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Had Hillary not corrupted the system in the first place, she may have won.
Scoreboard bitch
You lost, we dont care what you think, shut the fuck up.
>Rig the primaries, Rig the media coverage, Rig the debates, can't manage to rig the electoral college.
It feels like poetry, my Hebrew friend.
Feels smug man
>the people rejected Trump!
Inner city trash in states without voter ID laws did. The vast majority of the country geographically, elected him.
Watching the american left go down in a fireball of butthurt, tears and "i'm not mad" denials has been the best thing I've seen in the years.
So one city out of many. Congrats hilltard.
How does it feel to be so bitter you just can't let it go?
>5 million illegal votes
>No voter ID laws
>That's not how we decide our president.
You guys are desperately grasping to that fucking Popular vote, which doesn't matter.
Just like your opinion on our election, and your flag, Serb.
You do realize that no one lives in that red area, right? The blue area are cities and that is where people live you stupid drumpftard.
Who are you quoting?
more than 6 mil illegals voted. they cant legally vote in 49 states. hillary told them they can despite laws not changing in 49 states
hillary didnt win its over give up . lay there and take it
Except people do live there.
The Clinton's lost, your hours spent shilling here were for nothing.
You were annoying before the election, but now you're jester-tier and reality has come pouring into your bubble world and you're having to adjust to facts.
Media's 24/7 shilling might have helped Trump though.
>claim that there is no way that trump can win
>lazy liberal cunts stay home thinking that their victory is assured
>trump wins
>#notmypresident chimpout happens
National popular vote doesn't decide the winner. It decides your state's electors. Those electors then vote for president based on their state's popular vote. That is the function of the Electoral College.
Popular vote doesn't matter.
Electoral college necessary to stop state mob rule.
Without that California voters would vote to drain Great Lakes.
Shillary won California by over 3 million votes.
Outside of that communist haven for illegals, Trump won comfortably.
>trump said the electoral system was broken
>he stated that he would prove it by abusing it to win
>he stated he would fix this during his term
Feels good
Remove the illegals voting and he would have won by a million votes.
Grip: Get one.
The game is over. The lights are off. The stadium is empty.
Yours is the last car in the parking lot.
Camp as log as you like. The Cubs have already flown home.
And you will still suck in the morning.
Nothing- and it's impossble to overemphasize this: NOTHING- will change the fact that the majority of people don't want Hillary in the White House again.
So just head over to 5th and Connecticut NW and get someone to ELI5. Maybe a 5y/o will 'splain it to ya over some pizza.
Serendipity: Captcha...
That's all from Commiefornia where she's leading by over 3 million votes at last count.
Because hillary had more than 2 million illegal viters.
This is so lame
Nothing you've done worked for months, shill
>my evil illegal infested city has a right to tell others how to live!
Fuck off loser.
Deplorable drumpftards. More people wanted Hillary, people rejected Drumpf's bigotry. You are a minority.
There are more people in California then Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota and Wyoming combined.
Stay in denial, drumpfshit.
306 - 232
told [x]
>1.3% lower turnout than last time
Why can't Americans into voting?
>he stated he would fix this during his term
If he cared about EC he would accept Barbara Boxer's bill and abolish it, but he won't.
Because he knows that he can't win without EC.
People rejected Drumpf in 2016 and they will reject him in 2020.
You mean a system that has been used for a long time? if you did not like the system why even vote.
Sit down and Cry to your Candidate that Conceded, aka GAVE UP. She gave up, so no matter how much you try what you say means NOTHING.
Yeah and states rights are more important than individual rights to prevent mob rule. Considering there's idiots like you in it, I have to commend the founding fathers on their foresight.
>Stay in denial
Oh I'm sorry, who won the election again?
>3 million illegal votes
What did they mean by this?
Remove New York and California numbers from popular vote - Trump ahead by 3 million.
2 states give Hillary a win in popular vote.
How is it not the same thing as Electoral College if 2 states decide an election?
>that image
Feels so good man.
So good.
I bet she cried herself to sleep election night holding a bottle of whine and her equally angry cat.
It feels wonderful. The system worked as it was intended. The costal liberal shitholes do not control the country
What part of it don't you understand? You are voting in your state, you are voting for your state, there is no national vote count, there are electoral delegates and you choose them, there is no popular vote, there is no vote that is valid outside of your state, think of your state as one country and you choose your representative as a country because countries have ONE president not 40% hillary president and 60% trump president.
Looking at voter rolls, 3 million non citizens were on them. Guess who they voted for?
well at least now he has more votes than Romney in 2012
Unfortunate that the law is the law, yeah?
Time to fight.
Why can't your libtards accept the result? I'm annoyed from other side of the world. It's the system and they always played accordingly.
>illegal immigrants get to vote
>illegal immigrants vote
You lost. Move on.
>Remove New York and California numbers from popular vote
Yeah, just ignore 60 million people that live there (and 11 million people that have voted for Hillary), right?
Drumpfkins are this stupid.
Hey, serb, how much are you being paid and how do I join on the shilling express?
Need money.
The same thing happened to Barack in the 2008 Democratic primaries. No one really cared.
So we really don't care about the popular vote. Besides, California and New York and Massachusetts making the decisions for the entire country would not bode well.
0 credible sources on that.
>Amerikan "Democracy"
Burgers should know that this is why they are the laughing stock on the entire world.
>155 mph speed limit
>watch for children
He lost by 300k. 300k is not same as 1 million( and its going to grow up to 2 million votes).
>Why can't your libtards accept the result?
Most of them are spoiled middle and upper-class kids that never before have to have deal with the fact that you don't always get what you want.
CTR with garbage again..
People keep trying to justify that the illegals voted, as if it matters at this point. If you take away all those votes, Trump won in a landslide. There's no contest.
As somebody from Michigan, seeing the condescending elitist elements of the Democratic Party go "it doesn't matter what you as a state decided and wants, it matters who California and New York wants," while also disregarding the fact that they, by default, receive 104 FUCKING ELECTORAL VOTES from Illinois, New York, and California infuriates me.
The system is already tilted towards them, now they want to load their sanctuary cities with illegals popping out dozens of babies a piece to tilt the balance even more?
Fuck them. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing, and that's why their absurd demands aren't going to fly with the system the Fathers set up for a Constitutional Amendment. This "flyover country" uneducated white male will never, ever consider voting for a Democrat ever again.
Fuck those scum.
>play game by rules
>lose according to rules
>t-the rules don't matter, my side has won!
Every. Fucking. Time.
2 million illegal voters confirmed in California. If just half of them voted for Hillary your argument is gone.
Credible source on that?
The left is hilarious. It's like playing Texas hold em and then they start bitching because "to be fair" all the 2 thru 7 should have been wild so their wild 4 of a kind should win over your natural full house. Trophy Losers lol
1960 world series, NY vs. Pittsburg
Game 1: 6 to 4 Pittsburg
Game 2: 16 to 3 NY
Game 3: 10 to 0 NY
Game 4: 3 to 2 P
Game 5: 5 to 2 P
Game 6: 12 to 0 NY
Game 7: 10 to 9 P
Pittsburg won the 1960 world series, despite only earning 20 runs to New York;s 55. How? Because they won more games, and that is how you win by the rules of the World Series. New York did NOT complain of request a rematch or overturn the championship.
The Drumpfkins won.
So get fucked.
> en.wikipedia.org
6/10 of 1% of the population is not "a large percentage" of the population.
We have some lovely parting gifts for you: A year's supply of Rice-A-Roni, the San Fransisco Treat.
And: Lee Nails!
What major interstates flow from MS up through VA so well for this very distinct curving blue strip?
the mad man.
If it were a popular vote contest. Trump would be losing by 10 percent in the popular vote. All the big cities hate trump.
Like a rolling stone
>DERR, the same number of people vote in primaries as in the general election!
If you want to extrapolate, ~35,000,000 voted in the Democratic Primaries that year, compared to 130,500,000 in the general election. That 300,000 changes to ~1.1M, or more than the number you're bitching about and defending.
That argument doesn't hold up.
Hillary lost the election lol
It's 3 Million.
>food analogy
That's why we are annoyed too. The liberals lost fair and square, at their own game to boot, and they're furious.
With the popular vote adjusted for illegal voters, Donald Trump won the Electoral and Popular votes.
Isn't it funny...
All these troll threads do is give us the opportunity to gloat. With CTR gone, these threads are either started by a few holdouts or, far more likely, one of us who's giving the rest of us the opportunity to run a victory lap.
OC, first ever posted
Will post comparison over the last week showing how her votes mysteriously climbed over Trump with no major states reporting
The libtards that are crying and (((protesting))) are children. It's the first time they ever voted and they expected to win just because Baraka won twice. It's fucking embarassing and they all look the same fashion wise
Who gives a fuck you ctr srbendo. He won it all thus nothing can challenge him. Long live Il Douche.
You're right Miroslav
Here's Hillary's award for winning the popular vote
Except three million illegal spics voted for her, so he's only up by two million votes.
It's the black belt; i.e, area with nog populations above 40% of the total population.
It's the Black Belt
Still no source.
Like always. No arguments, no sources, nothing.
Classic white trash drumpf supporter.
This is zackly what
is talkin' 'bout.
Bretty gud, desu.
It's over, accept your defeat and pick a better candidate next time around.
It feels amazing. Thank you for asking.
feels pretty fucking good desu. thanks for the good feels CTR
Trophy generation. They participated but didn't get anything. Massive butt hurt bigger then their first anal experience
>he can't do basic math
You do realize that republicans in New York and Cali don't even bother voting right?
If the election was about the popular vote, more republican would vote in blue states, and canpaign strategies would be completely different.
Trump and Clinton both used strategies for an electoral college victory, and Trump won fair and square.
>He does it for free.
Still shilling for nothing I see.
Adjusting for voter fraud, ie. illegals voting, he actually won.
Hello, brother! You wouldn't happen to live in NoVA, would you?
It feels good. Really good. And, it'll feel good tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.
How's it feel to be a Hilbot? Not so good, I'm guessing.
Feels good, especially when the DNC have a knack for letting dead people, illegals and multiple voters, vote.
Oh, shit!
Is CTR gone?! FUCK! I missed mocking them.
Same goes for Hillary supporters in deep red states like Texas and Oklahoma, Utah.