Found these fliers all over my campus...

Found these fliers all over my campus. Needless to say I rode my bike all over campus and took down every single one I found.
The site it links too is full of pro Trump shit and screenshots of Sup Forums (lol).
Keep your white nationalist meming on the internet you fucking nerds, associating Trump with this shit just makes him look worse and will make people fight him harder. I want him to succeed, not get dragged down by a bunch of Nazis who think Trump winning makes them relevant. You people have no idea how to be subtle.

>that alt-right """""logo"""""""
hahahahahahahahahah faggots

You forgot an UUUUUGHHH OP.

If you substituted the word 'White' with any other demographic you would have no problem you hypocritical fuck.

Also how did you know to go here when they say nothing about this website goy?

I would have a problem with it but at least it wouldn't be making me and the candidate I supported look bad.
I've been here since 2012.

>You people have no idea how to be subtle.
too damn true.

haha awesome fuck that blogger faggot. what kind of loser comes to a Mongolian basket weaving forum for recruits?

Fuck Richard Spencer

Enh, any bucks you're not white. That's ok, we'll take you as an ally of color.

I don't see anything wrong with it really. Anyone who doesn't get triggered immediately and tear it down may be interested in a place like that or here. I know I would be if I didn't already know.

Click on this link and see how the soros sausage is made.

Fucking newfag

I'm a white "cis" male. All the more reason to take this shit down before it turns into another "NAZI FLIERS ON CAMPUS BEING INVESTIGATED AS HATE CRIME" headline used to stoke more SJW shit.

>see white nationalist flyer
>absolutely disgusting.png
>take a picture and put it on zuckerbook, Instagram, twitter, tumblr
>people who are secretly disgusted by political correctness start listening to The Daily Shoah
Great plan.

A) you non trannies disgust me
B) these flyers purposely contain nothing offensive toward non-whites.
C) the overreaction of school leaders and publicizing of the flyers' content actually fuels the alt-right

>linking to Sup Forums
You did the right thing, but you're a fucking retard if you think we're helping Trump by not openly supporting him and not being open white supremacists.

This is how we re-establish legitimacy. We aren't skinheads. We aren't nazis. We just want to defend Europe and there is literally nothing wrong with this.

Also Hitler did Nothing Wrong and that's a fact.

yes the overreacting sjws is a major contributing factor to the growth of conservatism. Either way it's a win win imo

Trump does support you
trs is a shitty blog it has done nothing to get trump elected
trumps never heard of your shitty blog


You're actually part of the problem, fuckboy.

oi dick head, stop being a dick head you dick head. also fuck you cunt.

>we want to defend Europe
And America.



> .biz

You're right, people can only be on one internet website and never be a part of other ones. If only one could visit other web pages.


Recruits for what? The forum is locked down invite only. Guess it's better to shitpost in an echo chamber here online though.


Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

I wonder who is behind this post