The next date of the Meme Magic Tour is on 4th December: what are the odds of the Nazi Party winning the elections this time around, Ausbros?

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Do you think the Trump election & ensuing propaganda campaign will scare off some of the potential Hofer voters or embolden them?

good morning luigi, are you a-going to a-have a-some pasta today?

pasta al pesto

Odds might be better than last time based on the current development (Trump and EU in further disarray) and (((polls))) which Hofer is constantly leading 51-52 %. It will probably depend on voter turnout.

Also memes are under construction.

I really wanna visit Italia one day. Do you eat figs regularly? Fugg I'm so jelly.

Redpill me about Hofer, why should I vote for him and not VdB?

honestly I wouldn't mind this Austria at all

>the Nazi Party winning the elections

Dude, this is a meme. The FPÖ is more left wing than the American Democrats. For minimum wage, against the death penalty, for legal immigration, pro EU, pro Israel, pro universal healthcare etc.

First day here from le-ddit huh kid?

i believe

Hofer can win its currently a bit 50/50 ... the media is currently a bit crazy and the marxist opposition started comparing him to trump and Mordor (no i am not shitting you).


nice digits friend

Nah, but I want to see some sound arguments for discussions with other Austrians.

All I hear from both sides are meme arguments the others will never understand.
Like free and unified Europe for VdB even though he's a deeply rooted communist, or muh refugees.

Leftists see immigration as the Final Solution to the white problem, therefore a party's stance on this weighs more than any other stance on any other matter. It's not a points-based scorecard, it's one where you either support final solution (left) or have any kind of stance where you don't (right)

you can do it, Austriabros!!!


51 to 49 according to (((polls)))

They ain't stealing this election again from us. Fuck the Green party shills and Gutmenschen. I already voted for the Hofer and I feel good.

Austria ist Scheisse - Austrian Trudeau, 2016.

Yep you can be the most liberal party ever but as soon as you demand not even a stop but controlled and manageable immigration you are basically called the next Hitler. It really is strange.

Hofer will win

then explain why has been incessantly portrayed like Hitler incarnate by the media, including italian ones

I got my vote mail yesterday >:)


I can't wait for Hofer to lose - not because I don't like him or his policies but rather because you deserve it, given that a lot of you dipshits didn't even bother with voting. It already happened twice, it will happen again.

Kek wills it

(you) who Luigi

Why do you want him to lose?

just don't go to Bologna which is POZ central, or Milan, where the "ethnic problem" has reached such levels that the major asked for military intervention

should I start learning german?

>"I can't wait for Trump to lose"
There are simelarities to be seen here

Nope, not even a bit.

>774477 Kek wills it

Won't help you much in Austria because we speak Austrian.

Exchange students at my uni often complain about getting German classes but when they want to try it people speak a different language.

he'll win again.

say it with me:
first green party head of state in the world!

He assumes that like most yuropean countries (eastern yurop excluded obviously), that your population is too cucked and instilled with self-hate to be worth saving. Almost better to let some countries (Sweden YES and Germanistan) burn down at this point.

Yes, yes there are dumb faggot


>first green party head of state
B-but he's independant.

i meant "win with no tricks and mail voter fraud" Otto :^)

What do you mean WHY should I vote for Hofer have you seen the utter absolute STATE of the square-headed-nonce he is up against.


No there aren't. I haven't read shit like "I didn't vote because it doesn't matter" from ANY Trump supporters, while a lot of A*strians admitted that they didn't bother with voting for a reason or another. They deserve to be ruled by a greencuck EU puppet for that only.

KEK will bless Austria.

Be my witness, KEK will bring Hofer into Office as a sign of gratitude for our efforts in the Magic Meme War against Lucifer and his daughter Hillary

Because that is what the media does? It needs to fabricate stories to keep up its sales numbers?

There is literally not a single policy of the FPÖ which is remotely National Socialist.

Digits confirm.

Where's Kek?

maybe the outcomes of Brexit and USA elections will bring a better turnout, but i know zero about the austrian situation

Why don't you care about your own election the same day? Some of the finnish media thinks that the result could be worse than Trump or Brexit.

Because Hofer is member of a fraternity that wants to see Germany and Austria united again.

Also blessed digits.

nah, lefties saw how close it was last time, it'll mobilize lots of non-voters and antifa-cucks to vote for him, especially because of Drumpf and Brecucxit.


i've already made triple doubledigits with my OP, do i need to try and summon him again?

KEK will smite you on the eve of Hofer's victory

I don't hope that happens, Hofer is incompetent as fuck, like everyone in the european "alt" right.

This is the third time they're voting. The first time it came down to Hofer and a cuck. The second time it was just Hofer against the cuck, the latter won by a really narrow margin - the election was declared as invalid by their supreme court as there was a lot of room for rigging (some districts in Vienna where more than 100% of the people voted for the green party). The third election was supposed to happen in october but it got postponed because the glue used in the postal ballot was defective and didn't seal them ("pure coincidence").

Digits prove it.
Praise KEK


I studied in Austria for a few years. You guys are pretty cool although fairly distant people compared to slavs.

Hope you make the right choice.


But is correct. Even tough i could fluently speak german it took me a few months to adjust to Austrian. And that was big city
Austrian. When i went to a few smaller towns i still had to give whoever was talking to me 100% attention to completely understand them.

>the latter won by a really narrow margin
~30k votes to be exact after Hofer was in the lead 52 to 48 before counting postal votes.

So what is fpo endgame, austriabros? And why are you not memeing Hofer yet?

Do you want Austria to exist further down the line, or do you want your children to grow in an Islam dominated third world state? I wish I was exaggerating.

>why are you not memeing Hofer yet?

This. Don't you guys want to win?

You should be memeing hard.

how trustworthy are the elctoral polls, ausbros?

Godspeed Austria

You all do know the best way of un-cucking Austria would be for Hofer to lose the presidential election?
The Austrian President has like no power whatsoever, and Austria would need him (a sympathetic guy) in front of the FPÖ instead of their actual leader who is despised by anyone not voting for the FPÖ; other parties might work with them if they seemed more approachable and less crazy.

t. patriotic guy that wants the best for his county regardless of political "left" or "right"

I would agree if he was running against anyone else than VdB, he is literally the worst thing that could happen to our Nation and would cause national and international catastrophes with his retarded weed brain and communist mindset.

He's piss off ever single neighbours except germanistan within a month.

Hard to say. Personally I don't think that there is enough enthusiasm for another anti Hofer coalition as strong as last time. And that will be enough.

We have another idea on fixing Austria. But you need to trust us.

I didn't Listen to it yet, but what I've read about VdBs recently Mordor Speech, it sounds like he went full retard.

He also got the Eurocrat Karas to endorse him, maybe he can dig up Gusenbauer and Faymann to deal the deal like Hillary did.

That senile old grandpa seriously thinks getting Establishment Support against an Anti-Establishment Candidate is gonna do the Trick.

Nazi Austria best Austria.
Love you Austria bros best kings ever

>Mordor Speech
What is that about?

Anyway, I agree that the situation is similar to America with him having the support of celebrities, politicians, experts etc. The difference is the impact of Brexit. Now the EU isn't popular with the Austrian working class and right, but I think the general reaction to Brexit and its supposed economic effects did indeed cause some worrying, to the point that Hofer had to backpedal a little on his anti EU stance. No idea if that will be relevant by December.

VdB is gonna be in a chat on Die Presse for an hour today:

Ypu building a wall around it. Do you.

We know what to do, dig up his old anti-austrian quotes and spread them for the ultimate Redpill there.

>what are the odds of the Nazi Party winning the elections
we have no nazi party you fucking idiot

Yes, but according to the left every right wing party is "LITERALLY HITLER"


alright, I shall focus my energy on getting Hofer those upcoming octo-digits.

Also, any suggestions for what to put into this picture? Any suggestions for changes?

calm your tits franz, it's too early in the morning for another round of beer

Südtirol is rightful Austrian clay

build fence

Every federal state got more eligible voters for this election - except Vienna.

What does that mean? How is that possible?

>Because Hofer is member of a fraternity that wants to see Germany and Austria united again.

Thats why I don't vote for him. Traitors can't be President. Also the Austrian President won't and can't do shit about immigration, so there is that.

It means more people died than turned 16 since then.

This time it's essentially a new election, not a repeat. Old people died, more teenies reached the voting age.

yeah its not like that we austrians are too stupid to run a state decently just look how bad our economy is doing and how good germany is doing

"Der Anschluss" would be the best thing happen to austria

Meanwhile, VdB demanding that the Austrian Army being vut in half and put under direct UN command is A-OK.

Seriously, VdB is the biggest traitor politicin this country ever had.

voting for the green dude. fuck that guy

We are not in murica. While Nazi symbols are edgy there and are covered by freedom of speech,
we should not use them for our memes. They will only do damage.
The best case are those "Kaiserreich" memes, which also emphasise our relationship with our eastern bros.
We (At least I) are "modern" Nationalists and have our own values, which also
contain some more modern concepts and are able to learn from history.

Dont use meme war in austria. The bureau will not be amused if you do.

Btw, lea are watching

Thanks for the input, Ahmoud-Sören.

Austrians help me.

I read something about your last election and something seemed to go wrong, how and why?

Also wiki mentions something about a re-vote October 2. 2016.

Explain this election, is this the revote?

Well, I wasn't exactly planning on flooding the picture with swastikas. VF banners might be going into that direction but even the ÖVP still has Dollfuß portraits hanging around.

Good luck with the meme war lads!

there were technical irregularities, iirc. for example in one voting district one of the guys responible for overseeing the process was not present, or something. next month is the revote