Since CNN wants to make the alt right bad lets make the alt left. We will make it so liberal that there will be no way they cant argue amongst themselves. Lgbtq sections fighting with black sections fighting with muslim sections fighting with feminist sections. Make it big and they will collapse. Be as extreme and spiteful as possible.
Alt-left creation
Other urls found in this thread:
Alt-left already exists, it's called Canada
Where do we start. Since twitter is deleting most right wing news might as well pretend to be left wing and have some fun.
So pretend to be canadians. Good start.
We should make it a goal that each minority group forms its own political party to best represent its own interests.
The narrative.
With a loss of establishment hillary. And a black lash of the suppression of Bernie sanders and a resentment of him selling out a new left emerges.
An alternate left.
Back in the mid 2000's there was an explosion of progressive libs on the internet clamoring for free unicorns while discussing race issue things before the modern libs started to revive the use of the term colored people through the revision to "People of Color".
These were called NetRoots or some shit and were really popular, Sites like Democratic Underground and Being Liberal in a way could be considered alt-left because they are both more socialist than the average and the fact that only a small minority of actual dems read that shit to begin with,
Hey CNN,
This is why the Dems and the liberals lost.. watch it and learn something..
everyone else, spread this youtube link:
The alt-left you're talking about is literally just Sweden/Germany.
Isn't there a lefty-pol website on some random chan? If anything that could be the progenitor
Control - left is catchier and more apt.
cis-gender hetero-normative nu-male reporting in.
>wat am i even saying?
Yes what should the hashtags and pages be?
Fucking morons. Leftists say much worse things all the time. Considering all the people, (usually whites), who, using their identity, say things about whites that would make us blush if they said it about minorities.
It's not part of the narrative that there's some violent, extremist left wing faction in the US, when you can see it at every Trump and OW protest.
Perfect remember that youre a black muslim and womans rights arent a thing. Since you know... Islam. Or that you hate gay people.
I hate gay males because they aren't inclusive of my cis-normativity
I have trouble with the distance between the ctrl and the left key though. It requires two hands. ctrl right only requires one.
Yeah, they're leftists, but they also love their gun rights and shit.
Tweets should be similar to "i love all my white neighbors and co workers, i just hate how i have to see the gay pride parade annually"
every group gets its own ethnarc
What? That would be an "alt-right" post.
Now we need catchy hastags and pages. #cis #acceptance #unfairfeminism
Not if im posing as a black muslim that moved from somalia.
I have seen two main definitions of the alt-left. I'm not sure which is accurate.
1. A hardcore communist/socialist group that rejects the bullshit identity politics by SJW and are focused almost entirely on economics
2. Hardcore SJWs who support stuff like black lives matter and basically want to completely destroy anything to do with white men
Shit like that. If I were rich, I would totally fund shit like that. It would be hilarious.
Then that wouldn't be an alt-left post anyway, which really doesn't exist, because the radical elements of leftism has been present for decades. It's just the "far left."
Kek wills it.
As a homo, I couldn't agree with you more. Fags are cancer
We are renaming it hoping we can get some lefties to actually go to war with eachother like in the riots and shit.
Well yes those are both alternatives to the left.
If we're defining alt-left to be dual to the alt-right then the SJW definition would be better considering what's known as the alt-right is focused almost fully on meta social issues. The alt-left should focus solely on meta social issues too. Communism and socialism is more dual to the tea party movement.
>lets make the alt left
There's your problem. You're consciously trying to create something that doesn't exist, rather than letting something come to fruition as a result of the environment.
If you want to actually make an "alt-left" why not just talk to leftists that might be receptive to arguments that don't revolve around identity politics instead of planning some jewish creation of a new movement?
We need to sabotage the alt-male so bad that women will look to the conservative man for courtship and leadership.
We also need to drive a wedge between progressive black women and white women, because the party of the losers cannot deliver on any promises with its platform of crybaby-ism.
We actually need to make the Republican Party appealing to anyone who wants to get his/her shit together on his/her own, so that Democratic Party is exclusively the party of the die-hard identity politicians.
Unless that just fizzes out, there's nothing we can do that's better than the finger pointing that will result from handing Trump the presidency.
What the fuck is this CTR bullshit trolling?
Dumb. You can't false flag an entire movement.
What the alt-left SHOULD be is a white-friendly left-wing movement. Control both sides of the debate.
We need very loud vocal fags to bash everyrone who isn't a very loud, vocal fag.
wow what a great plan OP!
Alt-leftist here
the only way to achieve true socialism is to exterminate all white males
Here is the Alt Left's manifesto... what did they mean by this?:
Dear white people, we have been slighted time and time again. throughout history. There is not a single moment of African existence in North America not burdened by the weight of racism and the existence of slavery. We have been an underclass since the second we were chained into place on the boats that brought us over to America.
Eventually, we established a collective black consciousness and decided to fight back. We could not stand by anymore as our communities, our children, and our livelihoods were tarnished and trashed by the straight, white, heteronormative capitalist patriarchy. Yet after years of fighting and standing up for ourselves, here we are again.
White people - you elected Donald Trump. You have already caused nothing but pain and suffering to our proud black communities by electing this racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic man into office. He is a direct and immediate threat to our rights, our people, and our property.
White people - you have left us no choice. We are forced to fend for ourselves now. It is the time for us to collectively rise and exert our dominance. We are the new face of the black power movement. We are a proud band of brothers and sister who want to control our own destiny. That is why we demand an African-only nationalist ethnostate within the borders of the continental U.S. We are demanding the states of Georgia and South Carolina be handed over to the New African ethnostate for exclusive use by those of African diaspora.
You will return this land to us by January 1st, 2017. We are sick of being second class citizens. After failed reparation payments, its time you, the white man, returns our rightful land to us.
What if lefties and conservatives united on campuses on an economic platform, ignoring identity politics, and focusing on things like a 'minimum income' that is consistent with the ideas of even the most hard-core Viennese economists?
This will give the reasonable liberal a way forward on College campuses.
every man needs to kiss another man before the age of 18 to ensure they are open minded about the idea of non-binary sexuality.
We will provide the alternative to the finger-pointing. We will create the radical, #BlackLivesOnly, #MyGenderMyNormativity retards and create the campus coalitions of liberals and conservatives to MAGA
It hurts to live
>to ensure that our children are open to...
pushing homoness on children is a sure way to fuck off a whole lot of normies.
Kek is trolling.
no need. they did that to themselves
ctrl is literally close than alt to the left.
Maybe a black Muslim communist who wants women to be oppressed and the proletariat to starve
>I know what communism's end goal is but let's face it that's what always happens
No way a nigger wrote that.
Your average Sup Forums user cannot understand leftism, at least not without running the risk of actually turning into a liberal faggot.
No, call it ctrl-left because they want control and try to control speech and other things.
Everything was spelled well and well thought out. No way. Lets spread it anyway. Lets find a radical leftist thats in college right now and attach his name to this.
I know but its a risk we have to take.
Make the alt-left libertarian. That'll solve the threat of jews eradicating first and second amendments, and provide edge that will appeal to youth. And they'll be one pendulum swing behind us on the red pill path.
they are "far" because they are fucking stupid not because of some idea that there is an actual left and right to politics
may as well call em fundies when there is no fundamental spectrum or ideology
the far fucktards are far and away the farthest thing from common sense
nutbars all
what puts the 'alt' in the alt-right?
"who sought to implement a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil rights, gay rights, abortion, gender roles, and drugs,[2] in contrast to earlier leftist or Marxist movements that had taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focused mostly on labor unionization and questions of social class."
sound familiar? starter in the 1960's. it's called the new left.
Blacks vs Muslims would be the wisest cause blacks think they can do no wrong and Muslims are crazy and angry like nigs.
Alt left globalism is good because it helps our alt right nationalism cause. simple cause and effect. except our effect will TRUMP their cause
true, but sounds so good.
We just need to bring their shenanigans to the forefront and confront it head on.
I don't think you actually want to take it. You are too comfortable in your current position in which you can mock the other side without looking at things from their point of view.
That exists already, its called the libertarian party.
Ive done extensive research. I always vote for who says guns are good. I will always be right.
Alt-left I.E. pure leftism is the definition of terrorism. No morals, no rights, no objectivity. Everything is permissible to achieving the end goal, eternally self cleansing anyone less than 100% pure.
Completely batshit insane.
Canadians don't have any gun rights poofter
Alright then men, maybe woman and fbi agents lets take these hashtags to twitter and fuck shit up
I know. But odds are they don't.
Democratic party is about to collapse like Republican party in 2008. Jews will be creating and promoting groups over the next few years to create a sense of change. Rather than create a golem hellbent on fucking over whites, why not create a golem that furthers causes we care about (like freedom of speech and access to firearms)?
And it'll sell because guns and tits.
Incoming alt-left symbol
"ALT-left" is a strong play boys...
"...formed as a response to the vitriolic vacuum of the nationalist ALT-right , the ALT-Left promises to match the hatred of their detractors rather than turn a passive cheek like liberal movements of the past. ALT-Left movement leaders (who prefer to remain anonymous to avoid needless gender stereotypes) have loudly proclaimed their unified strategy to "fight fire with gasoline" against the hurtful,brutalist sarcasm of the ALT-right"...
Excellent idea
Divide to reign, don't forget we are the joos now
Duterte is technically Alt-Left
>let's make the alt left
wtf were we in the Obama/McCain election?
Thats what im saying. Divide and conquor itll collapse. Theyll kill eachother. Its a win for the right.
Got the propaganda machine fired up, senpai.
I'd say the "alt-left"=social justice, identity politics.
It's already a thing, it just doesn't have a proper label.
Look at us, we're the jews now
Get the hashtag #altleft trending as well as the others mentioned. Lets make war with eachother and get other sjws step in and we step back
Wouldn't alt-left be Stalinism?
identity politics and sjw is the current left. Alt-left and other naive millenials would probably be tired of all that. And dissatisfied that their elders wanted to vote away access to firearms after being mocked for wanting a revolution with no guns.
Those faggots need to shut the fuck up. I'm sick of them and the assholes that patronize me and my husband about it. Not everyone gives a shit of about 1-3% population.
We are creating an "alt-left" archetype narrative
Describing in detail the "perfect storm" that created
-"the radicalized, ethnic wing of the social justice movement"
That we see using the "peaceful" protests of the moderate,democratic liberals to bolster their agenda at any cost...even human life (see ambulance incident)
-the "op" is to show them how asinine their issues are , by further fractionally dividing the "movement" into smaller groups
>Which they are already doing themselves trying to find someone to blame for the election...
We capitalize on the inherent divisions of the left...
By DEFINING them before they can define themselves
(Exactly what ((they))did to /pol with the stupid "alt-right=white meme)
SJWs are the alt-left. Liberalism was already a shitshow, identity politics radicalized it into something that even a hard line communist won't touch.
Bet he's got some brutal thatcher poems.
Proof that Sup Forums is everything it claims to hate.
#LaRazaParty is the only one of those I can actually see working. Nogs and Queers both realize they're fucked without liberal whites at their back. Mexicans actually have enough weight (on top of their distinct, Catholicism-based value set) to consider splitting off.
/leftypol/ and /intl/ are only around to fuck with 8/pol/ because they take themselves too seriously and hence are extremely easy to troll.
i mean, i considered myself leftist until all these sjw faggots starting fucking shit up. i think that the alt-right is reactionary to that.
Bro, they already exist. no matter how retarded of a left-wing line you can come up with, someone has already said something worse while completely serious.
Thats the point. Were going to get them all in one place. Also 420blazitfaggot
>He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.
And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.
We stared into the abyss that is Judaism for too long. We've seen the demon that dwells within, and it has seen us as well.
To kill the Jew, we have to be the Jew.
Why does communism attract so many special snowflakes, despite real communism calling for the dissolution of identity?
Dunno lets curbstomp the flakes
I'd love to see BLM blame feminists for their situation, the reasoning being that feminism destroyed the nuclear family and ruined black families.
And then boom, the two biggest groups fighting each other.
Be careful! Andrew Breitbart tried to create a place where all the looney left would argue their points and be laughed at but instead he died and that place became Huffington Post. His soul will get revenge, right Mr. Bannon?
Great idea. Let's make it happen. Shadilay, brothers.
Pretty sure they're handling that themselves.
Were looking to bring their tipping point.
Making it volitile