Well it's been a week after Trump's victory. How you feeling?

Well it's been a week after Trump's victory. How you feeling?

Other urls found in this thread:


sad again

Still enjoying it.


The first few days were funny but now the left is just being annoying as fuck.

I cant even come to Sup Forums anymore without getting triggered by concern trolls like this serbian fuck Jesus dude why! you lost

anyway, CTR already shilling for fake impeachments and 2020 and liberals crying about Muh popular vote.

Its honestly a miracle we won, but the damage may already be too late, I think we have been at the bottom of the liberal pool for too long and the brain damage is catastrophic.

Bout to launch a campaign at my local uni to interest people in the neoreactionary movement and blackpill the shit out of the Marxists. I was, and always will be, a soldier in the Sup Forums army. Screencap this, my shit will be in the news 100%

Drunk on commietears.


Feeling fine.

The amount of fear mongering and rhetoric was pissing me off but it's subsiding for the most part now.

I've also been well nourished with liberal tears over the last week.

The sun still rises, so nothing has change. I don't know why people are literally flinging crap and burning down their Whole Foods and Starbucks.

Kinda impatient for January tbqh w/ you senpai


worried that Soros and his ilk are going to keep escalating. we have to be smart. don't say stupid racist or sexist shit. don't be hateful like they are because they use it as justification to continue their hate.

i still see saltshakers literally shaking salty tears so i am very good

I still can't believe it. It was such a beautiful victory for Trump as well.
>Hillary had 3+ nationwide
>She, her campaign and supporters were so convinced they would win they even drank champagne, all the pollsters and experts said it was her victory already
>Suddenly... the MAGA train crashes their hope and dreams
Such a magic moment.
I wish I could live through that moment again.


Feelin good, senpai.
Wish these shills would stop this second guessing Trump bullshit. We already won, for fuck's sake.

I thought I'd never get tired of the left's endless supply of salt, but after a week, it's beginning to get mildly annoying to see them sob on social media. It's like, I'm having a great day, then I'm reminded that pussies like them exist, and that really bums me the fuck out.

Pic very related

Fucking fantastic to be honest, something changed the day President Trump won.

I'm just glad to see that Trump is caving in to the GOP establishment's demands. He'll be a good president because he will betray every single one of his promises

its only getting better

I was banned from my girlfriend's house because of the election. She and I are both pretty pissed off about it, but I don't have enough money for us to move out yet.

I'm still feeling triumphant and fortunate, but I'm anxious about the period up to inauguration. The Trump Team needs to stay on the defensive through the transition, and the globalists are going to push a last-ditch offensive with new rules of engagement.

(((Soros))) has demonstrated intent to attempt a Ukraine-style coup in the USA, and is ramping up spending for riots again.

Neocons are under media protection and trying to worm their way into Trump's cabinet.

I can't relax yet. The shills are doubling down again, and seem hellbent on forcing a final confrontation.

He shouldn't pander to the left or compromise with them at all.


the guy that was literally hitler now is gonna be a good president

dont stop

Can't stop smiling. I feel like a new man, it's surreal. Listening to cringy Trump songs is suddenly great, the snow came early, it's fantastic.

Back to normal, but I'm increasingly dismayed at the number of people who are completely beholden to degeneracy.

Still mining salt

Fear not user, keep up the good fight. You're more based then you realize.

As a sjw from a blue costal city who ended up red pilled as fuck after seeing low energy Jill Stein shill out + following pizzagate simultaneously, scared as fuck and frantically trying to red pill others. Fuck soros. I'm glad to be in best timeline now tho, ultimately.

I keep swinging back into a good mood every day especially with the news of the purge and seeing all these liberals still crying a week later, the only bad thing is that an old friend of mine is refusing to talk with me for supporting Trump (but I know he'll get over it in the coming weeks).

I got a World Series win and a Presidency, not to mention getting my shit together. It's a fine time.


Embrace their tears as fuel for the journey and laugh at their unwillingness to acknowledge their mistakes so they'll be completely fucked going into 2020.

Probably gonna be coasting downwards on the joy of his victory for the next couple of months, only to hit another upward gust when his inauguration finally rolls around.


I know it will never happen but I'm still hoping for a "You're fired!" zinger at Obama

Why, user? :(

I'm just now coming to terms with the possibility of an American golden age. I just can't stop finding new reasons to feel optimistic about Trump.

Like I've been swimming in the Pacific all week.

We had a " Make America Great Again " shooting party and blowing shit up over the weekend to celebrate. I am still in a state of euphoria over the whole thing. It's gonna be a while before it wears off.

This is what drives me too, I don't know if it will happen (especially with all the debt our previous presidents racked up) but I haven't been this optimistic for the future since before 9/11.

Pretty awesome.

Got shitloads of college work to do with exams imminent but wasting far too much time simply reading Alt-Right blogs, SJW blogs (for the meltdowns) and rewatching endless compilations of people losing their shit as election results came in.

He may end up being a cuck and delivering none of his promises but even then it would all have been worth it simply for the chance to experience the last glorious 15 months.

I don't think a bigger ass raping will ever be witnessed in the history of the earth I'll continue to watch faggots crying for my enjoyment daily for at least the next year. WE DID IT BOYS.

Basically just like the photo.

I laugh constantly. I've been spamming trump memes fueled by pure hatred on Facebook. I want to stretch open my ass hole and let a flaming angry jet stream of shit enter into the eyes of the 600 liberal faggots on my friends list every day for the next 8 years

Hillary will be the president. Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Love every single moment that passes.

It's just getting better and better.

I mean it could happen.. Nothing more worse Trump can do to piss off the libs.

I don't even care what he does in office. If he does like 3 things he promised then I'll be happy.

I just wanted the liberals, the Hollywood elites, the niggers, the spics, the feminists, the college academics, and the Washington elite to feel the wrath of the fly over state.

I'm satisfied now

>tfw Jim Webb and Ron Paul might actually be in his cabinet
This is one of the biggest victories for me, I really hope he picks them after his neocon purge (and it might get the dems to shut the fuck up).

Joining the military now that he's president-elect.

If hillary was going to be president, I would've steered clear and just applied for a hundred grants for college.


This. I'm now apathetic, but the problem I see is how the damage is irreversible with the left. I'm probably about to lose a bunch of friends. The worst part is, I have to wait until real changes are made. For example, I'm hoping work may be different, I.E. properly regulated without bullshit, I.E. HR departments told to take a hike. Sadly, we still have two more months of Obama before anything happens.

Tears are nice, but it would be a great feeling to see them come to terms with their shit and get their acts together. That's what I want now. I had my fun with seeing them get mad, but it's old now.

loving life

You will in 2020 bb.

Remember; we won some great, decisive battles this year guys and the enemy is on the defense bleeding profusely, but they are far from defeated.

Red pill those who can be saved

Infiltrate the the left, keep them divided and change them. It is the only way to win; long term battle plan.

We need to steer the SJW hate train into the wall and the normies in to moderates.

Its possible, much more so today than a year ago.

I believe in our cause brothers

I hope the SJWs keep going on for the next four years. Every single normie will be red-pilled.

Still not down.

Sounds awesome. Only went out for victory dinner with my friends the night he won.

finally calming down a bit. i was glad he clobbered that cunt but still was on edge for awhile.

But we wont get to experience the Republican primaries again.

yeah i feel like i could join and wouldn't just be sent out to die for sand nigger oil



Pretty fucking great, bro.

The butthurt is pure entertainment, I hope they walk around sobbing in funeral clothing for 4 years. Their hollywood ending that was sold to them on media didn't turn out and now people want a full refund like perfect little consumers they are. Absolute adolescence.

>Obama's encouraging socialism, waah
>supports samefag socialist policys
We can't win against this level of crass ignorance.

I still have an erection. Should I see a doctor?


> he's still shitposting
> he's still cucking the press
> Pence purged the Establishment from the inner circle
> Steve "Suffer not the feminist to live" Bannon in the White House
> Leftist salt mine not nearly depleted

Highest energy week of my fucking life and I'm not even a Burger

I'm still hard. Plus now we're getting all those video of those SJW being beated and maced by the police, it's like having an after-party. So good.

I know this feel. It's time to put down your rifle and go back home. The meme war is over. Newfags will never understand.

We will become the old breed. Forged in unwinnable odds, we fought for Trump and he won.

I'll be back in 4 months for the French election. Until then ima go back to my ranch and spend some time with my kids

The thrill of him winning only lasted for a few days, now it's time to hold his ass to the fire to make sure he does all the things he said he was gonna do. If he doesn't, then fuck him.

I have faith in him but I'll be pissed if he turns out to be a failure like Obama.

> How you feeling?


I have also started to feel more alive than ever before...

There has been so many things happening this year... both online and in my life.

2016 I will never ever forget.

Help me guys, I usually go back to by normal apathy after like 5 minutes, no matter what joy or sorrow I feel, but it's been a week since Trump won and I'm STILL feeling overwhelmingly smug.

I find myself giggling like a schoogirl at random intervals when I remember the result, and sometimes I find myself with a stupid grin all over my face.

I'm really scared, I think I'm getting tired of winning.

One can not tire of winning.
You have to embrace it, live it, love it.

Also, this is only the beginning as we make this world great again.

I am on my way to get bored of winning
but still not there

Euphoric of course.

Still burning coal.

The aftermatch is literally a cringe party

I wish I could experience the election night again.

the only good response in this thread


Feeling good, still in disbelief. Also sad because this election cycle, especially the Republican primaries, was so entertaining that I doubt we'll get another as good.

Ir was so tough having to decide between Inforwars and the Young Turks for the night (I was already multitasking with CNN's butthurt)

Ended up going with Cenk's meltdown, but I wonder how Jones went when Trump won Florida..

i'll be telling my grandkids about how a great man started out with a small loan of a million dollars and crushed the bush and clinton dynasties.

feels good, man.

>dem trips
alex wasn't even on when i wasn't watching. he didn't show up until close to the end.

Already disappointed.

you can always rewatch the broadcast and skim through to the part where it happens and when it happens it's a great feeling.

also check'd

The world is 6k years old you liberal fuck. Kys.

Like a force blowjob everytime I remember the fact that Trump won.

still KEK'ing

Never coming down desu.

>I don't care if I never come down

>small loan

Thats more than your family's worth, you elite worshipping faggot.

Lost my girlfriend, my job, and i'm coming down with a fever I think.

Even so, it's been the best week ever.

Sup Forums actually talks about politics now so that's nice

Nice Lee Enfield.

I still have an erection. Should I go to the hospital?

Ecstatic. Since he won, I'm even more of a smug motherfucker than usual since I told myself: "If Donald Trump could become a president, you can do anything, too."
I had a job interview on Wednesday and today, they called me that they're hiring me. All thanks to my insane post-election confidence.
Thank you, Donald, for making my job great again.

I voted for Trump via mail in ballot
I was ecstatic on the day he won
The next day I came down from my high a bit and wondered if I made the right choice
Then the unending flood of celebrity shitlib tears, faggy protests, LITERALLY HITLER thinkpieces, and the knowledge that the establishments and people I considered my enemies had been wounded but not destroyed sent my energy levels through the fucking roof.

I've been alternating between listening to TRS gloatcasts and lefty PTSDcasts all week, and it's wonderful.

no 4 mk1 le ugly

My mood is swinging between happiness and joy for american's sake and extreme frustration over our own country's level of cuckoldry. It's clearer than ever before that our state minister is just a puppet to whatever international power. He was recently questioned for his opinion on our biggest party (The Sweden Democrats) and he said that they are a bunch of racists who should disband their party. Yep our leader said that about our biggest party (biggest in the polls). He gives not a rats ass about Sweden or Swedes, much like our previous betrayers in chief.

Then i think about Trump winning and what it will do for the west, and i become happy again. My strategy now is to play for time, save for the future golden age and hold out through the current darkness.