Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died

We should start a rumor that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died to intensify the already copious amounts of liberal tears flowing out of Twitter. Let's say she died of a heart attack since that's the leading cause of death in the US.

Reported to tweet police!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn't going to die during Trump's time in office. I have money down on her dying or retiring in 2025, several months into either Jeb Bush's or Julian Castro's first term.

She's 83.


Haha, (((Ginsberg))) isn't going to last 4 weeks, much less the 4 years of Trump's term. Digits confirm


Goddammit Canada you killed an old woman

kek wills it
kek will kill her
praise kek




Most disgraceful scotus member ever. Her opinions are shit to read though poorly cited and full of rubbish




what do we post to twitter guys?


Also, how do we make it seem believable?

You need to come up with a scenario more sketchy than Scalia's maybe say it was natural causes, but they found the hotel mattress covering her face.



Rolling for 3 SCOTUS appointees from Donald Trump to fix our nation for a few generations.

Screencap this.

RBG will die on March the 4th, 2018.

You saw it here first.


Careful with that meme magic, bro.

It would be Canada that tries to uncuck itself through meme magic next

rest in pieces you old bitch

He's here.

it's ok

he didn't get quads so there is nothing to worry about.

RGB will live to 101 but will retire due to health reasons (senility) in April 2019. Save this post.

I think this is a good wager, depending on what kind of odds you got, of course

She has openly talked about timing her retirement strategically for partisan reasons

The only shitty part about the bet is that you have to wait 8 years to collect

Nice digits, but Kek's will is clear. SHE MUST DIE

Fuck you Canada, take your sly bants out of here