(((Twitter))) has made its move.
What are you gonna do about it, Sup Forums?
(((Twitter))) has made its move.
What are you gonna do about it, Sup Forums?
This is literally how I found Sup Forums.
I hope they double down and censor more people. It will guarantee Trump a second term.
Why does Richard Spencer want Asians out? Lmao. I get the rest.
... I could be very wrong so correct me if I am.
The first amendment protects the freedom of speech
Twitter is an American company and a speech platform
By censoring a political voewpoint Twitter is in violation of the first amendment.
I am not an expert on US freedom of speech or constitutional law, but this is my opinion.
"Oh noe u disabled my account"
Make a new one, faggot.
It's wrong. The US Constitution only limits what the GOVERNMENT can do, corporations aren't bound by it and can do whatever they want that isn't specifically prohibited elsewhere in the legal code.
eh something, something, right to choose who uses your product
it's bullshit but there's not really a ton we can do about it
They are hunting these as well. The entire alt-right twit/pol/ army is getting gassed, even the accounts that didn't broke the hate speech rules, lol.
but twitter is muh private company! RRREEEEEEEEEE
>mfw I got locked out of my shitposting account earlier
>using the blue bird app jew
>if we cover the problem up, it will go away
Kek these people are in for a rude awakening
Who cares. Twitter is dumb. If liberal fags feel like they need ANOTHER echo chamber, then whatever.
You can't do that as a public figure because a million sjws will be on your ass for ban evasion.
You are indeed wrong!
Freedom of speech as a legal principle protects from government prosecution. Aside from spilling top secret information, planning treason or plotting the violation of the law (such that clear intent is conveyed) and a few other common sense exceptions, you may not be legally prosecuted (fined, jailed, etc.) for what you say. Twitter is not breaking any law, and as a private company is within their rights to control and remove any content on their platform.
Now, the PRINCIPLE of free speech, outside of a legal context, holds that a forum is always better off being moderated towards boosting the signal to noise ratio (where signal is content on-topic and noise is spam off-topic). Twitter is flagrantly demonstrating their aversion to this critical openness and the market of consumers of their platform will take note and direct their business accordingly.
TL;DR: not illegal, but very very dumb.
Thanks user it's good to know that the constitution prohibits the govt. from doing things and not private companies. So the logical conclusion to this is your fucked. If all mainstream media outlets follow this principle banning speech contrary to the popular, the alternate views will never be heard.
you can always change ips
Make lefty accounts and divide and conquer liberal Twitter
>This is literally how I found Sup Forums.
please leave
>I hope they double down and censor more people. It will guarantee Trump a second term.
Only a retard would really believe this
Create controlled opposition alt-left, duh.
I don't think you understand how any of this works. He makes an account. Posts his shit. SJWs notice it's his shit and report his account, it gets banned with a day of creating it. This is what happened to Charles C. Johnson when he tried that.
Fuck off you immigrant piece of shit. You are the reason Sup Forums is dead.
Twitter will die off as they keep regressing down the path of censorship.
I'm going to stand on a highway and protest until I get my way.
Wait no I'm going to do white people things, like not use twitter
I mean we're dealing with people who think that guns will go away once they're illegal, no shit they'd have the same retarded outlook on ideas in general.
Nope, this guy nails it:
that these ideas have been thrown underground didn't erase them. It made, instead, a class of invisible protesters. Average citizens who'd had enough, knowing they could never express that in public. They dropped out of conversations and "debates" and harboured their sentiments in secret. The world went about assuming these people had been deleted from relevancy and then got a nasty surprise when they found out that the second these people got into the privacy of the voting booth they spoke loud and fucking clear.
Forcing an idea underground doesn't erase it, it weaponizes it.
As with MySpace and their endless horseshit, people fled it in droves. People are fleeing Facebook now. Vine is dead. There will always be a new space for people to congregate. Even if it's in secret. Then that becomes mainstream and (((they))) try to correct the record. Rinse and repeat. We are always ahead of them.
> Came from Twatter
get the fuck out you degenerate
that already has been existing for a long time, it's called progressive liberalism, it's Cenk Uygers favourite pastime
i get what you are saying but understand that there are 1 billion chinese, any interbreeding with them should be outlawed
chinese are not decreasing as a % of the global population. whites are disappearing
we should allow chinese to live among us, but not breed with us
>Be Twitter
>"Deleting ISIS accounts is too hard, can't just delete any account that has remotely to do with it, that'd be islamophobic"
>"Deleting any account that has the remotest connection with a peaceful political movement is fair though"
SJWs need to be gassed.
all this does is open them up for more frequent raids and trolling.
they have no idea the kind of autismo they are fucking with.
I typed "how did i became a nazi" into google and Sup Forums popped up
shitpost some more, probably
>twitter just suicided itself.
>using twatter
One of my friends linked a funny meme post on Facebook® about drumpf that's how I found 4 Chan.
They're in violation of the general values and ideas professed by the first amendment, but since it's a CORPORATION and not a GOVERNMENT doing it, the censorship is OKAY.
Now, imagine if we took that to the logical extremes they want us to: Full on 1984 censorship, but it's okay because it's not the government doing it directly, just people doing it at the wink wink nudge nudge of the government, oh and maybe a threat of endless IRS investigations, losing all government contracts, stock market investigations, etc. etc. until you comply. (This literally happened to one of the big telecom corporations in the US when they said 'fuck you' to the NSL they received to spy on people)
Basically, it's "legal" to do it, but against all the values the american people and the republic hold dear. There is no functional difference between the government censoring everything and corporations censoring everything. Everything still gets censored, and for political reasons no less.
kek, actually gave that a shot and read an interesting piece on how Hitler got involved in politics.
I actually had no idea that he served in WW1 and got injured in a gas attack, so thanks for both the chuckle and sending me on a small journey.
Great discussion here guys, a lot of well thought out posts. See you all on the front page of /r/the_donald!
Ok, so rather than shitposting my opinions ill shitpost divisive opinions among libs. thanks twitter
Censoring your critics. And they call Trump a fascist.
If you drive dissent underground, you're only guaranteeing your own demise. No country has survived censorship.
Jack Dorsey is a fucking wally arsepained over Killary Ton-Clit losing. I know 100% the guy is fucking stupid now, this has no effect... he should have thought of this before the election hahahahaha
We need to make a real plan. Someone hit up the onion and get some dedsec/opsec mother fuckers up here. Lets really get this shit rolling...
Fuck I just bought some of this stock
Perfect way to phrase this!
First they came for the alt right! Then they came for all the others who refuse to tow the neoliberal interventionist part line.
Nothing because I don't actively use a site owned by Muslim faggots. Once in a while, I look at what some people I care about tweet, but if they get, or got , banned, I would just find an alternate avenue to consume their content.
Apparently they are also suspending the fake "this shit just happened because Trump" accounts with all the faked violence and faked threats and shit.
Twitter is going to dwindle significantly in popularity in the next 5 years. Something else will replace it, where they don't censor anything.
time for that little shitbird martin shkreli to make himself useful and and fund a righttwitter
or just twitter without the trust & safety council, that'll do, but Shrek only does things for profit
Yes, it happened to myspace and digg. Right now the only alternative is gab.ai but it sucks and the name is very meh.
You have to go back.
I am praying for more censorship on a daily basis. The sooner the ''liberal'', '''''freedom-fighting''''' left starts acting all fascist and reveals its true face, the better.
Jews aren't even hiding it anymore. Since the EU invasion crisis they're all out against white culture and nationalism.
I don't really know about yours, but in France Twitter is full of arabs and leftard teenages, so it's not really relevant to people... If they want to emphazys the echo chamber, they can.
who the fuck wrote that game? It was great.
Twitter is a company providing a service. They can ban or suspend whoever the fuck they want.
Grow up faggots. There's nothing remotely illegal or even immoral about this.
>banning people because they don't have the right opinions
>this isn't immoral
Found the regressive leftist.
We have to strike back for free speech. Twit is gay for sure but we really shouldn't let this slide. Should call in battlegroups from The War and get something brewing.
And yet a bakery can be sued into oblivion because they don't want to endorse faggotry.
>but against all the values the american people and the republic hold dear.
Trickier than that. On the one hand, I view corporations as little mini-governments and apply many of the same standards that I would to a government to them, but that's just me.
In theory, a corporate entity is a private entity, and thus the one unifying value of America applies: Don't you tell me to do with my shit. In that regard, they're perfectly in line with American values, which are actually in minor conflict with regards to this issue unless you think of a corporation the same way I do.
"Don't tell me what to do" is higher on the totem poll than free speech.
Meanwhile when barber stores or bakeries or etc banned faggot customers, all of you assholes went BOOOOOO WHAT IS THIS DISCRIMINATION.
You libtards are the pinnacle of hypocrisy.
Good the shows that Twitter is becoming irrelevant. First CNN disable this comment section about two years ago. And now CNN is out of business. it looks like Twitter will be out of business within a year or two
God you fuckers really don't understand first thing about constitution don'¨t you
>Instead of coping with reality, lets try to sweep it under the rug.
lul its election nighjt all over agaun
>low info Trump supporters
Who knew.
go to gab.ai
Guys. Tripling down on social justice has got us this far. Why stop now?
It's all I have, Sup Forums It's all I have! Freeze peaches forever!
Good. Conservacucks should go make their own twitter where nobody will listen to them.
> smug and self-righteous libtard who was born knowing everything
who knew
This way you'll be forced to learn the subversion tactics of the left by infiltration
We shadow government now
Liberal/left/SJW 'DONT NORMALIZE' this attempt at dealing with fucking REALITY is insane. They literally try to deny and cover pieces of reality away from their daily lives
Did they really forget so quickly that sweeping things under the rug was what got them blindsided by the simmering anger of everyone who was shamed, cowed, or otherwise had to keep their head down because of PC?
As left leaning cucks
Redpill them with their own language, and shit
like that.
Trump will be President.
Twitter is a private company = can't be sued for violating 1st Amendment is bullshit.
The Federal Reserve is an organization of 12 banks and is not part of the government, if they refused to print or issue US currency to people they disagreed with, how quickly would they be sued?
did that bitch we reported earlier get banned?
you have to go back
>There is no functional difference between the government censoring everything and corporations censoring everything.
Yes there is.. Corporations don't enforce their policies nationally by force and with the aurhority to sanction..
>Everything still gets censored, and for political reasons no less.
And yet, here we are.
I'm on gab.ai
It's shitty like Twitter, but also nobody uses it.
When simple people are fed an illusion/delusion for so long
it only makes sense that your entire reality feels shattered when Trump won. So they double down on the delusions and denial.
USA should be broken up into different areas.
This is the ONLY way we can have white nationalism
Really sad. Altright shitposters made twitter fun.
Indeed. These people are like robots that are glitching based on their reactions, whats funny is that how similar the nation and worldwide reactions are, as if they are programmed/brainwashed/conditioned for their life in an echochamber that denied and denied reality and enabled their circlejerk
I generally disagree with the notion that America is a "white nation" and trying to make it one isn't very American.
But banning people from espousing their (shitty) position isn't American either.
Mimimi poor nazi movment cant use a service.
forgot pic related
20th January 2017 should become #DumpTwitterDay.
We should start using gab.ai en masse on this day.
So, it's ok to ban people here
But twitter does it and it's evil?
How long until gab gains public traction?
>"The Alt-Right, a loosely organized group"
There is no organization whatsoever. It's a meme.