UK to gut its military even further, Downgrades from missiles to guns

>Royal Navy warships will be left without anti-ship missiles and be forced to rely on naval guns because of cost-cutting, the Ministry of Defence has admitted.

>The Navy’s Harpoon missiles will retire from the fleet’s frigates and destroyers in 2018 without a replacement, while there will also be a two year gap without helicopter-launched anti-shipping missiles.

>Naval sources said the decision was “like Nelson deciding to get rid of his cannons and go back to muskets” and one senior former officer said warships would "no longer be able to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese or Russians".

>Harpoon missiles are unlikely to be replaced for up to a decade, naval sources said, leaving warships armed only with their 4.5in Mk 8 guns for anti-ship warfare. Helicopter-launched Sea Skua missiles are also going out of service next year and the replacement Sea Venom missile to be carried by Wildcat helicopters will not arrive until late 2020.

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>no longer be able to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese or Russians

why do bongs want to fight us?


What a bunch of turbo-faggots!

It wouldn't be much of a fight 2bh. You'd be humiliated.

royal navy cucked again hahahahahaha

If I was one of our (((allies))) I wouldn't spend money on a navy either.

Mohammed's welfare payments are more important.

trump got elected they aint worried bout shit

Rule the waves indeed. This meme of having women in leadership positions needs to die.


WTF is this shit. Even we have missiles that can be fired at ships.

Have they never heard of interim systems. Fucking hell would it kill them to use a French or US system until their new one is ready. Fucking hell.


What the fuck happened Britain?

>using shit tier systems

This is just sad.

Britain has some very nice destroyers.

But without missiles, they're just glorified patrol boats with larger than necessary crews.


>retiring 'Poon
>not buying NSM as replacement

>That flag

It's time. Thatcher can't stop you this time.

Right about time.
The EU starts establishing an EU-army and GB cuts the costs.

They realized that they cant Rule the Waves with modern Anti-Ship missiles. They are going to go back to regular cannons because that worked much better in for them in the past.

>using no systems

Good, less taxpayer money wasted in useless military hardware. We should do the same and leave fucking NATO as well.

President Trump should step up and help out our greatest ally.

how many Harpoons you need?? 100 or 200!!!

I see your carrier has a ramp as well, you wanna lease our Nimitz?

>leave Nato
Yeah, no

Wooden sail boats when?

A combined EU army is honestly a good idea. I don't know why people are so against it.


Britain needs a kick up the arse to help get them back on track. They scored big with Brexit but they're slumping again

> UK rules the waves!

More like the splashes in your grans bathtub

The usual reasons. Putin trying to annex England. The Chinese wanting to stop expansion into underdeveloped areas. You know the crazy shit both your's and China's governments have been doing for hundreds of years. Just amped up to 11 thanks to huge populations and increasing technology.

There is zero point wasting money on a defense budget when you have the yanks defending you 2bh.

Your gay boats with guns would be sinked immediately by anti-ship missiles.

like you guys need military hardware. you'll just surrender like you did the last two world wars

And then you'd be cucked, ivan. We have actual allies while you don't have any.


Trump wont defend you for free

We are untouchable and Ivan knows this.

>Willing to defend freeloaders

You just got fucked and you refuse to admit how fucked you are.

Remind me why people like May again?

implying a single Astute sub wouldn't sink the entire Northern Fleet

We aren't free loaders though. We have the biggest defense budget in europe

Yeah, like the EU right xD

The so called Royal """"""""""Navy""""""""""


France, You, Australia, Canada and new zealand. We are pretty much secure lad.

>When the Australian navy is more advanced than the Royal Navy.

top kek

I believe

Why are the Brits such stupid faggots? Shrinking the military at a time when they are reducing their ties to the continent, and the US is becoming either more isolationist, or shifting towards Russia. The UK should be spending more than ever on their military, because they may soon find themselves without any meaningful allies.

Wow what a colossal fuckup.

But hey now I can gloat Australia has a more powerful Navy than Britain.

How come you are being raped by pakis?

What do we owe you? How do we benefit by protecting you?

pretty sure the ruskies are expanding their sub fleet iirc

feeding and housing rapefugees isn't cheap, and the NHS is going to cost them more than the entire defense budget if it isn't already

Naval warfare won't be a part of our worlds future.

You're going alone this time dad, the Trudeau family killed any patriotism toward Britain we had in the 70's

It's a sad fucking day in our combined history when I have to admit that Australia is the preeminent naval power of the Commonwealth.

God help us.

You owe us everything. Also, I doubt the joos are going to let their little banking island get destroyed. In case you forgot, the banks in london own the federal reserve lmao

This is tragic.

Just wait until the Argentines decide to take the Falklands again.

Says the island nation. Man you cunts are fucked if the shit hits the fan.

Who are we defending from?

If at first you don't succeed

Yeah you're right we're going to be invaded by the German-Turk alliance on hoverboats.

You honestly think there will be another D-Day?

we bailed you out twice, how do we owe you?

No, he's right this time. Las Malvinas are no longer British clay. The Argentine navy will kick their fucking asses.

It will be, but it will be space navies. Given that your country pretty much completely lacks a space program, you'll suck at that too. You fuckers have literally nothing going for you in the future. I think that's why you are all such miserable, apathetic shits. Bantz is all you people have left.

Real convincing argument, lad

It's all yours, bud.

I don't converse with niggers.

It is facts though.

What a failure of a nation.
No wonder my ancestors left that shithole.

British Navy circa 2020
>rule britannia britannia rules the waves...

WTF brits. I thought you guys rules the waves 'n shiet. Even my shitpoor shithole makes anti-ship missisles.

Astute class is cute, CUTE :3

>being so cucked you think a defense force is pointless.

>Putin trying to annex England. You know the crazy shit both your's and China's governments have been doing for hundreds of years.

We never landed troops on their land unlike them.

>Naval warfare won't be a part of our worlds future.

Ship without missiles is just sitting duck in modern warfare. Cannons are pretty much useless except against somali pirates.

Even Finland has missile boats:

But if the banks don't exist anymore you don't have to pay debt, it's a foolproof plan.

Pattons ghost rises from the grave


>our former colony please help

You're literally retarded lad.

Have you seen the size of the UK, we can base anything anywhere and still be able to respond to a threat within the hour.

You really think we need ships to defend a stretch of water when every land based artillery piece is in full range.

We never sent ships to the conflict in NI because if Ireland ever declared war we could literally fire our AS90's from wales and decimate Dublin.

When was the last naval conflict?

>British Isles plagued by Japanese warships
>beg Australia for relief, desperately need missile armed warships.
>Australia, too busy elsewhere, abandons the UK to certain defeat at the hands of the Japanese.

Karma incoming.

You are embarrassing us, dad.

We have a bigger economy than you though. You're reliant on oil prices. The saudi lads have you by the balls xD

>When was the last naval conflict?

The Falklands War. Britain was heavily involved.

>the banks in london own the federal reserve lmao

what the fuck are you talking about you delusional shitskin

>letting the enemy come into range to bomb your own house

See you're cucked.

>EU Army good idea

>Letting Brusselcrats control a fucking Army
>Letting German Controlled Brusselcrats control an army

Yah sounds like a good idea!

Subs aren't effective if brits are going mount artillery guns on them

That wasn't a conflict that was a pest control.

Good that just makes them easier to conquer

Why do you constantly want a fucking warm water port?

You're on your own this time, bong. Russia is my new best friend. You can take your Doctor Who back too. I don't even like the new doctor. Remove kebab and then we'll talk.

>*Trusting someone.
>*The Jewish People

Pick only one.

We can send a missile from the UK before their missile enters our airspace.

The banking cartel in london own the majority of the federal reserve.

You have no Harpoons on your frigates.

The truth hurts, paki.


To be fair. The Russian is right.

>Navy without missiles.

Just fuck my navy up senpai. The old Rusty Russian Aircraft Carrier is probably more modern than your shit navy.

I wish America would have allied with Russia following WW2. Europoors are just fucking leaches, who would get steamrolled by even the Turkish Military if it weren't for the US.