If a Jew gets raped by a nigger does the media report it?


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>If a tree falls in the forest

Want to try?

I'm sure you'd gkadly donate your ass, Steinberg.

>Thor's hammer vs Captain America's shield

Yes. Jews are at the top of the social justice pyramid.

no, because jewish princesses are progressive enough to not report the """rape"""

the jews actually think the negros wont attack them for their pale skin

Come on OP this is easy
>reported as an anti-Semitic hate crime
>black couldn't help himself because of slavery
>Whites caused a poor minority to commit the only hate crime their race is able to
>one against a jew
White men force innocent black man to rape rabbi cohn
>he dindu nuffin and rabbi cohen forgives him
>random white man receives a sentence of 10-20 years in federal prison due to the severity of the crime




I think I saw this before
did Taylor do a show with Colin Flaherty too or was it someone else
I remember him talking about slavery on something else too

Here's an example of a Rabbi getting shot by random niggers in Florida. Usually the media never names the nigger, but in this case the media repeatedly announces that niggers were the culprits. They apparently want the local niggers to get the message that this will not be tolerated.


Probably he talks about a lot of things.

Dylann Roof was right.

Ofc they just don't publish the ethnicity of the perpetrator

We don't allow our pets to attack us goy, a lesson you should learn as well
You're new to the red pill on race huh?

that doesn't happen anymore much in America anymore
They tend to just say the age and sex of the perpetrator

I didn't know the stats before.

fucking kek

it's a very rude awakening if you're a white person
>verifies that everything the media and school told you was a lie

If Americans knew the truth every black man would be dead


I'd like to think they're waking up too it
wanna know what sucks leaf?
I made a few mistakes in my life, wrecked my street bike doing 70 got strung out on opiates
I'm clean now and a productive member of society but my awakening came when I got sentenced to 18-36 months in state prison
>sold 6 pills to a snitch
>first offense in my life
>was from out of town so I was cut 0 breaks
>I was sentence with a few local blacks on the same day
>the DA read out their priors during the plea negotiations
>every black man there was a repeat offender heroin dealer
>all but one sold more/got caught with drugs than me and had all served multiple years in prison already
>all but one got less time then me and some even got probation
that's my white privilege I guess, I had never been in trouble before that in my life and I got more time for selling 6 suboxone then the heroin dealers got
Prison was even worse, not in terms of bad things happening but the way nigger behave is ungodly

did you get raped?

no that meme is bullshit in most places
There are enough trannys and faggot walking around openly in prison that the faggots fuck each other
>even have their own prison husband or wife
I got in a few fights while in county, I'm not a small guy
>6'3" 215lbs
but it's actually boring, I had my own TV in my cell with cable, I played cards and worked out
All the violence I saw was blacks stabbing or fighting each other

sorry to disappoint denmark

this is an areal view of were I was
>oldest prison in the country