The bad guy was actually the good guy

The bad guy was actually the good guy.


Sorry, I only just saw the movie today.

He went full villain mode when he refused to finish the ceremonial battle and tried to hide behind his goons.

>mass murders for war
>mass murders for money
>mass murders for power
>plan is for a global armed uprising that will cause a world wide genocide
>good guy

>Wants to commit genocide
>sabotages his own kingdon
>doesn't even adhere to his own kingdoms traditions

nah he was a faggot

The bad guy also won.

I loved how gleefully unrepentant Ross was when he explained how the CIA turned Killmonger into a nation-toppling murder machine.

Right. Less than 48 hours after taking the throne Killmonger ends up throwing the continent into a goddamned Avngers civil war. If his plan has seen totality he would've fucked up alot of shit. He's as villainous as they get.


Killmonger was a good villain with interesting, layered motivations, but some people are talking about him sometimes like he was this well intentioned but extremist revolutionary. He had legitimate grievances, but he was also fucking psychotic and kind of a manbaby, there's no question. You have the shot of him literally suddenly appearing as a kid in the spirit world, he's scarred himself for every kill he's made like victor fucking zsasz, he has this psycho "oh fuck yes" grin while approaching shuri in the big fight, and lest we forget he preaches about how he's going to kill the children of the leaders he kills, and the children of anyone who stands against him. He was right in the loosest of ways, "wakanda shouldn't be isolationist if it has all these means to help people."

at his core he was a fucking psycho, a product of an upbringing that possibly could have gone differently. even his dad who had the same plan basically is full of regret at the maniac he ends up.

him blowing t'challa in full black panther mode away with the 203 was baller as fuck though

T'chaka was the one who was wrong as they come. He didn't need to kill his brother, he was wearing full panther gear, he could've just blocked the bullets and wrested the gun away. Take the boy with him, raise him in wakandan tradition. Talk about a major fuck up.

He's CIA. What do you expect? Fake throwing people out of planes?

He was just so delightfully casual about it that I expected him to slip back into a British accent

I didn't see that at all, but unrepentant is a good assessment.

>Erik's face illuminated by light
>T'Challa's hidden by shadow
>This is the last time they spoke as...wait nevermind.

>he preaches about how he's going to kill the children of the leaders he kills, and the children of anyone who stands against him
Leaving the kids alive is a good way to raise vengeful insurrectionists. Nothing wrong with being thorough.

And don't forget the key component, wit Killmonger as king of it all.

I love how regardless of the villain's race, these threads keep coming.

Oh yeah, he was without question in the wrong. But that just highlights just how flawed their system as a whole was.

Killmonger was still a dick though.

The scene where they show him looking at the heart shaped flowers while his back was to the audience is a good shot

Literally this, based Hitler did nothing wrong

>"muh people"
May be this can appeal black people and murricans since they don't have almost history, but that "black people is opressed" bullshit is quite supered allready. We are not in the XIX century any more, black people isn't opressed, only themselves think are being opressed, currenyly they rule countries and their guettos aren't worse than any other guetto of any other race in the world. Do you think in UK or Germany white people don't live in poor neighborhoods full of violence and gangs?

The "we need to liberate our people" speech doesn't have the slightest sense nowdays, they don't need to be liberated, their were liberated already long ago.


>white man commits genocide
>"That's all in the past, come on guys"
>black man wants to commit genocide
>"Wow too far bro, too far."

This. Let me a black man put it this way. If whites didn't try to climb to the top, some other race would have and a similar outcome would happen. The strong enslave the weak, the one who are smart will exploit the ones who are stupid. Even if white never were a thing, some other race would climb to the top( more than likely Asians or Middle easterners before the age of Islam)