
People are getting banned on Twitter for being alt-right. Mainly big accounts. What do Sup Forums?

Paul Town, Richard Spencer, just two I can think of I've seen banned.

You can't do anything

flood the report function with alternate accounts

report them for their bullshit the same way

I'm down almost 30 followers so far.

They've shoahed some big names and their not done.


really though, it's Jewish folks & their good goyim who are responsible for this

Glad to see the right-wing mantra that "private businesses can do whatever they want" coming back to bite them.

You don't see liberals getting pissed off because Breitbart won't be a mouthpiece for left-wing views, yet the right is so triggered by twitter now.

Make another account lol

It's kind of incredible how their stock is in the toilet and they're doubling down on the things that got them there in the first place.

They're not being banned for being alt-right, they're being banned for spamming Twitter with garbage, which is against Twitter's policy.

>You don't see liberals getting pissed off because Breitbart won't be a mouthpiece for left-wing views
You don't?

Uncomprehending gender-fluid piece of shit

No kidding twitter is a shitty platform too

Nothing. Who cares? They already live in an bubble echo chamber.

Stay the fuck away from twitter, it's cancer.



Here's an idea: conservatives can stop mooching off of liberals and actually create something of their own for a change.

Seriously, liberals create everything from your OS to your web browser to your search engines. You have zero power.

Why so trigggggggered??

Good, we don't need those reddit faggots anymore.

It's not triggered, it's just the fucking truth.

Why do conservatives whine so much but then create literally nothing themselves? The same is even true with movies or video games or comedians or whatever.

The last couply of days the media and social media have revealed themselves to be really fucking sore losers.
You have stories like "lets talk about radicalized white men" just because they didnt vote how the media told them to lel
Then you have facebook and twitter saying "we now try to censor fake stories" lol dnc leaks really hurt apperantly. And now they ban people that kinda reveal themselves to have voted for trump.
Honestly this behaviour from them is disgusting. Forget twitter, fucking sore losers.

Liberals would have to eat their fedoras or iphones if conservatives didnt give a shit about the rest of the people.



stop spreading malware

>change policy
>retroactively ban political opponents for violating policy before it was a policy

Not that the policy is remotely concrete enough to know if you're violating it or not. It's completely subjective.

This is bigger than twitter OP.
CNN doing a story
Twitter banning
Google just starting to ban "fake news"
Next thell be shutting down Thedonald.
Soros just had his little meeting and suddenly this shit is going on?
This all at once isn't a coincidence.
This is a coordinated attack on all fronts.
They've got these idiots on the street rioting, and theyre going to make us all out to be the problem.
They're going to cause all kinds of chaos and blame it Trump and use it to stop the inauguration.
I'm even wondering about those Biden memes, if there warming up people to the idea of sliding him in there.
I won't be surprised if they set up the Don in some kind of trick bag, where no matter what he does will be wrong, and have it blow up in his face to make him look incapable.

For those of you not aware:
gab.ai is a free speech alternative to twitter.

Also, you will die alone, you nerd-virgin.


Hack Dorsey, CNN, Time Warners etc.

Destroy the lives of jewish media moguls. Destroy the lives of the people who own Twitter.

Buckle up.
Jews are backed into a corner and going full-auto.

This is what jewish media did in the 20's. They bashed the whites in politics no matter what they did. It made the Germans despise them.

The jews wont survive this century.

Let them have their echo-chambers. The more delusional they make themselves, the more ridiculous and outlandish their behaviour. They will only alienate themselves from reality further, and become incapable of presenting anything resembling a political campaign.

More and more of their number will see that the emperor has no clothes and will abandon their blinkered cause, while nobody with any reasonable perspective will ever join them.

Trips speak truth, praise kek

That system is a double edge sword. You can do unto them what they have done unto you. Proceed.