>wake up
>Trump is still President Elect
When will this nightmare end? Why are Ningen so stupid and gullible?
>wake up
>Trump is still President Elect
When will this nightmare end? Why are Ningen so stupid and gullible?
>wake up
>Trump is still President Elect
>wake up
>weedman is still king of weedland
When will it be legal?!
>Friendly reminder that Zamasu was a flawed character whose plan was to eradicate all who disagreed with him. He cries because at that point in the episode, his head was so far up his ass that he stopped being able to reason past childish screaming.
And just like a liberal he fails because he is so involved with removing all opposition that he fails to realize the flaws in his own ideals.
>Wake up
>White Genocide is still in full effect
>There are people of both my race and every other race who hate my guts and want to erase my existence as well as the past, present, and future accomplishments of myself, my family, and my people
>wake up
>liberal/democrat fags are still butthurt
>wake up
Wouldn't be more gullible if everyone just did what the fucking mass media told them to?
Rumour has it that when you go to bed and recite to yourself "There's no place like home" as you go to sleep, you will slide into another timeline where Hillary won the presidency.
The catch is, you must have 100% willpower to pull this off correctly.
If you have even the smallest splinter of doubt that Hillary would have made the better candidate, not only will you remain in the current timeline, but your mother will also die in her sleep.
>wake up
>libshits are still assmad
cant believe im going to get 8 years of this
Shut up Zamasu, you were an idiot and a hypocrite. But I guess that's the point of OP using you. Man, I will never get harder then when Trunks said "WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR JUSTICE!" Seriously, Zamasu's entire bitch fit is about social justice. REE, fucking Ningens ruined everything and are oppressing the gods, kill all Ningen.
He thought he was immortal, he thought he was the top dog and the will of mortals fucked him up the ass.
The absolute best death scene Dragonball has ever done.
the nightmare actually is the other way around
you jst
It's not exactly about social justice. Zamasu represents the entire psyche of western civilization in contrast of Eastern Civilization. Zamasu mimics what the DBS writers portray the Christian God while the various deities opposing him behave in a more Eastern manner (non-intervention in ningen affairs).
The "just world" Zamasu strives for is an allusion to the Christian and Western notions of pursuing the goal either for eternal salvation or the betterment of society through action. While the Eastern viewpoint is through acceptance of harmony regardless of how bad a situation may be.
Zamasu is to God as his enemies are to Daoist.
Trump will make America great again.
Trump will make the world great again.
Trump will make anime great again.
Trump will make Sup Forums great again.
Is there anything that Trump won't or can't make great? The answer is no.
You know, it would be rather funny if the Christian god was real, but he was pretty much Zamasu.
>Eastern gods don't intervene with mortals
Not really true, many of them interacted with them on a regular basis, either testing, tricking, or just having fun with. Some of them even made demi gods that would later become heroes, like in many greek myths.
It's more about how Gods morals were incomprehensible to mortals, so their worlds would always be separate from ours and so didn't care much for what we did and were viewed more like animals then anything else.
Humans fucked up, so what, they are silly creatures. Maybe they will become enlightened one day. It's an interesting philosophy to have, but I would say that this 'inaction' has certainly led Japan to stagnate as is their mindset.
Western Civilization is more keen to rock the boat, for better or worse.
It really sucks to be in the middle of these mindsets. Knowing that action is needed and you can't always let things run their course, but also knowing that constantly running around trying to change or fix things will just wind up with more broken things by the end.
It's something I don't know if I will ever come to terms with. Pretty much my thoughts on the whole Social Justice thing as well. It isn't like their talking points don't have merit, but the way they go about trying to fulfill these goals makes me unable to supoort them.
We voted Trump because Hillary's voters didn't think were ningen.
They did.
Came to this thread expecting shitposting, got enlightened on the underlying narratives and meanings of DBS I never realized. Good shit Sup Forums
I get the feeling Toriyama had them in mind when deciding on Zamasu's character.
You call this flawed?