ITT: times when you knew that feel in cartoons

ITT: times when you knew that feel in cartoons

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Everyone had to give everyone a Valentine's card in my class

Same. It meant nothing.

Every time a character looks into the mirror and sees a monster

>Caring about Valentines Day
>caring about a corporation-created holiday designed to guilt you into buying useless shit

nay. Even as a child I knew it was bullshit and never bothered with it

...Yeah. I was born in the 80s and even back when Bush Sr. was president, they enforced a "You have to give valentines to everyone in class" rule so this kind of shit wouldn't happen.

In hindsight I cannot say if I would have been upset or not if I got excluded like Ralph. Mostly because in my Elementary school days, Valentines meant we learned shit for half the day and after lunch we just ate candy and watched a movie for the last two hours of class.

Good times.

Some of the kids included a piece of candy with the Valentine card they put in every other kid's. It made me feel bad because even though my parents weren't poor they were extremely frugal or stingey or cheap and only bought a box of the cards for me to give out.

My parents bought the candy sometimes, but I'd just take them off and hoard them for myself. Like hell I'd share those chalky hearts with those little bastards.

More of Sup Forums , but I want this song to play on the radio instead of that gloomy radiocast they do in the end of apocalypse movies, as the bombs fall, as i sit in my driveway in my bathrobe, sitting in a lawnchair in my driveway as the skies darken in a burnt orange, with a cardboard sign that says Suck It

Yes, yes, yes we all know Valentine's day is just another sales-driven corporate holiday. Point is that still, despite corporations goading them on, no one cared to get him anything.

Spend a little less time being edgy and a little more time keeping up, kiddo.

I want this played at my funeral. Absolutely nobody will understand it.

>your secret weeb friend does understand

Everyone need this feeling at least one day per week.

Whenever Moe appeared on Simpsons

My scho had one big mailbox for everyone. On valentine's people would come in during lessons and give the cards. Never ever got anything. Then again the majority never did. You had to be a cute girl or a really good looking guy.



>rich spoilt loner kid with dumbass childhood friend receives a peasantry pasta meal from their friend's parent
Honestly I empathise with this brat more than I'm comfortable with.

The robots conquered that day

>getting another moment with someone you'd thought lost forever
>knowing that this time, when it's over, it's really over

This whole damn thing

listen man there were still clearly tiers, you had to give candy and a shitty to: from: slip of paper to everyone but no one's stopping something more personal

I mean except that one time the teacher did stop it but still

Yeah but there isn't someone with clearly no cards. It's more to stop all the other people seeing that they didn't get a card.
>mfw student reps wrote them to people who didn't get any
well it wasn't valentines, but rather an anonymous complement trading day

>having a fallout with someone and nursing a deep mutual resentment over something that scarred the both of you

>realize that it's been so long since it happened that you're not even sure if it was the fault of either of you

Fuck you man, i'm still trying to forget that feel.

>spend all day doing stuff for others on a zeppelin so they can enjoy themselves
>don't get to do the ONE thing you wanted at the end of day, because other people didn't care enough, despite what you did
I don't relate to cartoons often, but damn, that stung.

>theatrically camp asshole with a wasted aptitude for academic work that suffers from a precarious case of PTSD that can trigger violent outbursts whenever he feels insulted in a very specific way
I did not expect to gaze upon Moriarty's fursona and view a reflection of myself... At least from a younger stage in life, anyways.