I think we can all agree on this.
If you aren't Abo or Anglo you aren't Australian
Truth, lebs and wogs fuck off
Abos are about as Australian as kangaroos are.
They're indigenous wildlife.
>Abo or Anglo
What's the difference?
But ich bin ein kraut! I am an Aussie too, mein klein untermensches.
Australia seems like a pretty cool place.
What would you recommend a burger tourist do in your country?
Adopt some refugees
right about to post this
Visit country towns. Don't do what everyone else does and shit around in the cities.
Fuck off we are full cunt
Come if you want, but there isn't anything to see here that you don't have in the states. Except America is better. Australia is just America lite. Don't waste your money, friendo. Go to New Zealand if you want something that is actually worthwhile.
yeah actually Germans can be included too
they helped aboriginals a lot
>The Hermannsburg Mission, as it was originally known, is the most famous of all of the religious missions to Aborigines largely because of the iconic role played by the settlement's most famous son, Albert Namatjira, whose landscape watercolours were an integral feature of the lounge room wall of so many Australian middle class homes during the 1960s and 1970s.
>Today Hermannsburg is the centre of a significant Aranda Aboriginal community with some 300-400 living in and around the township and another 600 living in camps beyond the community. It is an important historic settlement that can boast that it was the first Christian community in Central Australia; it was a monument to the building skills of the Lutheran missionaries; and it was a vital part of the early understanding of the culture of the Arrernte people.
>It is interesting that the German missionaries wrote the name of the local Aboriginal group as Aranda but by the 1980s this had changed to Arrernte (a singularly difficult word to pronounce).
>Still the community acknowledges the original German spelling preferring to use Aranda on their official website: hermannsburg.com.au.
>Hermannsburg was named after the town of the same name in Lower Saxony, Germany where the two Lutheran missionaries who established the Hermannsburg mission in 1877 had done their training before immigrating to Bethany in South Australia's Barossa Valley.
I would agree, however, those who are truly Australian and love this country are fine.
Not any of these nu(she)male cucks who hate the west, these chinks who feed off our country, refugees. They can fuck off.
Those who become Australian are alright.
Rate my meme list
Anglos and Scots are 10/10 Australians
9/10 Irish a close second but their chance at being a Republican makes them lose points they must be pro British to be Australian.
South Africans/Canadians 8/10 Anglo,English speaking and off the same side of the colonial leaf
Germans 8/10 best wine growers can't tell them apart from Anglos except for last names and town names. lose points for simply not coming from the British isles and not having that "connection" with the monarchy
Italians nuff said 7/10 okay overall but it's harder for them to assimilate into our culture and lose the accent. Don't want too many of these guys in certain areas otherwise they won't assimilate too well spread them out and you'll be all fine
Eastern Europe. I have literally never met someone from East Europe I have no opinion but they probably fit somewhere around 5/10
Arabs 3/10. Useful idiots only 2.2% of the population and we already have far right meme parties getting in and riots going on. I'm almost thankful for them in a weird way.
Nigs from Africa 2/10 like Arabs but less people hate them and they get multi kulti acceptance points to excuse subhuman behavior
The Eternal Chinaman. 1/10 sneaky,corrupt,breeds likes rats,No assimilation expect 500 Chinese restaurants everywhere,Chinese sleeper agents. The biggest part of the yellow hoard slowly consuming us from the inside. Hardly anyone minds them cause muh anime muh Asian women are superior they are greatest threat to our Nation. At least Muslims redpill people.
Anyone else I literally don't care about. So you can fuck off out of here then
how do we approach the chinese question?
>Talking to a m8 who's a black fella
>Talk about how SJW fags say "gubbas" aren't Australian.
>Black m8 replies "If you're not Australian then what the fucken hell are ya?"
If the majority of auspollers didn't hide everytime they saw one or stopped relying on pol memes, they would find them pretty redpilled.
Kick them out and don't accept Asian immigration only tourism. China wouldn't allow a foreign country to flood it's citizens into it's borders.
We will never be BLACKED or subverted into Islam however we're being YELLOWED simply cause we don't have the Birth rates and China's buying everything. Our politicians need to man up and tell China to fuck itself
Arabs and Africans are -10/10
Irish, English , Scots and Welsh are 6/10
Wogs (Greeks/Italians) are 4/10
Others whites are about a 2/10
Non whites (Excluding wogs) are 1/99th out of 10
>Chink becoming Australian
Fuck off cuck. None of them can.
where do new zealanders fit
10/10 We're exactly the same except for accents and you might be a little less bogan.
Are you rating my list or making your own with Africans being 10/10 immigrants? I'm confused here
>If you aren't Indian or Chinese you aren't Australian
Fixed that for you
Now i leave this thread before all the poo post.
why do I want to be part of a nation that loses a war to fucking birds?
what about afghan? you spergs seem to forgot about the cameleers that were a long time ago, without them i dont think our economy would be stable as it is now.
Being part of a nation that lost to Ethiopians.
I hate this meme that stupid bitch thinking some camel farmer/fuckers built Australia.
UnFun fact when ww1 broke out some Muslim Paki's went on a shooting rampage at Broken hill
Muslims even bad in 1915 Australia
2nd gen North Western Europeans are honorary anglos desu
No Irish tho
>2nd gen North Western Europeans are honorary anglos desu
only maybe the dutch could integrate
I was thinking Dutch, North Germans and Danes.
The only real Australians are those that vote Pauline. Even the blackest of black niggers that votes Pauline is a million times more Aussie than some Anglo faggot that votes for anyone else.
w-what about japanese
Jewish mudblood here, never could understand the retarded Aussie 'bantz' or 'culture'. Must be suited to low IQ scum. Aussies are fucking dumb.
Leave desu
Abos aren't technically human, that is why they make such good Australians.
Greeks and Italians help build Australia you fucking mong. Learn some history, plus their cultural heritage and gift to the world is far greater than Scots and Irish. Fuck off kid.
What about them? They don't really come here apart from tourism.
Pearl divers during the colonial era, but that's largely the extent of it.
>Compatible with western society
Pick one.
Meds were civilized while Anglos were building stick huts and wearing cloth into battle with minimal development ad a people. You're an idiot.
Greeks and Italians are the WE DO THE WORK NO ONE ELSE DOES. We built da dams
Scots founded Brisbane turned Australia from Convict settlement to colony under Lachlan Macquarie the "father" of Australia he was a Scot. Many of our war heroes are Scottish they founded Byron bay a huge tourism attraction for NSW helped a shitload to found Perth a Scottish named town if you didn't know and a shitload of other things
Maybe the Irish you could say that too but not the Scots or English. Italians literally just did shit labor jobs we didn't have the population for
Meds were civilised like Islam is civilised. That still isn't western society though, which is vastly superior.
Depends what state
QLD - Smoke Ice
NSW - Glass a wog
VIC - Gay sex
SA - Leave SA
NT - Get pissed and have a punch on
WA - no
ACT - Piss on an embassy
>Go to New Zealand if you want something that is actually worthwhile.
Then why don't you move back there, oh that's right cause you need a job
Seriously, Kiwis are alright but when I hear one start carrying on how much better something is in NZ I tell em to fuck off back there then.
South Africans are 10/10 mate :^)
>Work hard
>remembers rhodesia
My father was in the Rhodesian Light infantry
Abos are Indians. Dravidians. Look it up. Australia is just waiting for Indian Gurus to return. Stay put. We'll be there soon, Cunts.
South Africans who stay in SA after one genocide attempt already seem pretty dumb to me. You all should just leave, then laugh as all the niggers starve to death.
Cunt, this better be bantz
That smirk is wild
More strayan than you'll ever be you seppo kunt
Speaking of wogs - why do Amerifats think Italians are white?
they look vary much alike but northern India much less so since white people came in there and fucked them by the millions 4-5 thousand years ago
Fuck off we're full
Abos are more closely related to dravidians than to any other group, but dravidians are still more closely related to everyone outside of sub-saharan Africa than they are to abos.
oi poofters I just shagged ur mum, dat shiela was tighter than a Koala.
Anyone who doesn't have convict blood has to go back