>We live in strange times: Neo-Nazis have declared New Balance the ‘Official Shoes of White People’
When did this happen? What did I miss?
>We live in strange times: Neo-Nazis have declared New Balance the ‘Official Shoes of White People’
When did this happen? What did I miss?
Other urls found in this thread:
New Balances fucking suck anyways
>current year
>not wearing ultra boosts
>flat bottom skate fag shoes
If you can't run a marathon or climb up a mountain in your shoes you can fuck off you pussy shit
whatever. time to buy some new balance.
this is proof the media is lurking here.
in a thread yesterday or the day before someone suggested wearing new balance shoes as a counter to that safety pin shit.
>Pretending your faggot shut in ass does either of those things.
I like new balance.
They're comfy and easy to wear.
Should I trade in my Doc Martens?
I think New Balance is just trying to cash in on the white nationalist panic.
>no jackboots
Fucking idiots.
Yeah no shit, this site isnt some sekret club you faggot, you just fucking type in Sup Forums in google and get here. you autists leave your trails all over twitter and fartbook
well said, normie shoes must die
New Balance endorsed Trump, or rather, was happy about him becoming president.
Niggers have been burning New Balance shoes all week
New balance has ALWAYS been the official shoe of white people. Just look at German tourists visiting your country right now.
What was weird was that one week niggers were wearing them
Reminder that if you are wearing these for anything other than hiking or light athletic activity, you are not white. Real shoes are made of leather.
Quick, hide the tendies.
you don't think it's funny they're "reporting" on our shitposts?
It already well established that crocs and socks are the Official Shoes of White People
I have never seen anyone except white people wear this anywhere in southern California. Almost everyone else wears Supras and Nikes, really most white people do too just not women.
isn't this libel?
>not wearing timbs 24/7 for the extra 2 inch height boost
Yet nu-males like that swipple Nordstrom leather shit.
Maybe not a marathon, but I do go running and hiking frequently, two of my favorite hobbies
If I did either in those shoes I would need ankle surgery within a year
They are retarded
I love their shoes but hate that big ugly N on the side. Wish they would make their logo something cooler. I'm an Adidas man.
>autism shoes support trump
yeah, those are for feminists now, what a strange time we live in
I've never bought sneakers
I always buy leather shoes
>What did I miss?
Nothing happened, New Balance just was one of the first corporations to congratulate Trump on social media and the leftists got triggered hard and started to claim that New Balance is racist and started throwing out / destroying shoes they had already paid for.
I have never owned a pair. I wear work boots (most recently Doc Marten Industrials) at work, Sperry's when I'm just about town, and slippers at home.
Beats by Dre for your feet.
The N stands for Nazi
Steve Jobs confirmed as neo-nazi.
Will they be burning their Macbooks and iPhones next?
Whites are now so hated that all we have to do is claim that something is ours and a shitstorm occurs.
Shit. How the hell does any curb stomp kikes in tennis shoes?
New Balance is the /fa/ shoe btw
Beats by Drake is more like it. Dre doesn't wear that gay shit.
It has been so long time ago in Russia.
How old is this? Skinheads have been wearing them since forever.
>tfw being lumped into the same group as Muslims who go to the ME and blow up kids
I wish I had a pair of these but its becoming too played out
/fit/ here, flat-heel shoes are good for when I'm doing my lifts. Beyond that, yeah they aren't getting any other use.
>mfw I can order New Balance shoes in exacly my size for a reasonable price, so I'm okay with this
Lmao do faggots actually still wear Supras? holy shit
Not really, your shitposts end up all over on trump's twitter and he often retweets said shitposts, so not that surprising or funny
Deadass b facts
They've been doing that for years
I have a feeling whenever some of these """""journalists""""" can't think of a story to publish they just come to this site and look at whatever is being shitposted on the front page.
Really made me think
Flat bottom shoes are really good for the gym. Wearing those arch supporting runners while you lift weights royally fucks up your feet.
>New Balance endorsed Trump, or rather, was happy about him becoming president.
Probably because they already have manufacturing plants in the U.S.
>neo-nazis approving non-Hugo Boss attire
Fuck new balance! REEEE
Skechers are the official shoe of the far right. They're comfy and lightweight and support your feet properly.
deadass son i love my timbs b.
It's fuxkin funny
>be me
>male hispanic
>Just want to support good ol made in the USA
>media calls me neo-nazi
And they wander why their shit doesn't work and more Hispanics voted for a Republican than any other election
I thought they were the "Asian" shoe. I constantly see Asians wearing them.
C'mon /fit/ you know you should be squatting in the foot ninjas
hmm really made me think
Sweet bro science bro
fuck would I know, I'm slav, I only wear adidas, nice hard sole
I dunno, Sup Forums are hardly full blown neo-nazis are they?
You guys hardly have SS and swastikas on various parts of your body do you?
Can we encourage or meme SJWs into buying, then burning NB shoes ?
word my nigga, these new balance nazi ass niggas be buggin straight up
Yeah, it's either rich asians wearing them or the school shooter white kid with the bowl cut
come on, have some perspective.
if someone told you a year ago that pepe would wind up on the big networks/papers you'd be incredulous.
Enjoy your overpriced meme shoe.
>tfw I work in electronics
I giggled m8
If you wear NB, you are autistic. Period.
>"B.....b......but......NOT ALL NB SHOES"
Yes all of them. The "N" stands for "No friends". You think because a Chad is modelling your style on a commercial, it makes it cool? No. You're one of the few suckers who buy them. You dumb autistic freak.
>he can afford Adidas
How? I can barely support my family with my IT salary, and that's the most profitable job available.
Media is just mad their lies backfire on them
>New Balance CEO congratulates the president on his victory
>Right winger goes wtf guess I like NB now
I would laugh if CNN did an entire segment about this thread.
Skechers are comfy as fuck
Drake desperately trying to look like a "real nigga" from 1994
Holy shit. I unironically bought a pair 2 months ago. Feels good man
Running shoes aren't for white people unless you're in the gym or doing physical work
>tfw wear new balance because fat feet
Feels good
lets claim Africa is ours and have them go claim it back
>needing lifting shoes to squat properly
Enjoy your men's version of high heels
/fit/ please
Original chucks are the best for squats
Proud to be wearing new balance
Shits comfy
getting the pepsi of shoes instead of coke...
Enjoy not being comfy
Pepe was already a big thing, it became a normie meme a year back, and was already in the news back when some /r9k/ school shooting conspiracy happened, pic related
>Falling for the sneaker meme
Have fun with your polyester glued together children's shoes. It's one of the most tell-tale marks of the plebeian next to hoodies, t-shirts and baggy pants. And they're ugly as fuck on top of that.
The leather laced shoe is the true master race, especially the Dutch brands
Nigger boots.
Yugo-fashion master race!
You sound like you're from the Guardian baiting for a story
>Having such shit squat numbers you don't see a benefit
>Wearing those Paleo memes
Lmaoing @ your life user
Those are great for people that sit in a chair for a living.
>Sup Forumss shitposts are news
What a time to live.
N stands for Nazi you dumb head.
I'd be surprised if these shoes were available in former Yugoslavia
faaaacts dawgs white people deadass racist my man
cool viral marketing.. nice work
Jew Balance really gonna boost sales ..rake some shekels
nazis never did
it was lefties throwing a hissy fit and burning their shoes, declaring them a nazi symbol
finna crip like damn like bruuuuh
If you unironically wear those anywhere other than your work place or specific kind of formal gathering you should consider suicide
Heres a better shoe you could have posted
These are my daily leisure wear. For work I wear work boots with steel toes. They're mandatory. (not that I wouldn't wear them if they weren't, nobody likes half a foot)
I agree.
We, as the alt-right should MoveOn together against the jews
Like negroes would've been caught dead in New Balance kicks.