching

CNN is watching

Write the most horrendous (but true!) shit you can think of:

- White women are inferior in most respects, and white men choosing to give them the right to vote was a massive mistake. Seriously
- Niggers are degenerates, and giving THEM the right to anything was an even bigger mistake. Ideally, they would all get executed ASAP

- Jesus loves you

Dear CNN, Not everyone on /pol is a misogynist racist basement dwelling virgin cuck like OP. Sincerely, /poltard

ps sage

Proof that CNN is watching?


You fear mongering Trump-lover. I hope you burn in hell

>t. Soros shill

CNN gives you the "facts".

The very definition of sexism is to employ prejudice against a specific gender.

The definition of racism is to be prejudice against a specific race.

By understanding these two definitions, we come to realize that Feminists are racist and sexist. Not just against white males but they assume much of every race and gender. They assume everyone should agree with their perspective, or they bully them with a slew of buzzwords until they give in.

Once we understand this, we realize that Feminism is not tolerant or accepting of others but is in actuality, an oppressive and prejudice movement founded on fear.

Feminists = Terrorists.

I'm a legitimate serial killer. I come to Sup Forums to express myself and justify my actions and in a way, confess to god.

I have done literally nothing wrong.

Want to hear a joke?

A nigger came to the reservation, once.
He never left.

I've finally acquired my flight license and washed a check my manager gave me to cash out enough money for a plane. I've bought one now and I've driven it to a local, small runway. I'm going to take off and fly to Israel with several assault rifles and magazines, along with many jerry cans of half and half of ammonia and bleach (mustard gas). I'm going to smoke the Jewish suburbs and then go no Russian on Jerusalem. Anybody who would like to join, please meet me on the eastern side of Rakhma, Israel at 2:30 UTC on November 23rd, 2016. Heard it here first. Also Fuck Niggrz......................................

cnn is good

tying up women is degenerate

im gay

I don't share the common opinion here at Sup Forums that 2D is better than 3D...yet.

Hey CNN, a big FUCK YOU from the Philippines.


Why did the whites use the blacks as slaves, instead of say, the yellows or the browns? Slavery was not racist in the ancient world: most of the Greeks' slaves were whites, so it was not on racist grounds that the whites picked the blacks. They didn't go, "You blacks are racially inferior, so we'll use you as our slaves"; the blacks were simply THE EASIEST ONES TO USE (and hence, the most racially inferior). It was one thing for the Japanese to capitulate to Perry's demand and open up their borders, for example, and another to agree to be bound in chains and shipped off across the world as his slaves. If the whites had tried to pull off that stunt in Japan, they'd have no doubt succeeded to an extent, but with a lot more casualties and losses, a great deal more of trouble. Also, this sort of treatment doesn't seem proper when you see up close the culture of the Japanese, their literature, architecture, and so on; but the blacks were basically begging to become slaves, living in huts or in the dirt, with no proper clothes or tools, etc., no literature or even writing. The greater the distance between you and your inferiors, the easier it is — even from a moral standpoint — to simply impose your will on them, and monkeys live in cages and no one cares.

This. 100%

if white people are the problem then how did we get a black president?


Since Clinton lost miserably, what should the new name for the Clinton News Network be now?

the only way i would fuck a transgender is if i could rape it

i don't mean the consent rape fantasy bull shit
i mean straight up stalk it, attack it and completely destroy it

i would fuck it and humiliate it so harshly they would be a prisoner of the memory for the rest of its life


if the patriarchy is keeping women down then how come half the nation voted for a female presidential candidate?


Fuck off shill stop trying to distabilize us you cunt

Have you considered shitting more often?

Leave white women alone, they voted for Trump.

CNN is fucking desperate and getting close to being Gawker tier in terms of relevance.

Also, if there's an alt-right, how about the alt-left? You know, all those white women blaming white people (read: men,) for the state of the world, and all those other ethnicity calling for death to all white people in general?

Liberals.. the biggest degenerates of them all


CNN can go fuck themselves.

this. libs are the worst because they are traitors to their own history and people.

What happened? Why are there all these "Say hello to CNN threads?"

Don't worry, the CIA will protect us!!
Praise your warmongering overlords or die in the flames like the "Old World Order"

Trump molested me when I was six.

And I loved it.


that turd is massive

diversity is strength

NAH just kidding, round up all the kikes, niggers, fags, dune coons, and cripples and gas them with Zyklon B

Also Lena Dunham is a fat cunt

Holy fuck user my anus hurts just looking at that.

>Why did I even open the image?