I don't see this show talked about often if at all. I just finished it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wish there was more...

I don't see this show talked about often if at all. I just finished it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wish there was more. It was comfy. Anyone else like this show or did people think this was a bust?

It was fine. Damn shame that Daniel Tosh forced it off the air.

I wish they released more of it on DVD. I know it wouldn't sell, but still. Every show released should always be available in its entirety.

This. I think the second season was the best but fuck Tosh.

Like Moonbeam City, it got fucked over

wait what?

The general train of thought is that Tosh was able to strongarm Ugly Americans off the air for Brickleberry.

I loved it when it was airing. First season was the best but most later eps were still good. Was really sad when it was cancelled.

His faggoty bear wasn't funny. Tosh can't voice act

that is awful. Good show replaced by utter trash.

It was good, and now it is over. Show got fucked over by the suits, another gem cast aside into the gutter.

To me Ugly Americans is a real middle-of-the-road show, it's not bad, but it's decently watchable. It seems like they came up with the premise first but then just never really did anything all too interesting with it, or really explored interesting ideas it brought outside of a few episodes.

Apparently Augenblick couldn't get the funding for a third season, it was one of the minor studios, Comedy Central were happy to air more but only with a certain budget in mind. It was probably easier to get funding for a big name like Daniel Tosh in the end.

no good Callie porn, ever

It's legitimately strange how pretty much all the Callie porn is bad to mediocre. Like even characters from other shows that by all rights should have no good porn get better porn, if only through the artist stylizing or anthro-ing them. But no artist managed to do anything interesting with a succubus who is a secretary.

2nd season was kinda bad. They really burnt themselves out.

Yeah, really enjoyable show. Wish there was more.

Its the fact that she's supposed to be sexualized in the show. People are much more likely to demand porn from something never intended to be sexual. I think specifically for corruption factor
>Gimme porn of a this obscure goth girl background character
>Oh. A Succubus in a secretary outfit. Seen it.

>something never intended to be sexual
>goth girl

user you know what I mean. Goth girls are a blessing though.

you see, its kind of a thumb of rule among people that draw porn, when theres a character with a lot of fan service in their show, its 99% of the time they wont get proper porn. since the show deliveres bits that were enoff to apeace the boners of the people watching

Now in the case of shows that dont bother with fan service or put their characters in embarasing situations happends the oposite, human imagination and lustfull needs kick in and gives motivation to draw characters out of what would be normal in the show.

Its more fun to draw a pure version of Callie

I'm gonna be a contrarian here and say that while the show was good, it's best episodes were it's initial work up done to sell the project. The political metaphors were much tighter,.as was the glimpse into the immigration and naturalization system. All of that was dropped once the show proper began for wacky hijinks. It was still good though.

Cassie is an A+ waifu.

It's a good show.

i used to love this show so much when it was still running watching this show felt like watching season 1 of rick and morty before it became mainstream

i'll never get to meet a human being in real life i can talk to about how good ugly americans was. guess i should just torrent it.

First season was good, but I thought the second season was mostly terrible. Figured that is what killed the show.

This show was amazing, but by Season 2 it was pretty clear that they were running out of steam; basically every other episode took place in hell, and had something to do with demons. I get that he was dating the daughter of Satan so it would come up a lot, but they built the most fantastical world I've ever seen and they just sort of gave up on how many crazy elements they could shove in there.