Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Bill Clinton.
Democrats have always been around though.
I was gunna say the introduction of gangster rap culture.
Jews brainwashed them.
>gangster rap culture
Which is pushed by democrats.
With gangster rap culture phams. Makes sense with the timeline too, it gained alot of popularity in the late 1890's
hoodrat culture
What brings you to that conclusion?
White supremacists took over
gangsta rap/"thug" culture
civil rights act. started giving them gibs
The clintons
The Kennedy's
they evolved
Jewish supremacists, fixed that for you.
They were successfully subverted. Now it's white people's turn..
Gonna have those niggers voting democrat for the rest of their lives.
or not
Weaponized culture.
Weaponized drugs.
Drug war.
The black community was gaining independence and power with the civil rights movement. Groups within the US federal government attacked them to weaken them. The niggers were unofficially put back on the plantation. The same tactics are being used against everyone now. We are under attack.
White flight destroyed the taxbase of their communities, because white people couldn't stand being forced to integrate with black people. Schools became underfunded, roads began to fall apart, and economic activity went to whiter places.
Then, on top of that, the government intentionally used eminent domain to destroy black businesses and black neighborhoods, and then replace it with so-called "affordable housing". Not only were they undercompensated for their losses, but the housing projects caused property values to tank while causing population density to spike leading to falling tax revenues and rising government spending demands at the same time.
Add in the war on drugs, which was actually an excuse to kill black people and steal their money, and you end up with a permanent underclass.
You did it white people! You stopped the black menace!
Here's your evidence.
>they DE-evolved
The Democratic party pushed victim culture and welfare upon them.
Bullshit, they get away with everything now. And get half of the public's sympathy for chimping out.
The blacks only behaved because whites made them. Once whites stopped they showed what they are all about.
All this bullshit about drugs and gang culture, last I checked whites do drugs and listen to that bullshit music too. Difference is we don't go around robbing liquor stores and burning up businesses when we don't get our way.
they only tried to behave like normal human beings when they were being treated as less than human
as soon as they were treated equally and the pressure was off they immediately began to slide back to their natural state of being / behavior: sub-human negro
feminism, globalism, thug culture, in that order.
So in other words the jews.
Globalism combined with bread-and-circuses welfare and a revolving-door prison system fueled by shitty education. Those are some of the main factors behind the collapse of the prosperous working-class family.
Hood culture became a thing in the 80s, and it was a quick plummet from there. Blame the merchants for manufacturing this entire identity and broadcasting it to the masses, though Blacks still get a share of the blame for even buying into it.
and said it well.
Also, Republicans were the ones who actually opposed the KKK and slavery while Democrats supported the KKK and actively worked to maintain slavery. But this is never mentioned in mainstream media or leftist websites.
All races buy into that shit. Black made music tops the charts every week.
You are just making excuses for the negro, and by making excuses you provide the same victimhood status the Democratic Party provides.
If "hood culture" was all that was holding them back, Africa would be doing great wouldn't it.
Honestly? They don't care. It's easier to blame other people and worship one nog who made a half decent life for himself.
As for noggettes, they're a lost cause. If they don't become their own mothers, they'll become a gold digger, brood mother, or...occasionally a half decent nurse because Healthcare is flooded with them.
Missed the part where white people forced blacks to have kids they can't afford or raise properly. Any decent, hardworking, black person also left the ghetto too- turns out they'd rather live with "da evil white man" than amongst their own kind.
>gangster rap culture......gained alot of popularity in the late 1890's
"""""Great Society"""""
This is saying to me that around 1 in 15 blacks own businesses
Is that real? That sounds too high even for white people
Buying into the music doesn't equate to buying into the entire culture. You don't see gangs of white youths roaming the streets playing out hood rat fantasies.
I'd like some sort of source on 40% of blacks owning a business. That's even high for kikes
I am not making excuses for their sorry state now. However it is a fact the black community was much more successful right up to the civil rights era. Blacks even had a lower incidence of illegitimate children than whites at the time. They were all religious and more homogeneous as families. Something changed which is the point of this thread.
There is evidence to back up these claims. The CIA pushed cocaine into the inner cities to fund themselves and their illegal activities. This was testified to in congress by multiple people. The (((media))) pushed ganster rap into the mainstream and to this day marginalizes meaningful positive rap and hip hop music.
To your final point I know at least four middle class individuals that did just that and more than slightly because they were influenced by rap music.
The Gangsta Rap came after Hood culture though and was used as an escape route for black men to better their lives and get out of living with dregs.
>Civil Rights
civil rights
Racism and Trump.
Why do they look confused?
How fucking stupid are niggers?
the 1960s was closer to slavery, back when the black man had a good work ethic and the indoor model of the slave had a white father who was less prone to abandon the child
The Democrat Party used the welfare state to destroy the black nuclear family
they started vpting democrat
And why don't white youth participate in it? Are we somehow immune to the evil spells of the Democratic Party or whatever group you want to blame for black failure?
They never had a lower incidence of illegitimacy. See pic related.
Blacks behaved because whites made them. Once we lost control of the culture it was downhill from there. And we're never going to control them again so you are stuck with what you got.
the klan fully merged with the democratic party
And why don't Asian Democrats or White liberals behave like that?
the insidious white man created gangsta rap, heroine, crack and black culture to destory their neighborhoods and the black nuclear families.
It was a long con of the white man to put those niggers back in chains (the same kind of long con was used in ancient egypt to steal the black mans magic).
The only way to escape this systemic oppression is the death of the white man.
>break down all families by selling them to different farms to erase any sense of hereditary self image
>release them as second-class citizens to make them scared of "white-ness"
>at the height of their prosperity introduce welfare...
>then distribute crack at levels of purity higher than cocaine, protecting drug lords to endure distribution
voila, one neutered and programmed demographic
Welfare and the destruction of the nuclear family.
Jay Z and Beyonce performing at a Clinton rally
>gangsta rap/"thug" culture
Look at how much more media they used to have and how varied it was.
A show like Family Matters, Cosby or even The Fresh Prince was easy for either race to enjoy and relate to. Even stretching back you had shows like The Jeffersons and Sanford and Son that reached both races pretty well. But these shows had more or less all black casts and they made people reflect better on blacks. They damn sure had more than one or two comedy movies released a year too. From the 70s to the mid 90s the blacks had a pretty strong, positive, media presence for the most part.
Now compare that to today and let in sink in a bit that the liberal media has cut back on just how diverse it once was.
memes xDDDDDDD
Not really, remember Tipper Gore?
Why did he take his shoes off
The Democratic Party. They needed the votes they pandered to them back then as they do today. The Democrats seduced them with hand outs to get the votes and it worked. The democrat elites wrote the playbook and LBJ got it off the ground. They've been on the Democratic plantation ever since. Some are aware and have left the party but the majority are stuck in the vicious cycle. This is due to the Dems MO of spreading lies, hate and discontent to keep their constituents in check. DNC fosters their feelings of oppression while conducting vindictive ops in the shadows (false flag hate crimes, filling public housing with drugs, convincing them that white people really do hate them and other such vitriol. The Dems are the demon whispering in their ears and they can't turn it off.
What's funny is who does act like that . . . . is the working class whites.
Congrats again poorfucks - you let yourself be blinded by race and ignored the class war you're a victim of.
Read some Thomas Sowell, Based Black Man and you will understand.
underrated reply
>Long concentrated among minorities, motherhood outside marriage now varies by class about as much as it does by race. It is growing fastest in the lower reaches of the white middle class — among women like Ms. Schairer who have some postsecondary schooling but no four-year degree.
Working class whites mostly vote Republican.
So that destroys your argument that voting Democrat causes bad behavior.
Blacks perpetuate a culture of laziness and mediocrity.
They don't do shit since they can get unemployment checks or steal.
media perpertated stereotypes
welfare destroyed the family unit. It's biting white people in the ass too.
I agree but that only accounts for cities like Detroit. In other communities where white flight didn't occur it doesn't explain their situation or behaviors. We can look at migration into cities during the earlier part of the 20th century, they were still able to prosper in predominantly black neighborhoods, even leading to a 'renaissance'. So obviously it's more of the government meddling then demographic shifts.
Giving them special treatment doesn't seem equal.
I'd argue hood culture was founded on issues created during the 60s and 70s: imo all the government based entitlement programs and minimum wage. Notice both Black AND White teenage unemployment rate and illegitimacy rate has increased since the 50's and 60's.
This. They had pressure put on them. Now we just give them enough free stuff so they can take their kids to KFC every day. There's no standard set, no expectations, you get a medal even if you can't keep your ass out of jail.
Culture and the welfare state. Sowell has a good interview on this.
Once blacks could start going to white businesses, they had no need for black businesses.
George Soros and the Democrats found some money to be made by ruining them.
Poor bastards.
Take this what you will, but the most civilized blacks lived under Islamic rule. You never hear complaints about ill behavior from the black minority in Iraq or Saudi Arabia. Obviously I don't want that shit here, but its an interesting observation.
Christianity is too weak of a religion to inspire good behavior anymore. It is useless to whites even, so there's no point in bringing that up.
As far as the welfare state, I don't see that decreasing, if anything, it is going to grow in the future.
80's woops
Where are the proofs?
I so much want this to be true.
tavistock institute and the frankfurt school, all kinds of cultural marxist shit use google nigga
LBJ's Great Society "social safety nets". Women found they didn't need fathers around to support families. Disaster ensued.
Both correct, we aim to kill em, they line up.
This is the only correct answer. 1965 happened.
Thanks for clearing this up guys.
Once niggers were allowed into Woolworth's, they stopped going to Pookie's Corner Store.
Once the state incentivized having bastards, they all started having bastards.
The turning point in this campaign, literally unnoticed by MSM, was when Trump posed that very question to Blacks. Check and mate to everything Great Society and beyond.
How oppressive of you to say drug dealing isn't a business and that non-monogamous relationships aren't valid
Chicago has been run by Democrats for almost 80 years. They have he strictest gun laws in the country, yet there's a shooting every two hours.
It's like Democrats want the black population to die out itself.
Democrats and culture are the causes of this.
I lived through it. Remember how Woolworth's quickly went downhill once the niggers were allowed in?
When they owned businesses it was for shit like gardening, housework, laundry, maids and nannies.
Urbanite liberals decided to employ cheap Latin domestics instead.
The liberal welfare state
>CIA invented crack cocaine
Guessing the businesses were farms. Blacks that worked the fields ended up taking up farming when freed. The amount of people 1 farmer can feed now is substantially higher.
"Civil rights". They were happier and had a more cohesive community under segregation.
nobody gives you a job you can't save enough to start a business and you can't support a family