Continuing on from the last 2000AD thread: >>98741852

Continuing on from the last 2000AD thread: Topics:
>Fetishpr0n wars: Anderson vs Hershey
>Who was best perp?
>BTS stories about how each epic story came to be
>An ENTIRE ISSUE on A SINGLE MICROFILM and other technological wonders

Other urls found in this thread:

Another cutaway.

More Anderson vs Hershey (vs Demarco)

Moar Anderson and Death

More cover-worthy art.

More dire predictions of 2000AD's future

Non-Dredd topics allowed too; moar Shuggles.

I really need to get around to watching Dredd at some point.

>making a new thread
for what purpose


It's easily the best comic adaptation of the last 25 years. It somehow gets the tone and feel oh-so right while not being completely. true to the material, when some recent capefilms can't do either. What changes they have made work well and are fitting given the change in media. Just really wish they'd had double the budget to spend on a better realisation of MC1 and any advertising budget at all.

Gotta get ready for the Series.


Storytime: why Anderson hates whales







Another Anderson storytime then.

Colin Wilson is the author of a book called The Mind Parasites which became a major influence on a lot of other sci-fi/horror writers back in the 70s. He's also the guy who wrote the Spider-world series which heavily influenced Nemesis Book 2.

Unlawful carnal content of a Judge! A month in the iso-cubes for every judge in said image.

Art is by Ian 'page 3' Gibson - known for Robo-Hunter, Halo Jones and a lot of early Dredd. Featuring some freaky non-Gibsonian stuff here. Normally he's all heavy strong lines and swooping curves.

Back to his usual style with this page though. This story comes from the 1988 Winter Special.


Also the comic which gave us the 'Dreddy Bear.' Don't think he'll be challenging Paddington for Top Stuffed Ursine/Toy any time soon though.



And the usual Wilson-esque 'it was the children all along!' ending.

Might storytime some more later. Just sick of fucking street sign captchas at present.

It seems unlikely she will get to play Anderson again, what other comic character would you like to see Olivia Thirlby play?

I would prefer they not have Supergirl in the Dceu but if they do she is my top choice.

Is that the Darkest Dungeon stress symbol?

>the Dress doll starts smiling when she touches it.
What did he mean by this?

>this long without any more news
>implying the series is ever happening

There should literally never not be a Dredd thread happening on Sup Forums at all times. Fuck your marvel cancer and you fucking children's cartoons.

Sweet, new thread! And with storytimes, too!

Here's your purpose: to celebrate that tomorrow, after almost nine years, we're finally getting the second appearance of Judge Exorcist Lamia.

Oh really? I just read that story a few days ago. Im going through all of 2000AD chronologicaly from 2008 onwards as I never read that stuff yet.

She was cool but what a really weird and random division.

This shot is SO taken from episode 3 lmao



>tfw one of your fav Sisters of Battle smut artists draws judges
Feels scrotnig, man.

Is justice department standard issue lipstick for female judges a thing? It seems like it is.

They're worth it.


Since she's coming back, might as well storytime her debut, right?




Walk into the club like WHAT UP I GOT A BIG

I want more of the britcit psi judge - she was pretty cool.

Well, it's not that big, but it sure gets the job done.


Apologies for interrupting the storytime.

I'm down. Lilian's a good bird.

It's all cool, squaxx!

Alright Sup Forums, listen and listen well:

Don't fuck the alien.
Do NOT fuck the alien.

Tragic backstory unlocked! Brace for exposition in three. Two. One...

... huh. Ok.




I love this artist. He always gets given cool stories. It's like 2000AD know he's quality and hold stuff for him.

... stomm.

Yeah, he's not terribly prolific but he's got this sweet euro style that works so well with MC-1. That one landscape from his Anderson story is spectacular.


>Pussy face
>Nice tits
>Smoking hundreds of human souls to get high






Oof, yeah, way prettier on the outside... So yeah, just half a day to go for the return of Exorcist Lamia! Get hype! Get GHOST hype!

I can answer that; you're a sexual deviant.




So... this is happening:

>'The Flintstones' writer Mark Russell is penning the new series for IDW Publishing.

>Writer Mark Russell is behind a relaunch of IDW Publishing’s Judge Dredd series, beginning with the four-part storyline “Under Siege,” which will see Dredd deal with trouble in a particular city block on the edge of the monolithic Mega-City One. For the writer, the series offers a chance to step into the role of sci-fi social commentator.

I gotta say, having read and loved Flintstones and knowing that Russel had actually pitched this before to IDW, I literally couldn't be more hyped.


That should be interesting. I mentally classified The Flintstones comic as a horror piece after reading some of the stuff they put in. Same with the recent Dastardly and Muttley: "Get the pig one".

Prez and Boss Smiley make me excited.
It'll be a definite upgrade from what they've been doing in any case.

Judge Response Force: Xcom style game

Revolves around gathering Requisition through good conduct, successful operations and generally proving the new taskforce is worthwhile.
Spending this resource on increasing your force limits, adding new judges to increase numbers or recruiting the services of more specialized departments, or using it to requisition less common equipment or developing special gear for your department.

Not allowed to just blow everything up, you are gruddammned Judges. When your strikes teams are called out will be on operating procedures related to the scale of the case which determine amongst other things the size of team you can deploy and the likes of what ordinance/gear is warranted (No Stub Guns on a simple sugar bust in the heart of the city).
Things like having a high degree of arrests compared to dead perps or rescuing hostages will result in Requisition bonuses, using Incendiary rounds on random civilians... not so much.

Screw up real badly and you'll have the eyes of the SJS on you waiting for a reason to shut the task force down.

Basic starting equipment at the beginning of the game for your Judge is the Uniform/Helmet, Day Stick, Boot Knife, Lawgiver, Widowmaker Shotgun (with the option of switching it out for a Lawrod to provide longer-range marksman support instead) and Stumm Gas grenades.

What are interesting specialist Judges that could serve as rarer recruits? You've obviously got your basic/street Judge, but then there's-
Exorcist Judge?

>I mentally classified The Flintstones comic as a horror piece after reading some of the stuff they put in.
Can you exemplify?

Mechanismo units.

Would only be able to get a limited number of them and would be really expensive.

As for a unique special character if you fulfill a number of secret and complicated prereqs then you can bring out 'Joe' Dredd, as community service fitted with new robo legs


I went to a screening of it in 3d at my local movie theater a few months ago, it really does improve the experience noticeably.

have you played the Dredd visual novel? It's pretty good, although you kind of have to play with cheats because the dice rolls will fuck you over and you will die, a lot.

Countdown Sector 106?

What is this from?


>Playing SS13 on /vg/station
>Only sec guy around
>Grab the Lawgiver
>End up in a shootout with a dude
>Get zas'd to the floor when he hits a window
>Drop lawgiver
>Other guy ran out of ammo
>Picks up lawgiver and shoots it
>Blows hands off and dies instantly
Knowing your Dredd lore saves (virtual) lives kids

Avon NO!!!

If this dude can get work on Dredd then anyone can

I’d say the big thing is character skills. The Justice Department has no problems kitting out its Judges, you’ll get your standard issue. (Subject to occasional restriction like the Mandatory Undercover Stripper Op)

So you get your Lawmasters with Cyclops Lasers or whatever. This is the default. You should be able to hack it with standard gear.

For when you can’t, you can either call on resources beforehand if it’s a preplanned mission, call in backup when you get the call, or call in emergency backup when the shit hits the fan.

You can also get saddled with NPCs. This can be good or bad, but let’s not have too many stereotypical escort missions. If you’re bodyguarding Hershey she’s doing the escort mission, not you. But keeping a Tek alive could be a thing.

Replacement quality should be a function of prestige. Death shouldn’t be a disaster. Unless it’s Judge Death.

Hell with her, I want more Strange and Darke.

Look at the tiny lil' med judge!

certainly not a big chest

Exor-Div isn't big on color, I guess.

I like how he mutes the color of the smooth shoulder pad a bit so the golden eagle stands out more.

>that judge just waltzing through the cloud of ghosts unaware

>That 3 panel backstory

Lol. Do you think tomorrow's story will be a new story or a proper origin story?

It's "catch the Pig One" as a play on "catch the pigeon," you goof, but you're excused because that series was some serious fuck.

Are Eurocomics the fedora of Sup Forums?