Trump Cabinet

Jim Webb for
Secretary of Defense

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He's underrated. Old school.



Kek wills it.
Make it so.


Damn bro

He's like what my grandmother still thinks the Democratic party is. Of course, she remembers FDR....

Jim "save the nukes, I''ll slay the gooks" Webb is the only good democrat.

>mfw the first moderate president since FDR

Holy shit, Tucker Carlson is a fantastic interviewer. Doesn't talk over his guest, asks clarifying questions rather than attempts at a "gotcha" moment. Really respectful and clear-headed interview.

This is what media used to be like. We're making it great again.

If he seriously did this it would give the GOP the country for decades.

I know all of the shitpost stuff with other guys but we really should get him to do it.

Jim Webb is like the last real Dem.

yea, he was great in this interview, but never forget how he let Jon (((Leibowitz))) cuck him on his own show:

He was so thoroughly BTFO that the show was immediately cancelled.

He's a legitimately good choice and we should honestly be memeing him as hard as we're trying to meme Ron Paul into the Treasury Department.

Webb is a combat veteran, he earned a battlefield commission for remarkable bravery and leadership in combat, his company on dozens of successful missions and always put the safety of his men first, even going as far as taking a grenade blast to save a private under his command, an act of bravery which earned him the Navy Cross.

After the war, Webb went straight to work, volunteering as an advocate for veterans, and later served as both Assistant Secretary of Defense and later Secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan.

Webb has decades of military experience and would be an excellent choice for Secretary of Defense.

As much as I love Ron Paul I really wouldnt want him in the Treasury Department.

Jim Webb does need to be the Secretary of Defense....

Based Jimmy telling it like it is.

>Who's the enemy you're most proud to have faced?

>Blah blah big banks blah blah proletariat
>Blah blah misogyny blah blah glass ceiling
>The fucking gook sumbitch who tried to blow up me and my platoon! But that cunt's not around anymore!

Comfy Winter ahead

I thought it was all bullshit....

Just marketing and propoganda...

But its actually really happening...

I beg the forgiveness of the golden throne and await the inquisitions arrival...

this guy is badass