Why do people vacation in Dubai?

>be a woman
>go on a vacation in a country of mudslime sandniggers
>get raped by British men
>country lets the rapists fly back to uk
>get jailed for having extra marital sex.
Where are all the feminists now? Why doesn't the world boycott Dubai?

Only the filthiest whores go to Dubai.
The ones that are willing to eat poop for a Vuitton bag.

She probably deserved it.

Are they British men or "British men"

Well these days a brit baby is more likely to be a Mohammed than a Michael

MALE PRIVELAGE! Oh, but it's in a non-white country...never mind...

(((british men))))

Good question
The answer is because they're ignorant

The rapists returned to Birmingham. They were obviously Pakis.

brb, going to Dubai

Allah save the queen

They were likely Arabs with British citizenship.

I have flew into Dubai a few times, take away the European and American designed skyscrapers paid for by oil money its a fucking desert. Why go? I don't get the appeal.

>Arrive at the airport in Dubai
>It's like arriving on motherfucking Coruscant
>Everything is shiny and new and maintained by endless oil money
>No graffiti, no homeless people, no trash, no niggers, no crime
>Served in every waking moment by a virtual army of Filipino and Indian slaves who have no rights whatsoever
>Women are modest and must behave respectfully at all times
>You can be openly racist and anti-semitic and nobody cares
>Never any queues for anything, there's always more supply than demand

Only downside is as a white you have to put up with arrogant Arabs and their fat shit children. But most of the time they don't even leave the house.

>lived a few years in Dubai for work

Because Dubai is sort of like Arabian 'Disney World'. The emirate of Dubai has limited oil, so relies on tourism and 'business'. It's has a veneer of modern progress, but its confined to certain places. People don't realise that:
- it's not a democracy
- there is no rule of law
- the local people are Islamic fundamentalists (no not kidding)

If you go to Dubai and sit on a beach, being served by underpaid Philipinos, and leave after 5 days, it may seem like paradise. People coo how modern it is, etc. Some expats live in compounds, paid for and managed by their big employers, live and work with other expats and never really interact with the locals. These people also coo and fawn over how 'great' Dubai is.

When you really start seeing how flimsy it all is, then it becomes a nightmare. You expect justice from a Dubai court? Good luck with that. They never go against the locals, Muslims are preferred over non-Muslims You start wondering why on earth did you go to the Arabian peninsula?

Women getting raped, for Muslims, is a consequence of her being a slut. This is how they think. Modern feminists stay yelling at western men who by and large don't rape and victim-blame, but to Muslims who are clearly and unambiguously say 'if you are raped, its because you provoked it and aren't moral', the feminists are silent.

The modern SJW elite use Dubai as an example of 'modern Arabia', because they are allowed to purchase over-priced drinks, in an over-priced hotel, away from the locals. In the end, the locals are Muslims and see the tourism as a necessary evil to fund their lifestyles (Dubai provides generous welfare and help to locals). The SJW elite are wilfully blind to the illiberal nature of the country, and can't see that the locals hold them in contempt.

same reason ausfags go to Bali
booze and sex

i have an inkling that the woman wasn't there for vacation. escort business is thriving there.

Can confirm for you cunts

>>get raped by British men

Actual British men or """british"""?

Can we just call them paki scum or is that too specific.

Believe me if they were white men they would emphasise it at every opportunity

>A lot of women claim rape in western countries when they had sex and regret it
I could give the benefit of the doubt on this one to those sandniggers.

The SJWs and their ilk fantasize about vacations to Dubai since they are all materialistic turds. I'm not even kidding, everytime I see a "OMG where should I go for my vacation OMG!" post on normie book Dubai is always one of the options.

She wasn't raped. We had a similar thing happen with a Dutch woman a few months ago. She went over there to prostitute herself to rich sheikhs but got caught. She thought she could get out of it by claiming rape, but that just meant she had to marry the guy. Hilarious.


Sure they were



Pisslam is cancer but they do keep their women in line

kinda makes you wish the us was like that
think trump could make it happen?

>Returned to Birmingham
>Fucking Birmingham

Not British.