America Chavez

This is a thread about a comic, on a board about comics.

What does America mean to Sup Forums?

The mods and janitors have always hated comics on Sup Forums.

The mods would be happy if this board was nothing but Korrasami threads.

>What does America mean to Sup Forums?
That Marvel lost its moral crusade and the multiple cancellation of titles like America is the best proof we could ask for.
You can't shame people into buying your shit.

my inspiration to abandon western comics entirely

Shit comic but overhyped
It's like Leth Hellcat except Sup Forums moved on from Leth

>One shit title means the whole medium is dead
It's cancelled dumbass


I'm Puerto Rican and this girl frustrates the fuck out of me. Christ she's annoying.

yet still happened

That issue might have been my favourite storytime ever. It's just a bad story and then suddenly you have an unexplained scene with Hitler randomly strolling around a battlefield and getting punched.


She gave 'em the old BROWN FIST.

I think she's a fucking lesbian.

America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

Does anyone have the second page of this?

>Literally, me.
How has this not gotten a Daffy Duck Book Revue edit?

Wait I thought Wiccan made the lesbian utopia

It did, you missed it.

Did you give up on western animation after the Emoji Movie?

Oh, good.


Lots of /polco/ bait threads, designed to shit on LGBT with the excuse of shitting on one admittedly weak comic?

This comic is far more than weak, user.

>any thread that criticises mouse comics is made by Sup Forums

Fuck off shill.

There's literally nothing wrong with shitting on LGBT people.
In fact most of them would enjoy it.

i like how she is going to punch sanar

>The Emoji Movie
>even a fraction as bad as America
you can't possibly be serious

The manifestation of everything wrong with US Hispanics.

The point is that a shit work doesn't devalue a whole medium

More like literally WE

guy tried to rob an ice cream truck, reminds me of my old neighborhood. Good times

>>any thread that criticises mouse comics is made by Sup Forums

"Mouse" comics?

I liked it better the last time this was done.

It means you can't push an sjw agenda easily in a for profit environment.

You can when your entire company is subsidized by a huge globalist media company as a script and IP farm.
Nobody at Disney gives a shit the comics lose money. Or if the little stores go out of business. This is a company that fired all their IT workers en masse after making them train their pajeet replacements.

I still can't get over the fact that Gabby doesn't speak a fucking word of spanish. If you're gonna fetishize latin america so fucking much, why not learn the damn language?

/pol is that way -------------------------->

Because it's not actually about the culture, it's about the feeling special because you're a victim.

But... white is actually all the colors combined?

I can't remember the writer for this can I get the name if you know it?

And to add to this : it's not like spanish is a difficult language to begin with. A friend of mine took two beginner class in college (so basically a year) and is fluent enough to speak and read on a comprehensible level. Something that could be good enough to plug in basic spanish word in an english comic book.

Meanwhile, I'm finishing my first year of learning mandarin and I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface.

What part of that is pol to begin with? Are you saying that Disney isn't a shit company or something?

One of the few things that could unite so many disparate people. Everyone united in contempt of one shitty comic, it was beautiful.

>one shit title
>implying implications

Everything nuMarvel has been putting out has been indefensible shit for years, and all signs point towards DC following in their failed footsteps. They hired BENDIS for fuck's sake.

>Everything nuMarvel has been putting out has been indefensible shit for years
That's hyperbolic, and completely untrue

>Renew Your Vows

Gabby either knowingly or unknowingly retconned it.

>you criticised Master Marvel!

There's that fucking shill again!

>Nobody at Disney gives a shit
Who do you think gave Alonso the boot?

Never forget.

I'm quite sure the LGBT community of nowadays shit on themselves more than adequately

I'll miss it for the non Sup Forumsbait shitposting

Great dialogue.


As an American of Mexican descent with a Puerto Rican uncle, America mean that NuyoRicans were a mistake.

>Nobody at Disney gives a shit the comics lose money.

Yeah...we do.


Not that user but you're absolutely right. Perhaps pic related is a better example?

No. Food Fight was entertaining.

... Grandmami's espugetti

Thats way more spanish than she knows.

If you want to see shitting on the LGBT, just go to /lgbt/.

>One shit title
If only it were one.

>mi gente
que alguien haga algo con respecto a estos idiotas por dios, no pudieron encontrar una sola persona hispana sin la cabeza llena de mierda para escribir un comic?

gaby rivera is truly the most racist stereotype i have ever seen on any media, she makes me ashamed to exist

oh no a contrarian on 4 chan
not on my watch, i will tell him to go to Sup Forums, that will show him

Why can't you embrace your LATINIDAD?!

Pic clipped from an interview with Gabby Rivera.

>One shit title

suddenly the sonic fandom seems likee high culture

Has nothing to do with being genuine, it's just people being so insecure they invent or adopt a identity to feel special.

She sorta retconned it. Billy created the Lesbian Dimension, but only one of America's mothers is native to the Lesbian Dimension; the other is Space Latina.

she gave us that wonderful meme expression. That one where some smug asshole's rearing back to punch me in the face.

They come from an "utopian" different dimension?

>Sincerely C.O. playing in the 4cc
>Sup Forums doing well in the 4cc
I think this comic was exactly what we needed to come together, united by disbelief that such a train wreck could be real.
America story times were some of the best threads I've seen here.

America is truly the comic Sup Forums deserves.

Do you ever feel the need to "crack your ancestors wide open."

Would love it if the Marvel vs DC thing was still going on, then you'd have something like Captain Marvel at that moment sees Wonder Woman on TV being celebrated as "female hero of the year."

It'd be delicious.

Disney owns Marvel.

And to think, if it weren't for Gillen she'd just be a fiery latina flying brick who didn't wear underwear instead of the incomprehensible mess of a character that she is now.

The road less traveled.

People wouldn't have shit on this if this was actually good

From the planet made by cosmic latinx lesbians.

What does she even mean here?

and we still have one more issue to go!

How would you say "the lord of shit" in Mandarin?



The guy he was replying to was solely saying America.
Good comics still exist, it's just that shit ones catch more attention
Nova died for this

>I-I’m Captain America
>Did you say HITLER?

>Sup Forums continues to fall for clear bait like this

Her excuse on Twitter is that her mother didn’t teach her out of fear of discrimination, which probably some romanticized story she pulled out of her ass

Not only is that a retarded excuse, she's been an adult and had the opportunity to learn since then


in pigmentation white is the absence of color, whereas black is every color. (If you want to briefly test this, find a RYB color scale and check it yourself)

In light, white is the reflection of all light. That is to say, the object is bouncing every single wavelength off itself. Depending on how you choose to think about it, such an object is absent of color, because it bounces them all away.

Get angry if you want, but it technically tracks.

Found it

You get all colors when you refract white light through a prism. If you pass more than 3 of the visible spectrum the overlap will probably be white.

She’s mixing metaphors like an asshole. If the monster was from rainbow bright and was grey and white stealing color, then it’d work. But the thing was just living energy without pigment and mostly pink. It just sounds racist and like America the character has to bring up her race and gayness or she’ll lose her powers or something.

>That's hyperbolic, and completely untrue

Then explain why was EIC Alonzo fired?

We'll wait.

ales kot

Because he made many poor decisions. That doesn't mean the entire Marvel line was shit.

Was it ever confirmed to be cancelled? Would the next issue be the last?

You cannot even attempt to learn a language as an adult and there are no resources to help you do so, nope.

Honestly, the holy menstruation isn't the worst thing here. It's the hostility he shows her which is remarkable. Like, he's just SO eager to be offended and claim victimhood. Her whole world is filled with people that no one would want to deal with in real life.