Tinder has just overhauled their dating app and has implemented a choice of 37 different gender choices.
What are your thoughts on this, Sup Forums?
Tinder has just overhauled their dating app and has implemented a choice of 37 different gender choices.
What are your thoughts on this, Sup Forums?
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Is attack helicopter included?
If this isn't included that's albeist and I will not stand for that. #sanders2020
lmao the powers that be are really memeing gay and tranny black dudes, I guess it's their turn to be feminized.
Wow even more people who wouldn't date me. Can't wait to get rejected by men with long hair.
this kills the Tinder
Great news. You can now immediately rule out anyone that doesn't tick the 'Female' option.
>no attack helicopter
>no mayonnaise
Fucking alt-right scum still control tinder
Great, I always ended up accidentally swiping on traps.
Now it's gonna be even more common.
Tbh this is a good thing. Sick of the trannys calling themselves female. Have matched with 5 because they didnt say they were a tranny and wouldn't have fucked them if I knew beforehand. This is a good thing and only fags think otherwise.
Flicking disgusting
>00:08 Bradley Miller
>dat face
wake me up
>comments and like bar deactivated
does this mean i can filter out all the otherkin retards?
hooray for segregation
If it means they can be blocked out, then good.
wont this make it easier to screen out the trannies?
>that's ableist
What type of challenged are you, considering how much an attack helicopter can accomplish? If anything it is anti-ableist to bar attack helicopters.
wont this make it easier to screen for trannies?
hive mind
Some of those moonbats think they're female.
If this is such a good and necessary thing then why are the likes and comments disabled? Oh right, because most people still aren't buying into this bullshit of enabling mental illness
More like filter for
So how do you search for trannies as a regular guy? I'd have to change my identity to a tranny even though I am not just to find trannies?
what the fuck?
what about agekin?
I'm gonna be hitting some trap boipucci now.
Thx liberals
i regret the hive mind comment but no, you can state your own gender and then click all the preferred genders you like
>comments and like bar deactivated
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they know what they are doing is wrong
Nope. No way to select traps
check your rotor-blade privilege
Tinder is degenerate. This is just icing on the cake.
Why don't they just add a custom option, fucking idiots
Wait, so we can't filter out the trannies?
That's great.
If everyone of these special snowflakes has their own fucking gender they'll never be matched with anyone.
We can't exclusively filter them in or out
let me fcking post through hiro
1. Gender IS a social construct.
People should just go by their DNA sex. "Gender" pronouns are like having pronouns for your political party, ridiculous.
Sexed pronouns are He OR she, not both!
2. Tinder is DEGENERATE
Finally a gender for non Jews.
Forgot to add that changing your sex organs is degenerate. You CANNOT change your sex, so get over it.
Transpeople should be considered "sexist" by liberals for betraying their sex, not embraced by them for their "discrimination".
We need to meme this shit in. Expose to them how their "gender identity" is "sexist". LOL
Can someone be trans military branch. Assume you're in the army but want to identify as a marine.
What about trans veteran. You never fought in a war but you characterize as a WWII veteran.
wake me up, before you go go
"boy lover"
wow, I am so disgusted right now. Why endorse pedophilia... Stop destroying the family.
> potatoes
>comments disabled
Why couldnt i just never have been born?
>comments are disabled for this video
>What about trans veteran. You never fought in a war but you characterize as a WWII veteran.
I think that gender is called "stolen valor" in your country.
>37 different gender choices
In a row?
What is that like a mexican dyke?
Eventually we'll have to respect a trans Purple Heart recipient because if we publicly humiliate them we'll be fined for violating their safe space
I think my graphics card is XTX.
D-d-does it mean it likes it in the PCI?