I am gay.
Do you have any problem with it?
I am gay.
Do you have any problem with it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want dominate and fuck your ass.
we know you're a faggot hiroshimoot
As long as you don't have children
No but Mike "Put a Dick Where You Tooted, and Get Electrocuted" Pence does.
Just don't annoyingly flaunt your gayness out and you'll be cool.
Only when you share, faggot
Yes. You are a degenerate. However, I hear that electroshocks work well against faggotry, according to the vice-president of the United States.
kill yourself english teacher
Only if you consider yourself a trap, then I do. If not show boipussy plz
OP is always a faggot. don't worry about it.
Do you like Mishima's writing? If so, you're cool by me.
it's cool
just keep it in private
and if you're cute i'll fuck you (or let you fuck me you know which ever you prefer)
nah, can't blame you
if I had to watch all that anime growing up I'd be a gay too
No, but God does.
if you're really in japan i want you to take a picture of your room.
because i really do think all of you are proxyfags.
I do, get gassed
I have a problem with your desperate need for attention based on your sexuality.
Fuck off shit dick.
No, but Mike "Omar Mateen was on my team" Pence probably does
nah just vote right wing and don't undermine western culture and we cool
nope. just get marry a dude and adopt a kid who risks becoming yellow trash in a foster home. you cant not be gay, but you cant get out of your duty to your peoples future.
Not really. It's not ideal, but I don't think there are any good solutions to it.
I would strongly prefer you not act prissy though.
And I'd rather have a good, strong, well-mannered gay son than a coalburning daughter.
More if dat dere asian puss for me.
Yes kill yourself faggot nip
>it's a gay nippon thread
Are you just one guy or is there a faggot epidemic in Japan?
No, now gtfo. You're wasting precious internet space.
In all fields goes sage.
Are you gay or a faggot?
Gay is okay, faggot you're a fucking Piece of shit
not really, especially because of your sunny side up flag
japs are perhaps the most timid, weak and closet homosexual nation there is
Even on an enornymes cartoon board you still have a need to announce you want benis in your ace and blow whole, so yes. But only specifically you. A lot of you, to be honest.
faggot go be a faggot with other faggots
Just whatever floats your boat. Not sorry about the nukes tho
If you're a cute sissy trap then we're ok with it.
B "Two was not enough" 29
I see no issue with gays as long as they're not in a fucking parade waving dildos around.
You should straighten yourself up.
Just don't talk about it and I wont give a shit. As soon as you open your mouth and start talking about it, then we have a problem
I donno, do you have a problem with me calling you a cocksucker?
I'm going to like 4 years of these.
Don't care. Quit attention whoring about it.
I do now that you mention it over and over again you fucking faggot
B "The Nips are gonna lose more two " 29
B "Are you a Jap ? You are gonna take a nap" 29
B "Nukes for yellow dudes" 29
And not rare,uncommon
You're fine with me. As long as you're not the flamboyant annoying ones, I don't care who you stick your dick in.
Sup Forums has the wrong idea. Christianity has polluted us. Before Christianity, most people didn't have a problem with homosexuality. In fact, we used them. That's what we should be doing.
Just like the Greeks.
>defeated over 1,600 Spartans (said to be the most elite of the elite) with only 300 Homos
>said to have fought harder because of their love for each other
We oughta create our own little crazy group of radical homos to fight off the plague of SJW garbage.
this honestly. i still say gay people have use to their genetic race as surrogate parents.
Not really. But i do want your faggotry contained to your graying island.
We can fix it
disgusting nip
How does it feel being a newfag?
here, newgoy, have Croatia as well
it's alright. how does it feel using buzzwords like a common whore?
I do not have a problem with you being gay.
The only problem I have is with faggots spreading HIV, fucking little boys, forcing states to allow gay marriages, forcing Churches to conduct gay marriages, forcing people to do business with LGBT, asking for entitlements, forcing people to conform to LGBT agenda, erecting safe space everywhere to create your own echo chamber, pushing and promoting gay parades and prides, protesting and rioting, generally being a disruptive disgusting faggot.
if you can chill the fuck down and do butt fucks with your lover, you can actually do whatever you want in your own private space as long as it is consensual and nobody is harmed.
It is because LGBT doesn't chill the fuck down and is screaming for attention, that is why it is so problematic. If someone go full-Hitler on LGBT, that is on LGBT, because you faggots are seriously asking for it.
So sick of these "what's the prob with gays?" threads.
Forced narrative, jew-styled pity propaganda.
Talk about politics, not ass stank... Even tho it's almost the same.
Degenerate. Repent.
If you are tellong us, then you are an attention hour.
Fuck whatever you want in your bedroom, but keep your faggot pride parades and prissy twinks away from the rest of us. Do that, and nobody gives a fuck.
Oh, and don't spread the next gay disease to the public blood supply. Yes, there will be one due to blood to blood contact.
i don't give a fuck. now please go homo up elsewhere.
Only that you felt you had the need to tell me.
FUCK OFF. Nobody fucking cares.
Unless you tie me and force your wiener inside my bunghole
That's not cool, i don't liek raep
I have a problem with threads like this wasting my time scrolling
Other than that, I dont care
Not really as long as you keep yourself away from public places.
faggots go kill yourselves
I don't give a shit.
Given that it is the first thing I found out about you , probably.
aren't most of us bi sex here?
>1 post by this ID
and this one is second post
Well if you're here, i don't have a problem with you, i just think you need to be slaughtered for the good of society.
No offense.