Is he actually autistic or is it just a meme?

Is he actually autistic or is it just a meme?
I'm really attracted to him but the thought of him being autistic turns me off. Please tell me he's normal even though he came from a 60-year-old sperm.

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>I'm really attracted to him
He's 10.
>but the thought of him being autistic turns me off
Not the fact that he's 10? Kill yourself.

>that whole post

leave barron alone you fucking pedo. once duterte's done with the drug dealers, he's coming for you.

>I'm really attracted to him, a young boy

Duterte's war on homosexuality and pedophilia when? Fucking Pinoys are the most degenerate posters from Southeast Asia.

There's nothing wrong with being attracted to attractive children. It's a normal human response.



Pick one, monkey.

It's not though. Being attracted people who physically matured is a mental illness.

haven't physically matured*

>Disguised pedo.

If you r a chick I don't see a problem there. If you r a dude: Pls, eat a bullet.

Your brain is hardwired to like youth m8


Is that you, John Podesta?

Not at all. I have never been attracted to someone who was significantly younger than me. If I was, I would kill myself since I would have failed as a human being.


I bet you've never had a single homosexual thought either

Is that hard to get, burger?

>Turns me off
>10 year old
Oh well gee, we wouldn't want that. You poor diddums. *trapdoor release button*

please stop posting under the philippine flag and be satisfied with the little boys that youre currently fucing here

>I magically stop finding things I found attractive when I was younger attractive when I hit an arbitrary age


Please god tell me you're

A. A girl

B. 10 years old.

If you do not fill these requisites please KYS.

>please stop posting under the philippine flag and be satisfied with the little boys that youre currently fucing here

fucking lol

at least filipinos have a sense of humor

>He thinks everyone shares his mental illness

Poor thing.

This twink's based dad shaved his hair off after seeing this video. Kek.


How is that based? I'm a straight guy and I would lovingly cuddle with that.

But if he has autism then he's probably the genius behind the trump campaign. By extension, infinitely more intelligent than you with your retarded kike pedophilic brain

hi ahmed

Pedophiles are literally the smartest people on the planet. The elites, the thinkers and the Masters. Know your place.

You're absolutely right. It's called being heterosexual.
Do you still play with Legos and action figures? Sorry, that's probably not a good analogy for someone who's most likely a carbon copy of Chris- chan.

Fuck off Ketut.

Nice strawman bud

I don't magically stop finding 13 year olds attractive because I'm over 20.

Alright let's just forget I said I'm attracted to him and just focus on my question on whether he's autistic or not, please.

Because you're fucking mentally ill and should be castrated by law.

>Finding biologically ready females attractive is mental illness

Kill yourself tumblr

Thirteen years old is absolutely not biologically ready. The chance of complications in pregnancy is increased drastically at young ages.

Youre literally retarded aren't you? It's only slightly under the absolute optimal age. Regardless of if it's optimal they are 90 percent of the times objectively biologically ready considering the average start of puberty is now around 11 in females.


>Wahh I don't like someone state pls shoot them

Duterte fags are pathetic