What's his name again?
What's his name again?
Mike "if you're into cock you're in for a shock" Pence
Mike "Take a cock, get the shock" Pence
Mike "If you're a bugchaser, you get the taser" Pence
Mike "there's a reason my last name rhymes with electric fence" Pence
So SJWs literally thinks Pence is gonna make em ride the lightning?
Mike "banning every lobbyist, electric torture hobbyist" Pence
Mike "faggot medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
Mike "if you're a faggot I'll make you into maggots" Pence
He's a big guy
Mike "touch her rack or hear the lightning crack" Pence
Mike "Nuke San Francisco then shoot up a disco" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
Mike "AC/DC if you're LGBT" Pence
Mike "if you take it in the crapper, youll get the zapper" Pence.
Mike "fruits into vegetables" Pence
Mike "Taking the Pulse out of Pulse Night Club" Pence
Mike "A Zap A Day Keeps The Gay Away" Pence
Mike "blasting queens to smithereens" Pence
Mike "turn the meter until he doesn't like peters" pence
Mike "Dropping Fags and Shooting Mags" Pence
Mike "love the cock, get the shock" Pence
Mike "if your ass gets pounded, you better be grounded" Pence
Mike "if you don't like pussy your hair's getting fuzzy" Pence
Mike "Faggot Medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
Mike "If men make you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence
Mike "Stay in the closet and hide unless you want to go for a helicopter ride" Pence
Mike "blast the gays with gamma rays" Pence
Mike "Cattle prod to the homos rod" Pence
Mike "electromagnetism against faggotism" Pence
Mike "Faggotrons get electrons" Pence
Mike "Taze the rainbow" Pence
Mike "Unloading a mag onto a fag" Pence
Mike "get fucked like a bitch, I'll flip the switch" Pence
Mike "Play with testicles? have a Tesla coil" Pence
Mike "Stuff the fags into duffle bags" Pence
Mike "Homo Medicine by Thomas Edison" Pence
My favorite of them all
Mike "Look suspiciously dapper, you get the zapper" Pence
Top kek. Well played
Mike "Sodomiting will get you the lightning" Pence
Mike "one ampere for every queer" Pence
Mike “LGBT meets electricity“ Pence
Mike "Gay's ok, just not where i stay" Pence
Really, you would want to not be grounded
lost so hard
Mike "Miigee Pendce" Pence
Mike "take it up the ass and you'll get gassed" Pence
Mike "Coattails" Pence
Mike "serial sodomite scorcher" Pence
Mike "blow a fuse when zapping lgbtq's" Pence
Mike "if men make you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence
Mike "Listen to Cher, you get the chair" Pence
Mike "if you think there's more than two genders, then electricity is my legal tender" Pence
Mike "If you like it in the butt, this voltage goes up" Pence
Mike "Homo cure is one ampere per queer" Pence
Mike "you hook up for anal I hook up the jumper cable" Pence
Mike "believe in the Jurassic, your torture will be drastic" Pence
Mike "Found a faggot? Shoot it and bag it!" Pence
Mike "Check other dude's oil, get the tesla coil" Pence
Mike "Deny Jesus, Sleep with the Fishes" Pence
Mike "Fuck other guys, you'll get energized" Pence
Mike "Sodomites get lit like Christmas lights" Pence
>first three posts are from leaves.
You can't make this shit up.
Mike "sending reprobates to the pearly gates" Pence
Mike "Closet Fag" Pence
Mike "See a faggot, shock, and bag it" Pence
fresh OC
Mike "Striking Fear by Bashing Queers" Pence
Mike "the Third Reich" Pence
Mike "if your gender is fluctuating, the current will be alternating" Pence
Mike "Bring my AR to the Gay Bar" Pence.
Mike "Sodomite Slayer" Pence
Mike "Orlando Commando" Pence
Mike "Inquisition 2: electric boogaloo" Pence
Good one, my assuredly white friend.
Mike "Make cum farts, get the sparks" Pence
Mike "a shock a day keeps the gay away" Pence
Mike "if you enjoy being pounded into submission the Energizer bunny is a-listenin" Pence
Mike "If you take the cock, you'll taste my Glock" Pence
Mike "the sodomizer lobotomizer" Pence
Mike "Tase the Rainbow" Pence
Mike "shrinks for twinks" Pence
Mike "one bag per fag" Pence
Mike "putting degenerates in convulsive fits" Pence
Mike "connect thread originator to the generator" Pence
Mike "turn Original Poster into a toaster" Pence
Mike "hear a lisp, then hit the switch. hike it up to 10. insulated body bags for fags who hunt for men" Pence
Race Bannon
Mike "reply to this post or your mother died in her sleep tonight" Pence
Mike "you" Pence
Mike "Faraday can cure the gay" Pence.
Mike "We Wuz" Pence
Mike "Guys Who Drink Jizz'll Sizzle" Pence