The Bern

>spends his whole fighting corrupt politicians and for human rights
>gets overshadowed by a TV celebrity

Amerifats, you can't even make this shit up.

Can't blame Trump for that. Bernie was cheated by his own party.

>spends his whole life fighting corrupt politicians and for human rights

>donates to and endorses a candidate who is a corrupt politician and has ties to and makes trade deals with countries that violate basic human rights

But it was her turn

Communist kikeroach, a yid parasite traitor that never worked a day in his life.

he sold his soul to the devil

how based would he have been to endorse stein at the DNC just to burn (bern) it all down

>that's how the DNC repaid him
FTFY you fucking leaf

Dude marched arm and arm with Martin Luthor King and fought his entire adult life for the rights of black americans.

>DNC hates him and calls him a filthy jew
>BLM storms his stage and makes look like a chump
>He swallows his pride and endorses Hillary
>She gets BTFO
>He'll now go down in history as a footnote that folded to the corrupt establishment

Being Bernie must be suffering.

Yes, comrade Sanders spent his whole life in pursuit of a bright socialist future

>implying bernie wasn't a plant all along to get milennials on board with hillary

if he believed a word he said he would have taken the offer from the green party to be their nominee instead of shilling for the most corrupt candidate in us history

or, you know, he passionately fought against the candidate who's morally corrupt and wants to violate human rights here in the US

but go on and keep being afraid of a woman, it's kinda sad to watch but in a really funny way

I honestly think things would have been far different if he actually grew some balls on that stage and attacked and ran as an independent but no he is a cuck

>swallows his pride and endorses Hillary

You act like he had a choice in endorsing her

>wanting to bring down the establishment and curb the immigration problem which has already spiraled out of control and done permanent damage is morally corrupt
>wanting to turn the entire world into north africa because... equality or something is not?

you forgot that 95% of blacks voted for hillary in the primaries.

> this is how america repaid him
> expecting repayment

Some altruists liberals are.

Booty blasted reddit fag

Bernie is a spineless socialists whimp who deserves no role involving leadership. He lost, and he will never be POTUS. Hell he might even croak in a few years and the world will be all the better with one less closeted communist faggot walking around and spouting idiocy.

Jill Stein offered to hand over the green party to him and run as his mate. Bernie's a complete cuck and I feel like he was just in it for the donations


not an argument

The Clinton shekels were more important than the fight against corruption. The Jude will always be eternal

So much for labor theory of value.


OP's statement might have been valid had he gotten past the primaries, but the DNC and Hillary actively worked to fuck him over. Maybe in another timeline Bernie did indeed get clobbered by Trump, but in this time he didn't even get the chance.

He got Shilalried. Trump wanted this guy.

>People consider Bernie to be some kind of saint when he has been playing the political game for the long haul and using minorities just to fill out his progressive portfolio whole giving them absolutely nothing of value in return
>He was used as a sacrificial lamb just so Hillary would have someone to role play a rivalry with while Trump has been defeating every political opponent like the main character from an anime defeating the villain of the week
>Continuing the trend of an anime main character past enemies ally themselves with him to take on Hillary
>Bernie takes all donations from cucks and stupid people to buy a nice 600 grand house for himself, take a cu then give the rest to Hillary

Ask yourself this. What has bernie given to minorities, especially to the nigger community where us niggers can rise above our oppression. Nope just like a typical white man he used us for his own gains then threw us back into the sewer.

From the point he announced himself running for the presidential election up to the presidential primaries, maybe.

And after that? You don't fight for a cause right up to the point that the adversity wins and then flop to their side, moreover, adversity is THE direct motivation TO fight for your cause.

Just shows what a spineless fuck he really is.

well Clinton would've helped ol Bernie in his suicide for dishonoring the DNC

>picture related

What a pussy

nice meme
not an argument

>muh communism
>le Bernie is a communist meme

If anything, it just goes to show you never to stick out for niggers as they will NEVER repay the favor.

Nothing could be a more satisfying death for american "democratic" trashalism.

Fuck Bernie.

>human rights
Nice meme




>gets overshadowed by the DNC and mainstream media

Fix'd. He lost to Shillary, not Trump.