what does a redpilled guy like yours truly do?
most of the hot babes i meet are totally bluepilled
i dont want to drop massive redpills on them in fear of them ODing
can we just peacefully coexist with our differences?
>inb4 redpill ur gf
what does a redpilled guy like yours truly do?
most of the hot babes i meet are totally bluepilled
i dont want to drop massive redpills on them in fear of them ODing
can we just peacefully coexist with our differences?
>inb4 redpill ur gf
redpill ur gf
>can we just peacefully coexist with our differences?
when the "normal" blue-pilled viewpoint is moving further and further into leftist extremism to the point that it's at odds with basic human values, no.
No. Bluepilled people are weak.
Convert them before it's too late.
I know a hot trump supporter chick but she exclusively dates blacks
Stop wasting your time trying to have an educated conversation with her and just fuck her you faggot leaf. I hope kek strikes down your pathetic excuse for a country.
what are you talking about, i'm talking about girls in GENERAL are bluepilled, stop projecting tubby
I wish I had a conservative qt gf
How do I go about making my dream come true?
bump, need answer from someone in this sort of relationship
Most women are bluepilled because their opinions and views are extremely malleable. After spending two decades in the liberal public school system, most of them will come out indoctrinated with liberals views passed down by teachers.
The flipside to this is that while it may be hard to find a girl that is already conservative from the start, it's extremely easy to turn most of them conservative over the course of a few months. Only took me about a month or so of redpilling to get my girlfriend to at least be opened-minded towards conservative ideals.
try church
once they become redpilled, they become maternalistic, racist christfags
usually happens around ages 30-35 after riding the cock carousel and having 100s of tyrone and chad dicks. it's a phase that happens to most of them
>woman: i wish, like, everyone could just, like, just get all along with everyone else, you know?
>woman: why does anyone really need a gun, like, why would someone actually need something that kills people?
This is the average. THE AVERAGE.
>Go out with a "nice church girl"
>Turns out she was just using me to get the feeling she got from her abusive ex
good advice
Is it you? Who made me lose to the flyover populations?
how to attract above average intellectual qts then?
>afraid of showing your political opinions
lower your standards and take a ton of engineering/tech classes.
Nah m8. I mean I keep the faith but I don't do church anymore. People being nice because they feel they have to.
If someone's nice to me I want there to be a good reason for it. Id prefer having autists on this shithole telling me to kms than fake niceness.
Most women will gravitate towards the views that the people (men) around them hold, unless they are SJW tier.
Just find a woman you like to be around who isn't crazy, and let it happen over time.
too dumb for that
My wife is red pilled. You need to find a woman who loves her father and is family oriented. Daddy issues will destroy a woman. Also, lead by example: work hard, treat her well and slip in some red pills while you're spoiling her.
You're not going to net a girl with higher value than you, champ. That's precisely why legitimately successful business women are so alone. They can't find a fuckin dude that meets their standard.
>above average intellectual qts
The absolute majority of them will only believe what the person providing the meal ticket believes, though it won't actually be them believing it, more so pleasing you. It's just the way it is. They never make it past the first step of thought.
It is incredibly rare to find one that is actually a free thinker, isn't leftist, and that has actually come to the right conclusion through rational thought of their own.
Happens by itself.
Accelerates if you "keep her satisfied."
Most girls are instinctively red pilled. They may sound like SJW but just try telling them you're looking to buy a cheap house in a mixed area and send your kids to a multi ethnic school. No fucking way they'll agree
this is what i mean, i had an ex gf and she would just agree with me to please me but she was so stupid and boring to be with. FML
>seeing qt rural MA blond girl
>talks about owning a business one day
>hates sjws
>sent me this the other day
I may be in love, Sup Forums
Single women are far more bluepilled (liberal) than married women. This is because they turn the state into their provider and protected groups into their "children". In addition, they generally aren't interested in politics, so they go along with whatever philosophy is dominant.at the time.
You have to do it subtly.
Although there are some that are so far gone that even the most subtle redpilling would be met with a tantrum and result in them never speaking to you again, but why would you be associating with those types in the first place?
Most are bluepilled but just because they don't know any better. Most are reasonable people.
Stay frosty mate, dont get complacent.
Work at it but be cautious.
>tfw I don't care, I'm gay
Don't worry, this is just the fall of Rome repeated.
Get a young impressionable girl, one who isn't ruined yet. Young girls will take on whatever you believe in.
Here's a handy guide.
Move out of Canada.
Or stop being a little bitch.
Women as a whole follow whatever the perceived social norm of the culture they live in tells them to do.
Change the culture, you change the women.
so, are we gonna talk about who this semen demon is or nah?
By being ugly I just avoid women: no problem at all.
PS I am ugly in the face, I ain't obese
fuck u fatty
wait until she asks you
My girlfriend started talking about the misogynists who voted for Trump, and I then calmly explained to her the reasons people voted for Trump other than MUH SEXISM.
I told her about trade deals and how building a wall and being careful of Muslims is about national security rather than racism. I showed her Spirit Cooking and she freaked out (she's Catholic).
Fact 1: women are the niggers of gender
Fact 2: women CANNOT rationally understand politics
Fact 3: they will simply repeat what someone they like or admire says
Stop trying to get along with girls. They are a different species. You aren't supposed to have a lot of shit in common with them, you're just supposed to fuck them.
Posts like this make me realize how much time some people spend on Sup Forums.
You guys realize the far left and far right nuts are pretty rare out in person right? If you ever leave your homes, you'll realize that most people are normal.
idk if you spend your life with one i think you should enjoy their company
lol this
im going to save this
not in toronto
no they aren't
lots of weirdos and racists exist outside of Sup Forums you fucking idiot
...oi dickhead stop being a dick head you fucking dickhead
my girlfriend voted trump and always favored republican views but it wasnt until about 4 days ago when we got high and she say some shit i was reading. she totally red pilled herself. it just sort of clicked for her. I was very proud
It doesn't really matter what they start out as because it's highly unlikely they'll be able to match your arguments.
Bitches love when you're confident and knowledgeable in your beliefs and will follow your lead. Keep in mind daddy issues are present in 97% of them, teaching her will create one of the world's largest oceans in between her legs.
Signed, internet addicted virgin.
You know what outnumbers those people? Normal ordinary people. Seriously Sup Forums, you guys need to leave your homes. It's not as scary as you think.
If you live in southern ontario, montreal, or british columbia. or any town above a population of 5,000 out east, like i'm assuming you and most canadians on here do, then there's about a 0% chance of you "redpilling" any of them, let alone a cute female.
just accept that you're probably not going to have a lot in common politically and get over it, or move to russia or texas to improve your odds.
i think south america or italy has more traditional women. i do love latin women but it seems sad i have to leave my country to find a girl with a decent head on her shoulders
toronto blows man
the fact i've left my house and experienced the world is my anecdotal evidence as to why i think most people aren't "normal" and that if you've ever gotten to know anyone before in your life that you'd realize pretty much any human being is capable, and is strange in some way.
just because they vote for hillary clinton or are some differentiating belief doesn't mean they're automatically "normal". my point is that you're making normalcy out to be some tangible thing when really it's about as subjective as calling someone a weirdo.
im ok with women being blue pilled but im not ok with women having the right to vote.
yeah i figured toronto. i lived there for a few years (scarborough junction cause i was poor af coming from the far north) but got out with my life intact.
you're basically hopeless my dude. i hear alberta is nice though.
Yeah dude i totally agree, i cant believe justin t won like seriously are you kidding me?
Nice pic user
ultimate redpill on women
read it
still in scarborough.. FML
>Fact 3: they will simply repeat what someone they like or admire says
It was designed that way so they'd bond to the most noble, righteous, courageous baller around. Be that baller user
That's so cool that you make friends with the special people among us with their unique needs and diets.
i had to red pill my husband
but most woman are just retarded.
>gurls suck
What is this gay underaged shit?
Yeah, then they complain endlessly about men, what happened to "men these days", etc because women are social creatures more than men and they aren't raised to be responsible for their own lives.
>what does a redpilled guy like yours truly do?
Realize that women are just objects to be used and discarded and that there are far more important things in your life than pussy and it should come at least second to your own ambitions
My gf was bluepilled as fuck. Then I just started giving her small doses of red pills. If your girl isn't rebellious and hard-headed she'll eventually come around. Recently we were talking about the travon Martin case, and she was telling me how the verdict was bias, then I took her to YouTube to show her Zimmerman's interview, and I explained the circumstance and she came around. The funny thing is that now she thanked me because she sees how brainwashed people are at her office and all the news outlets that she used to read, she now has to second-guess it. It's a slow process user, on but it's worth it at the end.
Sounds like HE'S the one making the sandwiches am I right?
>a girl with higher value than you
That's not a thing
Women are always lower than men for a myriad of reasons
Black pilled nonsense. A man needs the companionship of a good woman
its a national embarrasment, were a joke
That's the magic word. You're not going to find anything special in a grocery store.
>rebellious and hard-headed
All women are
Are you gay? Women instinctively do not want to be with a man that is inferior, or below them.
yes. but women nearly always will date "up". or, at least, what is "up" to them.
Meet a girl as a blue pill.
Take red pill.
Give her red pill
You're bluepilled if you don't just use a girl for sex. Meet them, fuck them, convince them to fuck without a condom, nut in them and repeat. Never give out more than your first name to them and better yet go to a city you don't live in. Spread your seed and move on.
Not true
Just starting to redpill me gf. She started coming around this year supporting Trump, so I've got a foundation to work from.
lol troll
That's nigger behavior. We don't do that buddy.
That picture is aesthetic as fuck.
To an extent yes, but some there's no coming back.
You mean a cuck needs companionship of a woman. No woman is good and no woman is going to give you companionship.
A man only needs himself, literally everything else is just a lie we tell ourselves to try and feel whole
It isn't nonsense because it's the truth, as a biological evolutionary trait we always think of women but we should by no means spend even half of the time we do to thinking about them let alone devoting parts of our lives to trying to seduce them.
You can call it whatever the fuck you want but at the end of the day you itself should always come before some women I don't care how fucking much you love them, the west fell theoment mentioned started thinking about their women before themselves and you know. As virtuless as selfishness can be its still something most men severely lack and I guarantee you your life would be a lot better if pussy sent always what you were chasing
You don't get a girl at all, buddy. I can tell because you still have that live happily ever after with a wife bullshit still playing loops in your head.
Nothing is ever up to them it only appears that way, if they are going "up" that means whatever man decided to choose them had to go "down" in which case they aren't as high as they were perceived to be since they bent the knee and went down instead of going to their own level or at least what they deserve
>>itt people who've never interacted with a female discuss how to manipulate them
>im a virgin and with zero expectations of ever getting laid so everybody on this board must be a virgin too
>I work, hang out, have daily interactions with arabs and Muslims
>Wife only meets them when they serve her in the market.
Wife calls me a racist because I tell her I don't trust most of them.
Who the fuck cares what your bitch's political agenda is as ling as she doesn't push her narrative on you, fucking beta goy.
you train women post-coitus.
make them orgasm, then when they snuggle in your arms they take in whatever you have to say.
obviously don't lead with "the holocaust never happened" but over time women are easily redpilled because they are naturally fucking stupid and unable to form their own opinions and so take them from whatever authority figure is around them
father - peer group - media etc.
Wrong, I have interacted with plenty and currently(or so I think haven't talked in a few days or seen each other) have a gf