What's the ugliest sounding germanic language? Personally I think it's Dutch

What's the ugliest sounding germanic language? Personally I think it's Dutch.

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Lakku Pippu

Eirecucks on suicide watch.

Definitely Dutch

>tfw we almost got colonized by them

American education.

Yeah dutch is really hard to understand for most of us germans without learning the language but up to the north it's getting up to impossible to understand more as some single words.
But for me it's icelandic as the most ugliest one.


You probably would have ended up better if you were colonised by the dutch honestly

In case that Yank is wondering why you said that, this is for him:

>tfw its true

Shh no tears,only dreams now

German clearly

Maybe then you're country wouldn't have been so shit.

cant decide which sounds worse swedish with its annoying singing type of talking with highs and lows or to hate dutch for talking with a potato in their mouths

Danish or dutch

Obiously dutch

Faroese. It's a disgusting language and shouldn't exist. Compare ours with theirs.



Why they still speak this mockery of the tongue is beyond me.

Dutch sounds gay as fuck but if you are looking for the gayist more horrendous one I'd say Norwegian

THANK YOU for saying this about the dutch.
If these idiots would speak more clear like we do we could understand them much better.

Danish by far, sounds like someone with cleft palate deformity having a go at German.

This, it's a disease of the throat

>clearly spoken

Go fuck yourself

Don't make fun of us Dutch! We invented banks and stock markets, you know! Show us respect!!

scouse english

>England speaks English
those cucks haven't spoken proper Anglo-Saxon since 1066, and since then it's been a continual process of frankification, africanisation, and whatever other shitmob they've let in.
>they can't even roll 'r's
at this stage the southerner speak should be renamed 'norman', and english should be renamed 'scottish'

prove me wrong

German is very clearly spoken. I can understand most what they are saying. The dutch have a kartoffel/potato in their throats, like the danes.

Danish is pretty clear desu

Fuck you

It is, compared to your never ending guttural sounds

I think Sweden is kinda bad. I can't understand any of them, it's like they are speaking Arabic or something

No, it is not.
Sorry, already got a BF. I am not a cheater.

What's the best germanic language fampais?
wew lad :~3

Icelandic, easy.
Get the fuck outta here.






Flemish Dutch

We can see your flag samefag

Finnish in not germanic language

Your post triggered my autism, good job.

Declaring the French, Slavs and Finns have enough mixture to be included for the purposes of this thread.

God tier:

Cute tier:
>French spoken by attractive women you're not bored of yet

Inspiration for JRR Tolkien's elves tier:

High tier:
>English with all letters pronounced (save the widely accepted silent ones, of course)

Good tier:
>German dialects with the least amount of guttural R's
>Slav spoken by men

Low tier:
>French spoken by regular women

Garbage tier:
>Slav spoken by women
>French spoken by men
>Stavanger Norwegian

Saturday morning cartoon villain's deformed, dysgenic henchman tier:
>English as spoken by the profane masses of England

Cucked tier:
>English spoken by the Irish

At least it's not Dutch tier:

How did this gargly monstrosity even happen this far away from Arabia tier:

All in all, we need a high order wherein all Germanics can cooperate and speak Old Germanic or Norse together to the exclusion of everyone else.

To be honest, when I see Sup Forums language in English:
>This is ok
When I see Sup Forums language in Dutch:

So is Low Saxon or Frysian approved by Sup Forums?

Houd je lelijke Norenbek, achterlijle kankerlijer. Jouw taal is bij uitstek de lelijkste, dat gebrabbel klinkt alsof iemand met een geestelijke achterstand Zweeds probeert te praten, wat op zijn beurt weer klinkt als een gehandicapte die Deens tracht te spreken, wat dan weer klinkt als een Duitse mongool met een spraakgebrek.


I like english more, because it's easier. But german has superior grammar

>colonial language
>god tier
You are joking

Bullshit, Flemish and Dutch can't be that far apart. Most foreigners can barely hear the difference. You Canadians speak like a Briton with a very specific partial paralysis of the tongue muscle

At least they're Nordic, you fucking sea German.

Vierkanaaltaal in het Nederlands is juist één van de grappigste dingen die er zijn

Dutch, they sound like theyre spitting every 3 seconds and saying that KRR sound every 2

We are more refined and cultured than those hicks

West-Vlaams is the most ugly abomination of a language


Not Germanic, but Polish is the most disgusting language in the whole of Europe.

>Flemish and Dutch being that far apart
I'm flattered. Most foreigners can barely tell the difference.

Clearly Danish.

Die in a fire

The answer is clearly Afrikaans, not only is it badly spoken dutch made for farm idiots who can't handle grammer it also is fused with African shit.

other way around, we Dutchies understand a lot of German words.

Does Scottish English count as Germanic?

I'd say English with Swedish/Danish/Norweigan accent. It is literally the most vomit inducing thing out there.

>nasal sounds
>strange crackling in voice
>high pitched like fagspeak
>and more things I cannot put into words

Now imagine pic related speak english to you with the elements listed above. Instant immersion breaker.

your jij fucking cuck


>tfw great grand dad spoke Fries but has kind of died out in terms of people who speak it


you know most of the elvish names in LORT are Norwegian. Even the gods are based of old Norwegian gods

NORDIC. That includes Danish

I just can't hate Afrikaans. It's too hilarious to listen to. Literally the biggest meme in linguistics.

>implying Irish haven't just been a regional variation of Anglo people for centuries

Dutch is by far the best sounding one danish on the other hand is fucking grotesque


Danish obviously

Any sound examples of English spoken like that?



this is 2nd oldest vid of Pewdiepie, so it should be legit sound example

This is not English with Scandinavian accent, it's a forced accent.

THIS is English with a Norwegian accent kek

thank you fuck the dutch accent.

Dutch is closest to original Germanic languages and actually quite beautiful.
The problem is it's also spoken by the swamp krauts whom I suspect of having a hereditary form of throat cancer.

and what is forced accent?

Dutch is not an accent though


We may sound like we're constantly coughing up phlegm, but those Muslim-worshipping turbocucks sound like they have thirty centimetres of wood stuck up their asses.


I know these fuckers, they have a swedish accent on their english, this is forcing a accent you don't have

Just cuck my shit up, famalam tier:

A forced accent. This is not the accent Pewdiepie have when he speak Swedish.

what is wrong with you people!?

Danish is great.


Another example of Danish as spoken by ordinary people.

>We invented banks and stock markets, you know!
wasn't that israel?

Definitely Danish.

Are these Arabs pretending to be Swedes speaking English?

pennsylvania Dutch. also, luxembourgish.

oh, you mean kijookaaijeeuwaaaijijnk language? fuckin faggots have the gayest diphthongs in all of language.

also, Yiddish


So, his spoke good english before he even started making videos?

this. the rest of the nordic countries should purge their languages from disgusting subhuman foregin words so that we can sound more like based icelandic

Russian diaspora pretending to be Russian.

>wood up their asses

lol, when i hear native speakers talk, it sounds like they're speaking bizzaro-english in received pronunciation.

They say they are Russian in the description, but they don't look ethnically Russian to me.. maybe half-breeds or something.

Left one looks extremely Russian. Look at that chin.

Swedish because it sounds like someone being raped in the arse. And Afrikaans because they are just fucking up our language.

your modern grammar is so simplified that you wouldn't be able to revert to Icelandic overnight.



No, we are the proto-jews.

Fucking kek

You guys still have the worst language of the scandis though

as if norsk isn't just Danish without a stod